things put, or gathered, together; signified, shewed, alledged, giuen to vnderstand.
Inferer. To inferre, imply, conclude vpon things put, or gathered, together; to signifie, shew, alledge, giue to vnderstand.
Inferieur: m. re: f. Jnferior; lower, nether; vnderling; more base, of smaller value, of leße meanes.
Infertile: com. Infertill, vnfruitfull.
Infertilité: f. Infertilitie, vnfruitfullneße.
Infestation: f. Jnfestation, molestation, annoyance, noysomnesse; also, a rauaging, wasting, spoyling.
Infesté: m. ée: f. Jnfested, annoyed, molested; rauaged.
Infester. To infest, annoy, molest; rauage, wast, or vex with frequent, and violent incursions.
Infeudation: f. An infeoffing.
Infeudé: m. ée: f. as Infeodé. Infeuder. To infeoffe; to passe, or graunt in fee; also, to put, or admit, into the possession of an Inheritance.
Infiable: com. Trustlesse, vntrustie, faithlesse.
Infibulation: f. A buttoning, buckling, or clasping together; also, the ringing of the priuie parts.
Inficiation: f. An inficiation, disaffirmation, denyall.
Infidele: com. Jnfidell; faithleße, vnfaithfull, false, disloyall, trecherous.
Infidelité: f. Jnfidelitie, faithlesnesse, vnfaithfullnesse, disloyaltie, trecherie.
Infiguré: m. ée: f. Infigured, figured; marked, or noted, with a figure.
Infini: m. ie: f. Infinite, endleße; innumerable; vnmeasurable.
Infiniement. Infinitely, endleßly.
Infinité: f. Infinitenesse, endlesneße; innumerablenesse, vnmeasurablenesse.
Infinitude: f. as Infinité. Infirmatif: m. iue: f. Jnfirmatiue; weakening, infeebling; disannulling, disallowing.
Infirmer. To weaken, infeeble; dissolue; confute; disannull, disallow.
Infirmité: f. Jnfirmitie, weakenesse, feeblenesse; crazinesse; also, maladie, sicknesse.
Inflammable: com. Jnflamable, burneable.
Inflammation: f. An inflamation, firing, burning; a blistering heat; a kindling, an incensing.
Inflation: f. An inflation; a windie swelling, or puffing vp.
Infleschissable: com. as Inflexible. Inflexible: com. Inflexible, vnbowable, vntractable, vnrelentable, hard-hearted.
Inflictif: m. iue: f. Jnflictiue, inflicting; or, of propertie to inflict.
Influence: f. A flowing in; (and particularly) an influence, or influent course, of the Planets; their vertue infused into, or their course working on, inferior creatures.
Influer. To flow, runne, enter, or sinke, into.
Infoliature. Boscage, or leafe-worke, in caruing &c.
Infondre. To infuse; to fill in; to put, or powre, into; also, to steepe.
Inforçable: com. Vnforcible, vnexpugnable, impregnable.
Informateur: m. An Jnformer, Promooter; searcher, inquirer, inquisitor.
Information: f. An information; instruction; search, quest, inquisition, enquest; examination.
Informé: m. ée: f. Informed; instructed in; examined, searched, or inquired after; also, informed against; also, vnformed, vnmade, vnfashioned.
Informe: com. Informe, shapelesse, ill-fauoured, fashionlesse; ouglie, rude.
Informer. To informe, instruct, giue notice of; also, as; S'Informer. To search, inquire, examine, get information of, make inquisition after.
Infortiat: m. One of the three Volumes of the Pandects. Infortune: f. Misfortune, misaduenture, mishap, mischance, calamitie; a disaster.
Infortuné: m. ée: f. Vnfortunate, vnhappie, vnluckie, succeßlesse, disastrous.
Infortunément. Vnfortunately, vnhappily, vnluckily, succeßlesly, disasterously.
Infracteur: m. An infringer, violater, breaker of.
Infraction: f. as Infracture. Infracture: f. An infracture, infringement, violation, breach.
Infrangible: com. Infrangible, vnbreakable; inuincible.
Infrasqué: m. ée: f. Intricated, pestered, intangled.
Infrasquer. To intricate, pester, intangle; also, to feed with vaine hopes, to fet in or fetch ouer.
Infrequence: f. Vnfrequencie, solitarinesse, a small assemblie.
Infrequent. Vnfrequent, seldome haunting, little resorting to, much absent from; also, vnfrequented.
Infructueusement. Fruitlesly, vnfruitfully.
Infructueux: m. euse: f. Fruitlesse, vnfruitfull, barren, sterill, vnprofitable.
Infus: m. use: f. Jnfused, filled in, powred into, or vpon; also, steeped.
Infuser. To infuse, fill in, powre vpon; also, to steepe.
Infusion: f. An infusion; powring, or filling in; and (in Phisicke) a conueyance of some liquid medicine into the bodie by Clister, or other instrument; also, a steeping of drugs, &c, in a conuenient liquor; also, the liquor wherein they haue beene so steeped.
Ingambé: m. ée: f. Light-legd, nimble-heeled, fast-running, swift of foot.
Ingargouillat: m. The crosse point (in dauncing.)
Ingenier. To bend his wits vnto, or beat his braines about, the deuising of a thing.
Ingenieur: m. An Enginer, Engine-maker; Fortifier.
Ingenieusement. Jngeniously, wittily, with good inuention.
Ingenieux: m. as Ingenieur. Ingenieux: m. euse: f. Ingenious, wittie, inuentiue, sharpe-witted, nimble-headed.
Ingeniosité: f. Ingeniositie, ingeniousnesse, quicknesse of inuention, dexteritie of wit.
Ingenuë: com. Ingenuous, open-hearted, free, liberall, nobly affected.
Ingenuement. Ingenuously; frankly, freely, liberally, with an open heart, and hand.
Ingenuité: f. Ingenuitie, ingenuousnesse; noblenesse, franknesse, gallantnesse of humor; an open, honest, franke, or liberall disposition.
Ingeré: m. ée: f. Thrust in, put on; vndertaken, or taken vpon; intruded, insinuated; put forth.
s'Ingerer. To thrust in, put on, offer or put forth, himselfe (vndesired) to intrude, insinuate himselfe into, take vpon him, a matter.
Inglorieux: m. euse: f. Inglorious; base, obscure, vnknowne, of no reputation, glorie, renowme.
Ingrat: m. ate: f. Vngratefull, thanklesse, vnthankfull, vnmindfull of benefits receiued.
Ingratitude: f. Ingratitude, vngratefulnesse, vnthankfulnesse.
Ingravé: m. ée: f. Ingrauen, intayled.