Noyement: m. A drowning.
Noyer: m. A Wallnut tree.
Noyer. To drowne; to whirken, or stifle with water, &c; To ouerwhelme in, or plunge vnder, the water. Ce n'est rien, c'est vne femme qui se noye: Prov. A woman drownes her selfe, no force. Qui a à pendre n'a pas à noyer: Prov. Hee thats borne to be hanged needs feare no drowning. Quand vn chien se noye chascun luy offre à boire: Prov. Looke Chien. Noyeraie: f. A groue, or Orchard of Wallnut trees.
Noynce. The knuckle of a finger; (an old word.)
Noysette: f. A small nut, or Hasle nut.
Noysettier: m. A Hasle, or small nut tree.
Noz fieux. for mon fits; My sonne: ¶Pic. Nu. as Neud. Le nu d'vne Colonne. The shaft of a piller, being (for the most part) naked, and bare of any worke.
Nu. as Nud; Naked, &c. Nu à nu. Meerely, immediately, directly, without mesne, or meanes.
Nuage: m. as Nuée; or, A thicke, and storme-threatening clowd; also, a representation of th' aire, or of clowdes, in painting; also, a shadowing (with darke colours vpon lighter of the same kind; for if it be with colours of another kind, it is not tearmed Nuage, but Mutation, or, Changement.) Nuage de corbeaux. A great flight of Rauens, obscuring the skie with their thicke rankes.
Nuager. To clowd, beclowd, ouerclowd; to shadow, obscure, ouercast, as with clowds.
Nuageux: m. euse: f. Clowdie, full of thicke clowds.
Nuance: f. A shadowing (with colours of one kind.)
Nuäux: m. Clowds.
Nubile: com. Mariageable.
Nubileux: m. euse: f. Clowdie; ouercast; stormie, tempestuous.
Nubilosité: f. A clowdinesse, ouercasting, darknesse of weather.
Nucque: f. The nape of the necke.
Nud: m. nuë: f. Naked, bare; vncouered, or discouered; beggerlie, poore, without any clothes. Nud comme vn ver. As naked as my nayle (say we.) Mettre à nud. To bare, strip, vncouer; despoyle, or depriue of clothes. Mieux vaut vn pied nud que nul: Pro. A bare foot is better then none. On ne peut despouiller vn homme nud: Prov. A naked man cannot be stript of clothes.
Nudité: f. Nuditie, nakednesse, barenesse; beggerie, pouertie.
Nudosité. Looke Nodosité. Nue: f. A clowd. Il pense que les nues sont pailles d'airain. Hee thinkes the clowds are brasen spangles; like our; he thinkes the Moone is made of greene cheese.
Nué: m. ée: f. Clowded; ouercast, ouershadowed; (in painting) shadowed.
Nuée: f. A clowd. Peindre es nuées. To loose time on impossible, or idle attempts.
Nuement. Nakedly, barely, beggerly, without means; also, meerely, directly, immediately, without mesne.
Nuer. To shadow; to ouercast, ouerclowd.
Nuesse: f. Th' extent, or compasse of a feodall, or censuel Seigneurie, whereof other Fiefs, or Cens are held immediately.
Nugicanoricrepe: m. An idle singer of lyes, or trifling matters.
Nuict: f. The night; also, darknesse. Nuict d'vn lievre. The tract, or pricke of a Hare going to reliefe. Harenc de la nuict. A red Herring. Herbe de la nuict. Looke Herbe. En pleine nuict. In the darkest, or most silent part of the night; when all is husht, when euerie one's asleepe. Faire sa nuict. To sell vp his houshold-stuffe. Faire vn trou à la nuict. To walke, or goe abroad a-*nights; to trauell, or take a iourney by night; also, to slinke, or slip away on a suddaine, or at vnawares. La nuict donne conseil: Prov. Like vnto our, take counsell of your pillow. Ce qui se fait de nuict paroist de Iour: Prov. The Day bewrayes whatsoeuer was done by night; or, the day discouers the harme that night hath done. Contre la nuict s'arment les limaçons: Prov. as in Limaçon. Nous achetons tout fors le iour, & la nuict: Prov. We all things buy saue day and night.
Nuictal: m. ale: f. Nightlie, by night, of the night.
Nuictamment. Nightly; by night, in the night; or, night by night, euerie night.
Nuictée: f. The space of a night.
Nuict-egal: m. Th' Equinoctiall.
Nuicteux: m. euse: f. Nightlie, night-bringing; darke, blacke; silent, husht; (as the night.)
Nuïr. as Nuire. Nuire. To hurt, offend, indommage, incommodate, annoy, hinder, doe a displeasure vnto.
Nuisance: f. Nuisance, hurt, offence, annoyance, harme; dammage, wrong, trespasse.
Nuisant: m. ante: f. Hurtfull, harmefull, shrewd, mischieuous, offensiue, noysome; also, hurting.
Nuisible: com. as Nuisant; or, Likelie to hurt.
Nuisif: m. iue: f. as Nuisant. Nuitamment. as Nuictamment. Nul: m. nulle: f. None, not one, not any, no man or thing; also, blanke, idle, friuolous, of no value. Nul miel sans fiel: Prov. No honie without gall. Mieux vaut vn pied nud que nul: Prov. Better halfe a loafe then no bread. Ouvrage de commun ouvrage de nul: Prov. Seeke Ouvrage. Nullement. In no case, at no hand, in no sort, by no meanes, in no wise, not at all.
Nullité: f. A nullitie, annihilation, disannulment, nothing.
Nulluy, & Nully. as Nul. Numerable: com. Numerable, numberable.
Numereux. as Nombreux. Numero. The number thats set on euerie Billet in a Lotterie. Il entend le numero. He is throughly informed, or fully acquainted with the matter; he knowes, what will befall, or betide him, beforehand.
Numerosité: f. Numerositie, a great number of.
Numme: m. A little siluer coyne among the auncient Romanes, worth about three-halfepence sterl.
Numulaire: f. Money-wort, hearbe Two-pennie, Two-pennie grasse.
Nuncupatif: m. iue: f. Nuncupatiue.
Testament nuncupatif. A Will nuncupatiue; a Will not writtē, but declared in words, before sufficiēt witnesses: (This kind of Will is no more allowed of in France, but abrogated both by Edicts, and by the late-reformed Customes.)