Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/524

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  Herbe nervis. (or more properly, Neris.) Rose-bay, Rose-tree, Oleander.
  Herbe de nostre Dame. as Orvale; so called in Languedoc.
  Herbe nouée. Centinodie, Knot-grasse, Birds-tongue, Swines grasse.
  Herbe de la nuict. An hearbe, or Arbor plant, whose flower, shut vp all day, opens onely anights.
  Herbe du papier. The Egyptian great rush Papyrus, whereof the first paper was made.
  Herbe de paralysie. The Cowslip, or Ox-slip, tearmed otherwise Palsie-wort, and pettie Mullein.
  Herbe aux pattes. Fole-foot, Colts-foot, Horse-foot, Hall-foot.
  Herbe aux perles. Perle-plant, Lich-wall, Grommill, Gremill.
  Herbe de S. Pierre. Sampire, Crestmarin.
  Herbe à piment. as Piment.
  Herbe aux pouilleux. Lice-bane, Staues-aker, Louse-*wort, Louse-powder.
  Herbe aux poulmons. Sage or Cowslip of Jerusalem, Sage of Bethlem, spotted Comfrey, Lungwort; also, the mosse called Lungwort, or Oister-greene.
  Herbe aux poulx. as Herbe aux pouilleux.
  Herbe poyvrée. Dittander, Dittanie, Pepperwort.
  Herbe du grand Prieur. Tobacco, or the hearbe Nicotian.
  Herbe puante. A fourth kind of small Flea-bane Coniza; of a strong smell, or stinking sauor.
  Herbe à pulces. Fleawort; also, Fleabane, or Fleabane Mullet; (The seedes of that are like, the smell of this is death, to fleas).
  Herbe à punaises. Fleabane, Coniza, Fleabane Mullet.
  Herbe Robert. Hearbe Robert; a kind of Storkes Bill.
  Herbe de S. Roch. Coniza, Fleabane.
  Herbe de la Roine mere. French Tobacco.
  Herbe saincte. Nicotian, Tobacco.
  Herbe Sardonique. Crowfoot of the fallow field, or Crowfoot of Illiria.
  Herbe Savonniere. Sopewort, Sopeweed, Struthie, Bruisewort, mocke Gillouer; also, wild Rose Campion, Crow-sope.
  Herbe sauvage. A weed, or Wilding.
  Herbe aux scorpions. Scorpion wort, Scorpion grasse, Caterpillers.
  Herbe aux serpens. Snakes Buglosse, Vipers Buglosse, Vipers hearbe, wild Buglosse the lesser.
  Herbe de S. Simeon. Simeons Mallow, Verueine Mallow, cut Mallow.
  Herbe solaire. The Marigold.
  Herbe au soleil. A verie great, round, flat, and faire yellow flower, which turnes with the Sunne, and euer lookes towards it; the stalke it groweth (single) on, dryed (though verie great, and betweene twelue and fifteene foot long) is verie light; being little other then so much pith wrapped vp in a solide, and woodie rinde, which makes it strong, and fit to serue for a Prop.
  Herbe du soleil. The Marigold; also, Heliotropium, Turnesole, Wartwort.
  Herbe du tac. Lungwort, wood Liuerwort; (a kind of Mosse.)
  Herbe aux taincturiers. Madder.
  Herbe terrestre. A third kind of Sideritis, or Iron-*wort; an hearbe thus called, because it growes close to the ground.
  Herbe aux tigneux. The butter Burre.

  Herbe tore. Broad-leaued Aconitum, Wolues bane, Wolfewort. Herbe de la Trinité. Hearb Trinitie, Paunsie, Harts-*ease, two faces vnder a hood; also, Harefoot, or Harefoot Trefoyle. Herbe qui tue les brebis. Moneywort, hearbe two-pennie, two-pennie grasse. Herbe de tunicis. Frothie or spatling Poppie, white Ben; also, the hearbe Sweet Williams. Herbe au Turc; &, Herbe du grand Turc. Rupturewort, Burstwort. Herbe veluë. as Herbe à cotton. Herbe du vent. The wind flower. Herbe vermineuse. Purple or Mothe Mullein. Herbe aux Viperes. Wild Buglosse the lesser, Snakes Buglosse, Vipers Buglosse, Vipers hearbe. Le bonnes herbes. as Herbettes. Arracher les bonnes herbes, & planter les mauvaises. To supplant vertue, and support vice; or, to plucke vp vertue to set vp vice. Couper l'herbe sous les pieds à. To supplant. Manger son bled en herbe. To turne his cattell into his corne; to spend (the value of) his reuenue before it come in. Mettre toutes les herbes de la S. Iean. To imploy all his skill on, or meanes in; (Diuers imagine, that the hearbes, which are to be kept for the whole yeares store, are better, gathered on Midsummer day, then on any other; and therefore be Markets extraordinarily furnished, on that day, with all sorts of new-gathered hearbes.) Reduict à l'herbe. Brought to extreame want, in great necessitie, full of pouertie. L'herbe qu'on cognoist on la doit lier à son doigt: Prov. Those, or that, which a man knowes best, he must vse most. En four chaud ne croist herbe: Prov. Grasse growes not in hot Ouens. Il faut que l'herbe soit bien courte quand on ne trouve que repaistre: Prov. Commons must needs be short where no meat's to be come by. Mauvaise herbe croist tousiours: Prov. An ill weed growes apace.

Herbé: m. ée: f. Fed with grasse; layed on the grasse; turned into grasse.

Herbeillé: m. ée: f. Fed on, or with, grasse.

Herbeiller. To feed on, or with, grasse.

Herbelette: f. A small hearbe; or small grasse.

Herber. To graze, or feed on grasse; to lay on the grasse; to turne into, or out to, grasse.

Herbergage: m. A lodging, or dwelling.

Herberge: f. A house, harbour, lodging.

Herbergé: m. ée: f. Inhabited, or dwelt on.

Herbergement: m. A lodging, tenement, or house lyen in; also, a lodging, harbouring, dwelling.

Herberger. To harbour, lodge, or dwell in a house.

Herbergerement: m. An harbour; house, tenement, lodging, dwelling.

Herbergerie: f. The same.

Herberie: f. Hearbes; increase, prouision, or store, of hearbes; also, a birds weason, or wind-pipe; a beasts gullet, or throat-hole.

Herbette: f. Small grasse; or, a small hearbe. Herbettes. Lettuce, Burrage, Purslane, Sorrell, and such like holesome hearbes; tearmed so by the vulgar.

Herbeux: m. euse: f. Grassie, hearbie; full of grasse, or of hearbes.