Mettre. To put, set, lay; place, pitch, plant, situate, ground; thrust into; also, to bring, reduce, or send.
Se mettre à. To addreße, addict, or deuote himselfe; to fall vnto, or goe in hand with.
Mettre aux ambles. To bring a man into a faire traine or forwardnesse, of speaking or doing a thing, before he know how he was drawne vnto it.
Mettre en avant. To produce, publish, diuulge, broach, or bring vp; to mention, alledge, exhibit, preferre, propound.
Mettre quelqu'un en avant. To forward, aduance, promote.
Mettre en barbe à. To oppose against, or confront with.
Mettre bas; whence, La lice a mis bas. The bitch hath whelped.
Mettre au bas. To depose, debase, deiect.
Mettre à la besace. To beggar, impouerish, ruine, vndoe.
Mettre à blanc. To strip, ransacke; rifle, or depriue of all he hath; to turne into his shirt.
Mettre haut le blanc à la butte. To rate exceeding highly.
Mettre la bride sur le col à. Seeke Bride.
Mettre sur le bureau. To fall in talke of, to bring vpon the stage; also, to bring (a suit) vnto a publike hearing.
Mettre la campane au chat. To set at odds, or variance, to cause a difference, breed a quarrell betweene.
Mettre aux champs. Looke Champ.
Se mettre aux champs. To braue it, or put the better leg before; also, to roaue, roame, or fly out.
Mettre au chandelier. To vse; intertaine, accept of.
Mettre les clefs sur la fosse. See Clef.
Mettre au contraire. To oppose, or obiect against.
Mettre corps, & cœur. To labour tooth and nayle.
Mettre de cul. To ouerturne, ouerthrow; confound; ouercome, vndoe.
Mettre sur les dents. To bring vpon his knees; or, as in Dent.
Mettre par dessus. To cast, or heape vpon; to couer with; to lay ouer.
Mettre au devant. To oppose, or obiect against; also, as Mettre en avant.
Mettre en deux. (Of a Cloth, Couerlet, &c) to double
Mettre le doigt entre le bois & l'escorce. To be medling in, or verie busie with, matters which belong vnto neere friends; also, to set them at odds.
Mettre de l'eau dedans le vin à. To temper, coole, tame, or take a hole lower. Il mit de l'eau dedans leur vin. He gaue them water to coole their pottage with.
Mettre par escrit. To couch, digest, set downe in, commit vnto, writing; to record.
Mettre tout par escuelles. To make all split;
Mettre à l'essor. To weather; soake, draine; Looke Essor.
Mettre estat en la cause. To stop, or stay the proceedings of the cause.
Se mettre apres son esteuf. Looke Esteuf.
Mettre la faucille en la moisson d'autruy. To thrust his fingers into the dish, his oare into the boat, that belongs vnto another.
Mettre à la flac. To squat, slat, squash, clap, or posse downe; to giue a violent, or terrible fall vnto; hence, vtterly to ruine, or vndoe on a suddaine; also, to emptie a purse; (of the flapping sound of an emptie purse.)
Mettre à fonds. To sinke a Ship, &c.
Mettre en ieu. To produce, exhibit, shew forth;
also, to stake at play.
Mettre au large. To display, spread open, extend, inlarge.
Mettre sa legitime au vent. Seeke Legitime.
Mettre à la litiere. To turne vnto base vses, or tread vnder foot.
Mettre la main au baston, ou à la verge. To part from, or dispossesse himselfe of, an Jnheritance, by deliuering, in his Landlords presence, a rod, or little sticke to the partie to whom he passes it.
Mettre la main sur le collet de. To arrest, or seize on, to take prisoner.
Mettre la main iusques au coude. Looke Main.
Mettre la main à l'heritage. To fall downe vpon the hands.
Mettre la main à la paste. To yeeld a helping hand vnto.
Mettre la main à la verge. Looke Verge.
Mettre ad metam non loqui. To driue to a nonplus, to put vnto silence.
Mettre à neant. To raze, abrogate, antiquate, auoid, make void.
Mettre au net. To clense, polish, trimme, smooth, make neat; also, to cleere, expound, explane; also, to write a thing faire.
Se mettre à l'ombre des bouchons. To get him into a Tauerne, to take sanctuarie in a Tap-house.
Mettre in pace. To burie; (a Frierlie phrase.)
Mettre la paille au devant de. To hinder, stop, interrupt, lay a blocke in the way of.
Mettre vn pain au four à. To doe a pleasure (and sometimes, a displeasure) vnto.
Mettre en panne. Looke Panne.
Mettre peine. To labour, indeauour, trauell, toyle, bestow much care, or great paines vpon.
Mettre à plein pied; &, sur le plein pied. Looke Pied.
Mettre sous pieds. To forgiue, and forget.
Mettre toutes pierres en œuvre. To make vse of any thing; to vse all the meanes, or imploy all the friends, he can make.
Mettre à la pile. Seeke Pile.
Mettre sa plume au vent. To grow desperate, carelesse, retchlesse.
Mettre à point. To garnish, decke, tricke vp, set out; to dreße, make readie, furnish with all the implements belonging to it.
Mettre au pouls failli. Seeke Pouls.
Mettre à raison. To reduce into, or compell vnto, order; Looke Raison.
Mettre sur les rangs. To propound, mention, set on foot, fall in talke, begin a discourse of; also, to flowt, mocke, deride, or ieast at.
Mettre au rouët. To plunge, grauell, confound. Looke Rouët.
Mettre le sien. Il sçait bien ou il met le sien. He is a verie warie fellow.
Mettre sus à; ou, mettre à sus. To accuse of, impute vnto, or charge with, a matter.
Mettre en sa table. Looke Table.
Mettre à terre. To set ashore; also, to hale, or draw ashore.
Mettre en terre. To burie, or interre; to couer with, or put into, the earth.
Mettre par terre. To ruine, ouerthrow, pull downe.
Mettre en teste à. To induce, persuade, put into the head, beat into the braines of; also, to confront with, or oppose against.