Prendre parti. To bethinke himselfe, to pawse vpon; to be aduised, or take deliberation, in a matter. Tenons nous en parti avec le ciel. Let vs hold quarter, or continue our league, with heauen; let vs hold with religion, cherish deuotion, keepe God on our side.
Parti: m. ie: f. Parted, diuided, seuered, distinguished; also, gone, departed. Procez parti. The Court diuided in opinion.
Partiaire: com. Jn parts, for parts, of parts. Campagne partiaire. A Commons, or common Field, (wherein euerie commoner is stinted.) Compagnie partiaire. Companie ingaged together; or whereof euerie one hath a share in the particular suit, or businesse managed by them. Mestayer partiaire. A Farmer which is to yeeld his Landlord a certaine part of the fruits gotten in his Farme.
Partial: m. ale: f. Solitarie, priuate, retired, vnsociable, all for himselfe; also, partiall, vnequall, factious, more affected to one then another.
Partialiser. To partialize it; to side, bandie, be partiall, or factious; to take parts.
Partialité: f. Partialitie, vnindifferencie, siding, factiousnesse; also, a faction.
Participant: m. A partner, partaker, or sharer with; a complice, companion, aßociate, confederate, accessorie, adherent.
Participant: m. ante: f. Participant, partaking, or sharing with; adherent, or adhering vnto.
Participe: m. A Participle (in Grammar.)
Participer. To participate, share, communicate with; also, to partake, or take part with, or take the part of; to adhere, or cleaue vnto.
Participial: m. ale: f. Participiall; of, or belonging to, a Participle.
Participialement. As a Participle.
Particularisé: m. ée: f. Particularized, particularly mentioned; seuered, shared, distinguished.
Particulariser. To particularize; to make peculiar, or priuate; to distinguish, or seuer from others; to name specially, to mention particularly.
Particularité: f. A particularitie; a speciall, priuate, peculiar, or odd, thing.
Particulier: m. ere: f. Particular; priuate, peculiar, proper, ones owne; also, distinct, seuerall, speciall; odd, singular.
Particulierement. Particularly, specially, peculiarly; singularly; distinctly, seuerally.
Partie: f. A part, share, portion; peece, ioint, member; also, a partie, side, faction; and a match, or set, at game; also, a bargaine, or contract; also, a partie, client, or suitor, in Law; also, an Aduocate, or Counsellor at Law; also, an Accompt; or a head, or summe, in an Accompt.
Parties. Parts, conditions, qualities; also, a Taylors Bill.
Parties casuelles. Money made of the sale of Offices; also (but lesse properly) all casualties, as Escheats &c, and casuall forfeitures, as fines vpon penall Statutes, forfeitures by vnlawfull Vsurie, &c.
Partie civile & formée. He that pursues a criminall action, onely in respect of, or to get some amends for, the wrong done to himselfe.
Partie civile, & interessée. The same.
En partie. Partly, in part, not altogether.
Prins à partie. Sued, accused, or called in question; opposed, withstood, or vndertaken, as an Aduersarie.
Il plaidoye beau qui plaidoye sans partie: Pro. He fairely pleads that finds no Aduersarie. Vne partie n'est point le tout: Prov. A part is not the whole; a peecing no perfection.
Partiere. as Partiaire. Partiment: m. A parting, diuiding, sundering, seuering; also, a parting, or departing.
Partir. To part, sunder, diuide, seuer; also, to part, depart, remoue, or goe from. Partir le gasteau. See Gasteau. Partir de la main. To part from the hand, to set or put on, freely; (a Riders phrase.) Partir les oreilles. To heare both sides. Partir du poing. A Hawke to couet freely; or goe from the hand as soone as she spies her game. Le chanteau part le vilain. See Vilain. Ce n'est pas tout de courir, il faut partir à temps: Prov. A cause must be as well begun seasonably, as followed seriously.
Partisan: m. A partner, partaker; associate, confederate; accessorie, adherent.
Partissement: m. as Partiment. Partisseur: m. A parter, diuider, sharer, distributor, seuerer, sunderer.
Partizant. as Participant. Part-prenant: m. A partaker, sharer; contributor, in a charge to be payed, or seruice to be yeelded; a purchasor that so contributes; and hence; Tenir comme part-prenant. A purchasor to hold part of a fief by contribution with others in the charge, or duties, whereto the whole is lyable.
Partroublé: m. ée: f. Extreamely troubled, molested, vexed, annoyed, perplexed.
Partroublement: m. An extreame trouble, or sore troubling.
Partuer. To kill outright.
Party. Looke Parti; also, a departure, or departing; a parting, or going away.
Parvanche. as Pervenche. Parvenir. To atchieue, attaine, arriue, or come vnto; also, to chieue, thriue, come vp, or come forward in the world.
Parvis: m. The Porch of a Church; also (or more properly) the vtter court of a Pallace, or great House.
Parvité: f. Smallneße, littleneße.
Parure: f. A decking, tricking, trimming; also, array, apparrell, attire; also, a Liuerie, or Suit of apparrell.
Pas: m. A pace, a step, a stride; a measure of two foot and a halfe; or (as in some places) of three and a halfe; or (as among the old Romanes) of fiue; also, a foot, or footing; also, a pace, gate, or ordinarie traine in going; also, a strait, narrow paßage, or strait path; and such a passage kept by one, or moe knights against all commers; and thence also, a Tournay.
Le pas. The strait betweene Calis and Douer.
Pas d'Abbé. Looke Abbé.
Pas d'Asne. Fole-foot, Colts-foot, Horse-foot, Hall-foot, an hearbe; also, a fashion of a Port, or Vpset, in the mouth of a Bitt; also, a certaine Jron ring in the forecastle of a Ship.
Pas de cheval. as Pas d'Asne (in the first sence.)
Pas de Clerc. A foolish tricke, simple part, grosse ouersight, fond pranke.
Pas d'escrevisse. A recoyling; a going, or giuing, backe.
Pas Geometrique. A fadome; or fiue feet, of foure handfuls to the foot.