- foot, Cuckoe Pint.
Iarryc: m. The Oke tree: ¶Perigordin. Iars. A Gander; Looke Iar. Iarser. Looke Iarcer. Iarsure: f. A cleft, rift, slifter, chinke, chap, chawne; hence, the neb of a pen; also, a cleauing, riuing, chapping, chawning.
se Iarter. To garter himselfe; to tie his garters.
Iartier: m. A garter.
Iartier: m. ere: f. Of, belonging to, or seruing for, a garter; gartering. Veine iartiere. The garter veine, or hamme veine; the fourth branch of the thigh veine descending vnto the bought of the hamme, where it gets this name.
Iartiere: f. A garter.
Iasard: m. A prater, pratler, babler, tatler, chatterer, iangler, idle talker.
Iasarde: f. A prating gossip, a pratling housewife; a tittle tattle; a wench whose tongue neuer lies.
Iasement: m. as Iaserie. Iaser. To prate, prattle, babble, tattle, chatter, iangle, talk verie idly.
Iaseran: m. A flagon chaine; also, a bracelet, or necke-*lace of that chain fashion; also, a coat, or shirt of great, and close-wouen, maile; also, the hoope of a shackle.
Iasereau. as Iasard. Iaserie: f. A prating, pratling, babling, iangling; tittle tattle, garrulitie, idle chat.
Iaseur. as Iasard. Iasmin: m. Jasmin, Jessemine, Jelsomine, Jesse; (an arbor plant.) Vnguent Iasmin. An oyntment made (not of Ielsomine flowers, as many imagine, but) of white Violets.
Iaspe: m. A Iasper stone.
Iaspé: m. ée: f. Of Iasper; coloured like, or made to resemble, the Iasper stone.
Iasper. To paint (or by painting to make looke) like a Iasper; to counterfeit the Iasper stone.
Iate: f. A Bowle, a Mazer.
Iatte: f. The same; or, a measure about Tholose containing neere a Parisian pinte.
Iau: m. A Cocke; also, a Barbell; or as Dorée, a Dorce, fish.
Iavar: m. as Iavard. Iavard: m. A swelling in the hollow of the pasterne of a horse.
Iavarre: m. as Iavard. Iavelé: m. ée: f. Swathed, or made into sheaues.
Iaveler. To swathe, or gauel corn; to make it into sheaues, or gauells.
Iaveleur: m. A swather, or binder vp of corne into gavells.
Iavelier: m. A corne-pike, or pitchforke, wherewith sheaues of corne be loaden, and vnloaded.
Iaveliere: f. The same.
Iavelin: m. as Iaveline. Iavelin de barde. A barbed horsemans Iavelin.
Iaveline: f. A Iavelin; a weapon of a size betweene the Pike, and Partisan.
Iavelinier: m. One that beareth, vseth, or serueth with, a Iavelin.
Iavelle: f. A gauell, or sheafe of corne; also, a bauen, or bundle of drie stickes.
Iavelot: m. A Gleaue, Dart, or small Iavelin.
Iavelotier: m. A Darter; one that beares, vses, or throwes, a small Iavelin, or Dart.
Iauge: f. A Gage; the instrument wherewith caske is measured; also, an yron Leauer; also, the soyle of ground;
whence, Labourer à iauge. To plough deep, or as deep as there is any soyle.
Iaugé: m. ée: f. Gaged, or measured as caske, &c.
Iaugeage: m. The gaging, or measuring of caske, &c.
Iauger. To gage, or measure a peece of caske, &c.
Iaugeur: m. A gager, or measurer of caske, &c.
Iavioler. To gabble, prate, or prattle.
Iavioleur: m. A gabbler, prater, pratler.
Iaule: f. A cage; a prison; or, a place enuironed with an yron grate, or woodden lattice, for th'inclosing, or safe-keeping, of a thing.
Iaulge. Iaulger. &, Iaulgeur. as Iauge. Iauger. &, Iaugeur. Iaulnastre: com. Yellowish.
Iaulne: m. Yellow colour. Iaulne d'eau. The yellow water Lillie, or water Rose. Le jaulne d'vn oeuf. The yolke of an egge. Iaulne paille. Straw colour.
Iaulne: com. Yellow. Bec jaulne. Looke Bejaune. Terre jaulne. Gold.
Iaulnement. Yellowly; of a yellow hew.
Iaulnet d'eau. The yellow water Lillie, or water Rose.
Iaulnet: m. ette: f. Yellowish, a little yellow.
Iaulnette: f. Hardway, S. Peters wort, square S. Iohns grasse, great S. Iohns wort.
Iaulni: m. ie: f. Growne yellow.
Iaulnir. To make yellow. Herbe à jaulnir. Looke Herbe. Iaulnisse: f. The Iaundice; also, the Yellowes.
Iaulnissure: f. A yellownesse; also, a yellowing, or making yellow.
Iay: m. as Gay; A Iay; also, the Shrinke, or Wariangle (called so by some.)
Iayon: m. The Iay.
Iazer. Looke Iaser. Iazeran. as Iaseran; Flagon-chaine.
Iazerane. à la jaz. Of a flagon-chaine fashion.
Ibice: m. Th'Ibix; a swift, and long-horned-wild Goat, or beast like a Goat, liuing among the snowie tops of the Alpes, and other cold mountaines.
Iceluy: m. Icelle: f. He; she; the same man, or woman.
Ichneumon: m. The Indian, or (more properly) the Ægyptian Rat, Pharoes Mouse; a mortall enemie, as to the Crocodile, so to all Serpents, and therefore vsually tamed, and made housall, by the people of Ægypt.
Ichoreux: m. euse: f. Whayish, waterish.
Ichthyomantie: f. Diuination by fish: ¶Rab. Ichthyophagie: f. Fish-eating.
Ici. (Adverb.) Here; in this place. D'ici. Hence, from hence. D'ici pres. Hard by, neere at hand.
Icosaëdre. One of the fiue regular bodies in Geometrie; consists of twentie equiangle triangles.
Icosimité. See Lychnocosimité: ¶Rab. Ictere: m. The yellow Iaundice.
Icterique: com. Sicke of, or troubled with, the yellow Iaundice.
Ictide. Belette Ictide. Seeke Belette. Icy. as Ici. Ideal: m. ale: f. Ideall; imaginarie, conceiued in th'imagination; onely in fancie.
Identité: f. Identitie, likenesse, the being almost the very same.
Ides: f. The Ides of a Moneth; the eight day after the Nones.