Maschecoulis: m. The stones at the foot of a Parapet (especially ouer a gate) resembling a grate, through which offensiue things are throwne vpon Pioners, and other assailants; whence; Elle a les dents à maschecoulis le haut defendant le bas. She hath a thin row of teeth, whose rottennesse, and stench driue men from her trench.
Masche crouste: m. A gnaw-crust, hungrie companion, snatch-crust.
Maschefer. as Machefer. Maschefouyn: m. A chuffe, boore, lobcocke, lozell; one thats fitter to feed with cattell, then to conuerse with men.
Maschefrain: m. A bridle-champer; a Lawyer (from his Mule, which attending while her master is in Court, hath leasure ynough to champe on the bridle.)
Maschelier: m. ere: f. Belonging to a Jaw, or chap. Les dents maschelieres. The cheeke-teeth, Jaw-teeth, grinders.
Maschement: m. A chawing, chewing; champing; an eating, a gnawing with the teeth.
Mascher. To chaw, or chew; to champe; to eat, grind, or worke with the teeth. Mascher en belin. To mumble like an old toothlesse beldame. Avaller gros, & mascher dru. To leap ouer a block, and stumble at a straw.
Mascherivet. as Macherivet. Mascheur: m. A chawer, chewer; champer; eater.
Mascheur. Chawing, chewing; champing; eating; whence; Muscle mascheur. as Masseter. Mascheure. as Macheure. Maschiller. To nibble, or chaw prettily.
Maschoire: f. A Chap, or Jaw.
Maschurer. as Machurer. Masclon: m. The Cholicke of the stomache.
Masculeyté: f. Manhood, or the male kind.
Masculin: m. ine: f. Masculine, of the Masculine gender; male, manlie, virile.
Masle: m. A male, or he creature. Masles. The pintles of a sterne; the yron pinnes that enter into the rings, or gudgeons thereof.
Masle. Adject. Male, masculine, virile.
Masle-femelle: com. An Hermaphrodite, or one that is both man and woman.
Maspeton: m. Laserwort, Madigare (an hearb.)
Masquarade. as Mascarade. Masquarizé: m. ée: f. Masked, in a maske, hauing a maske, or visor on.
Masque: m. A maske; a visor. Masque de Caresme entrant. The picture of Shroue-tewsday; a guts, gulch, gorbellie, fat chuffe, or chops. Lever le masque à. To vnmaske; to publish, or lay open a thing which was closely couered, or carried.
Masqué: m. ée: f. Masked, disguised, wearing a visor.
Masquerade: f. A Maske, or Mummerie.
Masquerie. as Masquerade. Masqueure: f. A masking, mumming, disguising.
Masquin. de masquin. in stead of Damasquin: ¶Rab. Masquine: f. The representation of a Lyons head, &c, vpon the elbow, or knee of some old-fashioned garmēts.
Massacre: m. A massacre, a generall slaughter, or murther.
Massacre d'vn cerf. The fall, death, or dismembring of a Stag; also, his head, or hornes violently pulled off when he is dead.
Massacré: m. ée: f. Massacred, slaughtered, murthered.
Massacrer. To massacre, slaughter, murther.
Massacreur: m. A massacrer, slaughterer, murtherer.
Masse: f. A maße, lumpe; heape, loafe; round peece of any thing; an ingot, or wedge of mettall; also, a club. Masse d'armes. A Battle-axe. Masse de chair. The muscle which possesseth, & filleth vp all the hollow bought of the sole of the foot; (called so by moderne Anatomists.) Masse d'eau. as L'herbe à masses. L'herbe à masses. Water-toarch, Cats-taile, March-*beetle, March-pestill, Reed-mace, Dowch-downe. Sergent à masse. Looke Sergent. Masserotte: f. A Wood-cleauers beetle; also, the head, or but-end of a club, or beetle.
Masseter. One of the muscles whereby the nether Jaw is drawne vpwards.
Massicor: m. A yellow colour made of lead; or, as; [F1 note: this entry leads into the next entry but the second entry is not indented in the scan. Magda] Massicot: m. Oaker made of Ceruse, or white lead. [F1 note - see above entry] Massier: m. A Mace-bearer, a Sergeant of the Mace.
Massif: m. iue: f. Massiue, solide, sound, firme, close, hard, strong, vnbroken, not hollow, well knit, hard-packt, together.
Massir. To make massiue, solide, hard, sound; to compact; to beat close, ramme hard in.
Massitere: m. A kneader of bread, or of past: ¶Rab. Massiveté: f. Massiuenesse, soliditie, soundnesse.
Masson: m. A Mason; also, a kind of Mullet-fish. Pet de masson. A fart in syrop; the fart that brings durt after it. À propos truelle, bon iour masson. Looke Propos. Il n'est pas masson qui pierres refuse: Prov. The cunning Mason workes with any stone.
Massonné: m. ée: f. Built of stone; hewed, squared, wrought, or layed, as a stone by a Mason; also, (in Blazon) purfled.
Massonner. To build of stone; to make, or frame stone-buildings; to hew, square, fashion, lay stones; to worke Masons worke.
Massonnerie: f. Masonrie, Masons worke, the Masons trade; stone-worke, or building; the hewing, squaring, fitting, fashioning, laying, or iust placing, of stones in building.
Massonnier: m. ere: f. Of, belonging to, seruing for, a Mason, or Masons worke.
Massoret: m. A Spirit, Ghost, Hobgoblin. Massorets. Such Jewes as corrected the false-written words of Scripture, not blotting them out (for of that they made a scruple) but noting them with a little O, and setting downe their corrections in the margent.
Massuë: f. A club; also, the name of a great sweet apple.
Mast: m. The mast of a ship.
Master vn navire. To furnish a ship with masts.
Masterel: m. A small mast; or any mast but the maine one.
Mastic: m. Masticke; (a sweet Gumme.)
Mastic Achantique. A Gumme which growes on the top of the Calthorp, or Starre-thistle.