Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/563

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wholly lost, fully gone.

Irrefragable: com. Irrefragable, vnbreakable, inuiolable, vnreuocable.

Irregularité: f. Irregularitie, vnrulinesse, disorder, outlashing.

Irregulier: m. ere: f. Irregular, vnrulie, without rule, disorderlie, dissolute, lawlesse.

Irregulierement. Irregularly, vnorderly, lawlesly, without rule.

Irreligieuseté: f. Irreligion, want of religion; Atheisme, vngodlinesse.

Irreligieux: m. euse: f. Irreligious, without religion.

Irremarquable: com. Vnremarkable, not to be marked, no way to be noted.

Irremeable: com. Vnreturnable, or, from which one cannot goe backe.

Irremediable: com. Remedilesse, redreslesse, recurelesse, irrecuperable, vnrecouerable.

Irremediablement. Remedilesly, vnremediably.

Irremissible: com. Vnremittable, irremissible, vnpardonable.

Irremissiblement. Vnremittably, irremissibly.

Irremittent. Vnintermissiue, continuall, without any pausing.

Irreparable: com. Irreparable, vnrepairable, vnrestorable, vnrecouerable.

Irreparablement. Irreparably, vnrestorably, vnrecouerably.

Irrepassable: com. Vnrepassable, ouer which no returne can be made.

Irreprehensible: com. Irreprehensible, blamelesse, vnreprouable.

Irreprehensiblement. Irreprehensibly, blamelesly, vnreprouably.

Irreprochable: com. Vnreproachable; not subiect vnto imputation; pure, sincere.

Irreprovable: com. Vnreprouable, faultlesse, vnblamable.

Irrequiet. Restlesse, vnquiet, actiue, busie, turbulent, euer stirring.

Irrespectueux: m. euse: f. Vnrespectiue, inofficious, rude.

Irreveillable: com. Vnwakable, in a dead sleepe.

Irreveland. Vnreuealable, not to be reuealed.

Irreveremment. Vnreuerently, rudely.

Irreverence: f. Irreuerence, want of reuerence, vnmanerlinesse, vnrespectfulnesse.

Irreverent. Vnreuerent, vnrespectfull, vnmanerlie, rude, proud.

Irrevocable: com. Irreuocable, vnrecallable.

Irrevocablement. Irreuocably, vnrecallably.

Irrision: f. Irrision, mocking, flowting, scoffing at; a deriding, or laughing to scorne.

Irritation: f. An irritation, or stirring vp; an incensing, vrging, or mouing vnto anger; a prouocation; an appetite.

Irrité: m. ée: f. Stirred, incensed, vrged, nettled, prouoked, angred.

Irriter. To irrite, stirre, vrge, nettle, incense, prouoke, moue vnto anger, put into choler. Irriter les freslons. To prouoke an angrie person.

Irrogé: m. ée: f. Imposed, inioyned; laied, or set vpon.

Irruption: f. An irruption; a forcible entrie; a violent bursting, or breaking into.

Isars: m. The wild Goats of whose skinnes our Shamois leather is made: ¶Langued.

Ischie: f. The Sciatica, or Hip-gowt: ¶Rab.

Ischine: f. The backe-bone.

Ischion: m. The huckle-bone, or hip-bone.

Isciatique: com. Troubled with the Sciatica; pained in the hips.

Islaye: f. A willow, or withie groue; a hoult, or plot wherein Oziers, or twig-withies grow; also, a great bundle, multitude, or quantitie of Ozier twigs.

Isle: f. An Isle, or Island; also, a house that stands by it selfe in the middle of a street. Os des Isles. Looke Os. Islette: f. A little Island.

Isleux: m. euse: f. Islandie; full of, or belonging to, Islands.

Islois: m. An Islander; one that dwells in an Isle.

Isnel: m. elle: f. Quicke, light, fleet, swift, nimble, actiue, liuelie, speedie, readie.

Isnellement. Fleetly, swiftly, lightly, quickly, nimbly, actiuely, liuelily, readily.

Isope: f. (The hearbe) Isop, or Hisop.

Isopleure. A triangle, or other figure, whereof all the sides be equall.

Issant. l'issant d'vn tombereau. as Timon. Issant. Going, flowing, or issuing, forth.

Issir. To issue; to goe, or depart out; to flow forth.

Issu: m. uë: f. Issued; flowen, sprung, proceeded from; come; risen, bred, or borne, of.

Issuë: f. The issue, end, successe, euent, or proofe of matters; also, the toll, or custome paied for marchandise exported. Les issuës d'vne beste. The head, and intralls of a beast. Droi d'issuë. The same; also, the fine thats due vnto a landlord vpon the sale, or alienation of his tenants estate; or as in; Ventes & issuës. Issues; or, iij s. iiij d. vpon euerie pound thats taken for land sold by a tenant.

Istau. as Tel; Such a one: ¶Poictevin. Iste-miste. Parler en iste-miste. To speake nicely, sprucely, quaintly, sinically; to simper, or affect it, in speech.

Isthme: m. An Istmus; a necke, or narrow peece of land between two Seas; also, the bridge, or middle part of the nose.

Istiomené. as Estiomené: ¶Rab. Italianizer. To Italianize it; to speake Italian, play the Italian, doe like an Italian.

Italienniser. The same.

Item. vn item. A parcell; a small peece, or summe.

Iteratif: m. iue: f. Iteratiue, repeating, redoubling, reinforcing.

Iteration: f. An iteration, repetition, renewment, reinforcement, redoubling, eftsoones-doing.

Iterato. C'est vne seconde Commission, ou decret de la cour de Parlement, par lequel il est mandé de mettre à execution ce qui avoit esté ordonné, nonobstant le susan; ou pour passer outre à l'execution d'vn executoire de despens, nonobstant opposition, ou appellation, pour avoir esté taxez en la presence de la partie condamnée: Comme aussi en finance l'on vse de lettres d'Iterato, & nouveau mandement: ¶Ragueau.

Iterer. To iterate, reiterate, repeat, redouble, doe eftsoons or againe.

Ithiobole: m. A swallower of bits, or morsels: ¶Rab.

Ithyphalle: m. A standing vp: ¶Rab.

Itineraire: m. An Itinerarie, or directorie for the way; a Booke, or paper wherein the length, and course of high-wayes be delineated.