Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/749

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Posé: m. ée: f. Put, set, layed, pight, placed, fixed, planted, scited, seated, situate; also, temperate, stayed, or settled in humor. Posé le cas. Suppose, allow, put the case.

Posemént: m. A putting, setting, pitching, placing, seating, settling, planting.

Posément. Settledly, stayedly.

Poser. To put, pitch, place; to seat, settle, plant; to stay, or leane on; to set, or lay downe; also, a horse to stop, and aduaunce withall his fore-parts. Poser du passement. To lay it flat; Le poser à bord rond. To lay it swelling, or so as no edge thereof can be seene.

Position: f. A position; or, as Posement. Posque: f. A potion, or drinke made of vineger and water.

Possedé: m. ée: f. Posseßed, had, held, enioyed, vsed, occupied.

Posseder. To possesse, haue, hold, vse, occupy, enioy.

Possesseresse: f. A poßessereße; a woman that possesses, holds, enioyes.

Possesseur: m. A poßessor, holder, enioyer, vser, owner, of. Possesseur de bonne foy. One that holds a thing by a iust title, as he thinkes. Possesseur de mauvaise foy. A disseisor; one that violently, and wilfully keepes another man from his owne.

Possesseuse. as Possesseresse. Possession: f. Poßession, vse, occupation, enioyment of; also, wealth, substance, or land possessed.

Possessoire: m. A poßession, or thing posseßed.

Possessoire: com. Possessorie, of possession, by way of possession.

Possibilité: f. Possibilitie, likelihood.

Possible: com. Likelie, possible, that may be. Faire son possible. To doe his vtmost indeauor, to doe as much as he can.

Posson: m. The quarter of a Chopine; a little measure for milke, veriuice, and vineger, not altogether so big as the quarter of our Pint.

Poste: m. A Poste, Currier, speedie meßenger; also, a seruant that goes vp and downe about the busineßes of Nunnes; also, a rakehell, or Colledge-seruant, thats euer gadding, or ietting abroad. Poste de mer. A great, and swift fish, called in Latin Dromas; which name is also, by diuers Authors, giuen to all swift, raunging, and restleße fishes, as the Amie, Bonito, Tunnie, &c.

Poste: f. Post, posting, the riding post; as also, the furniture that belongs vnto posting; also, a post, or great stake; also, a broad, and thicke pale, hauing a pike in the bottome, & a hole in the middle for a shot to play through; vsed in approaches vnto a breach. Gens de poste. Yeomen, Roturiers, vnnoble vaßalls or tenants, ignoble persons. À poste. Expressely, of set purpose, with premeditation, for the nonce. À ma poste. Vnto my liking, after my mind, according to my humor, euen as I would haue it.

Posteau: m. A poste, or beame.

Postelé. as Poupelé. Poster. To post, speed, ride post, make post hast.

Posteral. See Posterol. Posteres. The Posteriorums, or hinder parts.

Posterieur: m. eure: f. Posterior, hinder, latter, lag, succeeding; inferior.

Posterité: f. Posteritie, off-spring; they that are to come

of, or will come after, vs.

Posterol: m. The red sea-Nettle; an ouglie, and imperfect sea-fish, not much vnlike to a mans bung-hole.

Postes: f. Big haile-shot for Herons, Geese, and other such great fowle.

Posteux: m. euse: f. Hastie, full of hast, in post hast.

Posthume: com. Borne after a fathers death.

Postidate. A Post-date.

Postille: f. A postill, glosse, compendious exposition.

Postilleux: m. euse: f. Much vsing, or louing, to ride post.

Postillon: m. A Postillon, Guide, Postes boy. Corrompu comme la fesse d'un postillon. A false lad; one that knowes the world throughly; one that hath drunke of many waters, runne through many dangers; one that hath often passed the pikes.

Postillonner. To ride post.

Postiquer. To play the vagrant Jmpostor, wandering Iugler.

Postiqueries: f. Cousening sleights, iugling deuises, impostures, tricks of Legerdemaine.

Postiqueur: m. A wandering Impostor, a roguing Jugler; a vagrant cousener, cheater, deceiuer.

Postposé: m. ée: f. Postposed; set, or left, behind; neglected, omitted.

Postposer. To set, or leaue behind; to esteeme lesse, or make leße account of; to neglect in comparison, omit in regard, of another.

Postulation: f. A demaund, suit, request, supplication; also, a complaint, or expostulation.

Postulé: m. ée: f. Demaunded, required, sued for; also, admitted, elected, adopted; also, ioyned in office, linked in companie, with.

Postuler. To sue, demaund, require; also, to plead, or argue at the Barre; also, to sue, accuse, or complaine of.

Postules: f. Wheales, powkes.

Postuleux: m. euse: f. Full of wheales, or powkes.

Posturable: com. Sequestrable, &c; as in Beste mise en posture. Posture: f. The posture, setting, or settling of the bodie in, or before, any action; and hence, the ward, or manner of lying or standing, vsed by fencers; also, the place wherein a horse carries his head, or creast, or the carriage of his head, or creast. Beste mise en posture. Sequestred; left, or bestowed with one, who vndertakes to keepe it safe, and to produce, or present it in Court whensoeuer it shall be called for.

Pot: m. A Pot (of what fashion soeuer) is properly a generall name for any small vessell wherein wine, beere, water, &c, readie to be drunke is vsually put; (and yet the French apply it also vnto small vessels, wherein other liquors, and sometimes vnliquid things, are kept;) also, particularly, one of a certaine scantling (verie neere our Gallon;) for iust 400 of them doe make a Queuë; also, a round Caske, or head-peece without any creast.
  Pot à deux anses. An equiuocation; a word, or matter whereof double construction may be made.
  Pot à confitures. A Comfet-box.
  Pot à l'eau. A water-pot; and (more particularly) a Lauer, or Yewer.
  Pot de Lion. A Chafer.
  Pot à pisser. A Jurdan, Chamber-pot, Pisse-pot.
  Pot à plume. A feather-pot; an old pot whereinto the French (as we into an old tub) commonly put feathers; and hence the Prouerbe, Vieil comme vn pot à plume.