Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/580

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Leurré: m. ée: f. Lured; manned, or made vnto the lure; also, allured; also, better trayned then he was, or taught more wit then he formerly had; whence; Il n'a pas encores esté leurré. (Said of a große, rude, ignorant, and vnexperienced fellow.)

Leurrer. To lure; to manne, or make vnto the lure; also, as Desniaiser; also, to allure, inueagle, intice.

Lexive: f. Lye (wherewith linnen is cleansed;) also, a bucke of (linnen) clothes.

Lexiveux: m. euse: f. Full of lye; or, as Lexivier. Lexivier: m. ere: f. Of, or belonging to, lye; fit for lye Lexivieux: m. euse: f. as Lexiveux. Leyau: m. A wound of the breadth, and depth of an ynch. ¶Gasc. Leyde: f. A certaine tax, or imposition vpon Wine, and other commodities.

Leyette. as Layette. Lez: m. An edge, brimme, or side; also, the list of cloth, &c; also, the breadth of any stuffe; also, a measure (especially for fish) not much different from our Last; whence; Le lez d'harenc. Containes about twelue Barrells. Le lez d'harenc sor. Containes tenne thousand red Herrings. Le lez de maquereau, ou moruë. as Le lez d'harenc. Le lez d'un navire. The ballasse; also (lesse properly) the fraight, or burthen, of a ship. Le lez de Saumon. A measure of Salmon containing two Hambours. Lez Nigh; towards, hard by, neere to.

Lezard: m. A Lizard; Newte, Aske; also, a kind of small Dag. Lezard Chalcidique. A spotted Lizard which is very venomous, and yet, taken in drinke, healeth the hurt he did. Lezard de mer. A kind of Mackerell. Lezard verd. The great, and harmelesse greene Lizard called in Jtalie (where he is most found, and best knowne) Ramarro; See Lisarde. Bec de Lezard. A Lizards beake; an Jnstrument, or paire of tongs, wherewith Surgeons draw bullets, or bone-splents out of the bodie. Sel de Lezard. Looke Sel. Lezard: m. arde: f. Of, or belonging to, a Lizard. Plume Lezarde. A biting, slanderous, or defamatorie penne.

Liace. as Liasse. Liage: m. A binding, tying; fastening, knitting, vniting; haltering, fettering; souldering; combining together. Droict de liage. Hoopage; or, a fee due to some Lords for the hooping of euery wine-vessell their vaßals haue.

Liairre. as Lierre. Liais: m. A verie hard free stone whereof staire-steps, and tombe-stones be commonly made.

Liaison: f. A band; connexion, colligation; knot, obligation; fastening, tying, or closing hard together; also, a locking, or binding in wrastling.

Liants: m. The bands of lead that fasten the panes of a window to the barres.

Liard: m. A brazen coyne worth three deniers, or the fourth part of a sol. Liarder. To beg, or get poorely, slowly, or by the pennie.

Liarre. Iuie; See Lierre. Liasse: f. A bundle, or bandfull of. Liasse d'oignons. A rope of Onions.

Libament: m. A sacrifice; a thing offered, or tasted of in the offering.

Libanomantie: f. Diuination by incense, or frankincense.

Libanot, ou Libanotis. Hearbe Frankincense, Rosemarie Frankincense, Libanotis Rosemarie, Hart-root.

Libation: f. A sacrifice, or thing offered; a tasting in sacrifice.

Libellance. Le Clerc, & libell. du Baillage; C'est, le greffier.

Libelle: f. A Libell, or defamatorie booke, &c; also, a Writ, Citation, or Processe, containing the substance of the suit; or (more properly) the originall declaration vpon any Action; also, a Bill, Certificate; Request, or Supplication, in writing.

Libellé: m. ée: f. Declared vpon. Adjournement libellé. Qui contient la demande du Demandeur, & les moyens d'icelle, afin que le defendant sçache s'il doit plaider, ou ceder; & s'il delibere plaider qu'il vienne instruict, au iour de l'assignation, pour defendre. Commission libellée. C'est, narrative. Exploict libellé. Qui contient le faict de l'exploict; ou les moyens de la demande, & conclusion du demandeur. Mandement libellé de l'espargne; par lequel est declaré le nom de celuy auquel le Receveur general doit payer la somme, pour la bailler, & delivrer à vn tel, en l'acquit du Roy, à telle chose, pour tel employ, à tel effect. ¶Ragueau. Libeller. To declare vpon an Action of Trespas, Debt, Couenant, &c; as vnder Libellé. Liberal: m. ale: f. Liberall, bountifull, franke, open-handed, free-hearted; beneficiall, gracious, helping, propitious, good vnto.

Liberalement. Liberally, frankly, freely, bountifully; beneficially, with an open hand, in full measure, in abundant manner.

Liberalité: f. Liberalitie, bountie, franknesse, largesse, beneficence; abundant and free giuing.

Liberation: f. A freeing, discharging, releasse, remitment of.

Liberté: f. Libertie, freedome; full scope, good leaue, ample or free choice; an vncontroulable condition; also, openneße, plainneße, boldnesse in speech or action.

Libertinage: m. Libertinage, Epicurisme, sensualitie, licentiousnesse, dißolutenesse.

Libidineux: m. euse: f Libidinous, lasciuious, luxurious, lustfull, incontinent, lecherous.

Libidinosité: f. Lustfullnesse, luxurie, lasciuiousneße, lecherousnesse, incontinencie, fleshlinesse.

Libraire: m. A Booke-seller, a Stationer.

Librairie: f. A Librarie; a studie, or shop, full of bookes.

Libre: com. Free, frank, at libertie, quit; open; vnbound, vnbounded, vnlimited, vnrestrained; exempted from, not subiect vnto; bold; vncontroulable.

Librement. Freely, frankly, vnboundedly; at pleasure, with full libertie, without controule; willingly, without constraint; boldly, without feare.

Libure: f. A little Jsle (cut out of the land) whereon Bay salt is gathered after euerie tyde.

Liburnique: f. A verie light, and swift ship, or foist, vsed by the auncient Pyrats.

Licaleil: m. A Lampe; ¶Limosin. ¶Rab.

Licanthrope: com. Troubled with the frenzie, or melancholie tearmed Lycanthropie.

Lice: f. A Lists, or Tilt-yard; also, a bitch; also, a whore (See Lyce;) also, the woofe, or thread of the shittle, in weauing; also, a certaine round peece of wood in the fore-castle of a ship.