Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/543

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  Iliaque passion. Th'Iliacke passion: a painfull wringing in th'vpper small guts obstructed, or full of wind, or troubled with sharpe humors. Artere, ou veines Iliaques. Looke Artere, ou Veine. Ilias: f. vne Ilias de maux. as Iliade. Ilicine. Looke Chelydre. Iliation: f. An illation, inference, conclusion; a reason, or allegation that inforceth.

Illec. (Adverb.) There, thither, that way, on that side; to, or in, that place. D'illec. thence; from that way, side, or place.

Illegalité: f. Illegalitie, lawlesnesse, disorder, vnrulinesse.

Illegitime: com. Illegitimate; vnlawfully, or base, born.

Illegitimement. Illegitimately.

Illeteré: m. ée: f. Illiterate, vnlearned, ignorant.

Illicite: com. Illicitous, vnlawfull.

Illicitement. Illicitously, vnlawfully.

Illimité: m. ée: f. Boundlesse, vnlimited.

Illiné: m. ée: f. Softly annointed, gently rubbed on.

Illiner. To annoint softly, gently to rub on.

Illiquide: com. Obscure, doubtfull; or, which is not euident or cleere.

Illudé: m. eé: f. Deluded, illuded, mocked, flowted, scorned.

Illuder. To illude, delude, mocke, flowt, scorne.

Illuminateur: m. An illuminator, inlightner; illustrator.

Illumination: f. An illumination, inlightning, illustration; an opening of the eyes.

Illuminé: m. ée: f. Illumined, illustrated, inlightened, brightened; cleared, beautified.

Illuminer. To illuminate, brighten, inlighten, giue light vnto; to beautifie, cleere, illustrate.

Illusion: f. An illusion; fantasie, false vision; a mockerie, or gullerie; an imposture, or tricke of forgerie, put vpon dull, or dazeled eyes.

Illusoire: com. Illusorie, illuding; also, vaine, idle, to no purpose at all.

Illustrateur: m. An illustrator; a brightner, cleerer; beautifier; dignifier.

Illustration: f. An illustration; explanation, euidence; a brightning, or beautifying.

Illustre: com. Illustrious, excellent, famous, renowmed, honourable, most worthie; also, cleere, bright, lightsome, shining.

Illustré: m. ée: f. Illustrated; explained, made euident, cleered, brightened; also, dignified, honoured.

Illustrer. To illustrate; explaine, cleere, brighten, make euident; also, to dignifie, make famous, bring honor vnto.

Illuvion. as Alluvion; Also, filthinesse, nastinesse, vncleannesse.

Ilz: m. The Yew tree: ¶Norm. Image: f. An image, figure, counterfeit, resemblance, representation of; also, a Iewell, or Brooch to weare in the hat.

Imagé: m. ée: f. as Imager: m. ere: f. Imager: m. as Imagier. Imager: m. ere: f. Of, or belonging to, images; adorned, or furnished with, images.

Imagette: f. A little Image.

Imagier: m. An Image-maker, a caruer of Images.

Imaginaire: com. Imaginarie, fained, onely in conceit, in name onely, done for a fashion, all in shew.

Imaginatif: m. iue: f. Imaginatiue, inuentiue; also, conceited, full of new deuises.

Imagination: f. Imagination, fancie, conceit, thought; a surmise, or surmising.

Imaginative: f. as Imagination.

Imaginé: m. ée: f. Imagined, thought, conceited, surmised.

Imaginer. To imagine, thinke, deuise, conceiue, surmise.

Imbecille: com. Weake, feeble, strengthlesse, faint, forcelesse.

Imbecillement. Weakly, feebly, faintly, forcelesly.

Imberbe: com. Beardlesse, without a beard.

Imbibé: m. ée: f. Imbued; moistened, bedewed; soaked, or drunke in.

Imblessable: com. Vnhurtable, vnwoundable.

Imbriago: m. A (most venomous) kind of the Sea-hare; also, the beardlesse Sea-barbell, or Sore Mullet.

Imbrocation. as Embrocation. Imbu: m. uë: f. Imbrued, died, distained; indued, taught, instructed; full of.

Imbuvable: com. Vndrinkable, vnfit to be drunke of.

Imitable: com. Imitable, followable.

Imitateur: m. An imitator; counterfeiter, follower of.

Imitatif: m. iue: f. Imitatiue, imitating, done by imitation.

Imitation: f. Imitation, counterfeiting, following.

Imitatrice: f. An imitatrix.

Imité: m. ée: f. Imitated, counterfeited, followed.

Imiter. To imitate, counterfeit, follow th'example of.

Immaculé: m. ée: f. Immaculate, vnspotted, without blemish, cleane, pure, neat.

Immangeable: com. Vneatable, vnfit to be fed on.

Immanité: f. Immanitie; inhumanitie, crueltie, felnesse; outragiousnesse; hugenesse, excessiue greatnesse.

Immarcessible: com. Incorruptible, vnuadeable, vnwitherable.

Immariable: com. Vnmarriable, past marriage.

Immateriel: m. elle: f. Immateriall; without matter, stuffe, or substance; impalpable, vntouchable.

Immatriculé: m. ée: f. Matriculated; inrolled, registred, or entred into.

Immatriculer. To matriculate; to inroll, register, enter into.

Immediat: m. ate: f. Immediate, next vnto; presently succeeding, soone following.

Immediatement. Immediately; without interposition, or mesne; also, presently, without pausing, as fast as may be, by and by.

Immedicable: com. Immedicable, vncurable; not to be healed, or helped.

Immemorial: m. ale: f. Without the compasse, reach, or scope of memorie. Possession immemoriale. Possession held by prescription, or time out of mind.

Immense: com. Immense, infinite, huge, excessiue, vnmeasurable, proportion-exceeding, passing great.

Immensité: f. Immensitie; vnmeasurablenesse, hugenesse, infinitenesse, boundleße largenesse, passing greatnesse.

Immeuble: m. An immouable, or thing vnmouable; as land, rent, &c.

Immeuble: com. Immouable, vnmouable.

Immiscé: m. Intermedled with, dealt farre in.

s'Immiscer. To intermeddle with, to deale farre in.

Immisericorde: f. Vnmercifulnesse, want of mercie, inhumanitie, crueltie.

Immisericordieusement. Vnmercifully.

Immisericordieux: m. euse: f. Vnmercifull.

Immixte: com. Simple, vnmixt, without mixture.

Immobiliaire: com. Vnmouable, immouable.

Immobile: com. Immouable, firme, setled, assured, steadfast, not to be stirred.

Immobilement. Immouably, firmly, steadfastly, assuredly.