Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/68

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Arré: m. ée: f. Bespoken, or, for which earnest hath beene giuen.

Arre: com. Tart; or, choaking, as a wild peare.

Arrecer. as Arresser; also, as Frayer. Arreche. as Areste. Arréement: m. Good array, order, equipage.

Arrement: m. A giuing of money in earnest, or beforehand. Arremens. Ce sont les dernieres expeditions, & Actes de Iustice faicts entre parties litigantes. ¶Ragueau. Arrené: m. ée: f. Reined; borne vp (as a horse) by his reines.

Arrengé: m. ée: f. Ranged, ranked, ordered, disposed.

Arrengement. Looke Arrangement. Arrenté: m. ée: f. Rented; let, or taken, vpon rent.

Arrentement: m. A renting, or letting out vpon an yearely rent.

Arrenter. To rent, to let out for rent; also, to take at a rent.

Arrer. To giue in earnest, in hand, or beforehand; also, to giue earnest for; to buy, or conclude a bargaine, by giuing of earnest.

Arrerage: m. An arrerage; remainder, &c; as Arrierage. Arrerager. To fall, grow, come, into arrerages.

Arrerailles: f. Lateward seed; corne thats sowed late in the yeare, or in the Spring.

Arres. Earnest; mony giuen for the conclusion, or striking vp, of a bargaine. Reprenons nos arres. Looke Erres. Arressement. The rising, or stiffenesse of the yard; prick-*pride; a standing.

Arresser. The yard to rise, and grow; stiffe, or to stand.

Arrest: m. An Arrest, Sentence, Decree, Order, or finall iudgement of a Court; also, an arrest; a seisure of, or execution serued vpon, a mans person, or goods; also, the Rest whereon a man of armes setleth his lance; and generally, any rest, stop, or stay for a thing. Arrest de pont. An Engine that goes with a vice, and hinders a draw-bridge, once downe, from being pulled vp againe. Tu n'as non plus d'arrest qu'un ieune veau. Thou art as giddie as a sucking calfe.

Arreste: f. as Areste. Arresté: m. ée: f. Stayed, stopped, arrested; setled; also, detained, with-held from; also, decreed, determined, resolued.

Arreste-bœuf. The hearbe Rest-harrow, pettie-Whinne, graund-furze, Cammocke.

Arrestement: m. A stopping, arresting, staying; setling; determining.

Arreste-nef. Ship-staying, bark-stopping, boat-arresting.

Arrester. To stay, stop, arrest; settle; also, to determine, decree, resolue of; also, to detaine, or with-hold from. s'arrester. To stay, rest, stop at, abide in, a place; also, to pawse on; also, to resolue.

Arrhemens. as, Erres, or Erremens. Arrierage: m. An arrerage; the rest, or the remainder of a payment; that which is vnpayed, or behind.

Arrieré: m. ée: f. Cast, come, or fallen, behind; behind-*hand.

Arriere. Behind, backward; also, aloofe, or farre from; also (imperatiuely) backe, or get you backe; also, Againe! Yet more! What, so often? or, Will you neuer haue done? (said in anger vnto an importunate repeater of vnpleasing motions) also, moreouer, furthermore, besides, ouer and besides. </poem>

  Pour vn petit n'avant n'arriere. A little breakes no square; It makes no matter though wee misse a little.

Arriereban: m. A Proclamation, whereby those that hold of the king by a mesne tenure, are summoned to assemble, and serue him in his warres; different from Ban, whereby such are called as hold immediately of him; (also, the whole troupe of those mesne tenants, or vnder-vassals so assembled) ¶Ragueau; The Author of Guidon general des financiers holds, the contrarie, that Ban is for mesne, and Arriereban for immediat, tenants; Others imagine, that Ban summons Roturiers, or yeomen; Arriereban, gentlemen, or such as hold noble fiefs; Some say, that Ban is the first summons, Arriereban, a second, vnder penaltie; Others by Ban vnderstand ordinarie seruice, by Arriereban extraordinarie; and, in old time, such as were called by the Ban, serued at their owne charges fortie daies; during which, or afterwards, vpon vrgent occasions, th' Arriereban, or a second Proclamation was made, enioyning them to serue in that manner fortie daies more; Howsoeuer, at this day, these two words are most commonly ioyned together, and comprehend both the gentleman, and yeoman; th' immediate, and the mesne, tenant. Looke Ban. Arriere-boutique. A back-shop; or back-roome, vsed for priuat wares, or working in. Sans arriere-boutique. Plainely, openly; wholly; without flinching, dodging; dissembling, or double-dealing. Il a vne arriere-boutique; &, Il se reserue vne arriere-boutique. He dissembles, or suppresses as yet his courage, or cunning; he reserues, or spares them for a last cast, or for his last effort.

Arriere-censive: f. A mesne tenure in an estate, or land, that is Roturier, or held by a Roturier; or, held by Cens; a mesne Censive. Arriere-chambre: f. A backe-chamber; an inner, or withdrawing chamber.

Arriere-coin: m. A backe corner; a small, priuat, hidden, or inner roome; or, a hidden roome in a backe corner.

Arriere-court: f. A backe-yard, or base-Court.

Arriere-demandé. Sleightly demaunded, slowly asked, or, long before he were asked for.

Arriere-fais: m. The secondine, or after birth; the three skins wherein an infant lyes wrapped while it is in the wombe, or when it comes into the world.

Arriere-feudal. Seigneur ar. A mesne Lord.

Arriere-fief: m. A mesne fief; a fief that is held of, or depends on, another, or higher fief. Looke Fief. Arriere-foin: m. A latter mathe; or, lateward bay.

Arriere-foncier. as Surfoncier. Arriere-fossé: m. A backe ditch, or dike; an outward dike; also, as Reffiron. Arriere-garde. The reregard of an armie; also, the wardship of one that holds by Knights seruice of a ward.

Arrieregarend. C'est le garend du garend; ¶Ragueau.

Arriere-main: m. A blow giuen backward, or with the backe of the hand; also, the profit made of an Office (besides fees) by secret bribes, and exactions; priuat vayles.

Arriere-nepveu: m. A great graund-child, the sonne of a graund-child.

Arriere-ouvert: m. erte: f. Wide open.

Arriere-poinct: m. A backe-stitch.