Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/774

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Purgé: m. ée: f. Purged, cleansed, cleered; iustified; expiated.

Purgement: m. as Purgation. Purger. To purge, cleanse, cleere, scowre; expiate, satisfie, remedie, iustifie, excuse fully. Purger les arrierages de rentes; les despens, les debtes, les droicts seigneuriaux. To discharge, or pay them. Purger le defaut. A defendant, or any other, that appeared not at first, to come in by himselfe, or by his Atturney, and offer to answer. Purger vne maison, ou heritage. C'est faire sçavoir par proclamations, & affiches, que l'heritage &c, est à purger, & qu'il sera decreté par iustice, afin qu'il soit purgé & deschargé de toutes charges, hypotheques, & empeschemens, autres que ceux qui seront declarez, & receus par sentence. ¶Ragueau. Purificatif: m. iue: f. Purificatiue, purifying.

Purification: f. A purification, purifying, cleering, clensing, purging, scowring.

Purifié: m. ée: f. Purified, cleered, clensed, purged, scowred.

Purifier. To purifie, cleere, clense, purge.

Puron: m. A botch, powke, or blaine full of ordure, or filthie mattar.

Purpurin: m. ine: f. Of Purple, or Purple-like.

Purulent: m. ente: f. Mattarie, corrupt, filthie, full of bealing, full of ordure.

Pusillanime: com. Dastardlie, cowardlie, faint-hearted, white-liuered. Necessité rend magnanime le coüard & pusillanime: Pro. Necessitie, and distresse puts courage into cowards.

Pusillanimement. Dastardly, cowardly, without mettall, heart, or courage.

Pusillanimité: f. Pusillanimitie, faint-heartednesse, cowardise.

Pussons: m. The small greene flyes that lye cluttering vnder the leaues of hearbs, and within a while deuoure them.

Pustule: f. A push, blaine, wheale, water-powke, small blister.

Pustuleux: m. euse: f. Full of pushes, wheales, blaines, little blisters.

Putain: f. A whore, queane, punke, drab, flurt, strumpet, harlot, cockatrice, naughtie pack, light huswife, common hackney. Effronté en putain. As bold, or brasen-faced, as a whore. Putain fait comme la corneille, plus se lave & plus noire est elle: Pro. A queane and Crow alike doe fare, the more they wash the fouler they are. Assez fait qui fortune passe, & plus encor qui putain chasse: Pro. as vnder Fortune. Fils de putain ne fit iamais bien: Prov. Neuer did sonne of a whore doe well.

Putanier. as Putier. Putasser. To haunt whore-houses; to vse, follow, or affect whores.

Putasserie: f. Whoring, whore-hunting, bawderie, wenching.

Putassier: m. ere: f. Whorish, whore-like, of or belonging to a whore.

Putatif: m. iue: f. Putatiue, reputed, imaginarie, supposed, esteemed.

Puteal: m. ale: f. Deepe as a pit; of a pit.

Puterbe: m. An Hermit (or any other) whose breath is tainted by much feeding on hearbes.

Puterie: f. Whoring, whoredome, whore-hunting, wenching.

Putier: m. A whoremonger, whore-hunter, smell-smocke, wencher.

Putier: m. ere: f. Whorish, drab-like, impudent, immodest, light; lasciuious, wenching, whore-hunting.

Putoir: m. A stinke, ill sauor, filthie waft, ranke smell; also, as Putier, and as Putois. Putois: m. A Fitch, or Fullmart.

Putput: m. as Puput. Putredineux: m. euse: f. Full of rottennesse.

Putrefactif: m. iue: f. Putrefactiue.

Putrefaction: f. Putrefaction, rottennesse, corruption.

Putrefié: m. ée: f. Putrified, rotten, corrupted.

Putrefier. To putrifie, rot, corrupt.

Putride: com. Putride, putrified, rotten, tainted, corrupted.

Putte: f. A wench, lasse, girle, modder; (especially one that is no better then she should be.)

Puy: m. as Puis; A Well; also, a hillocke, or high clot of earth.

Puye: f. as Appuye. Puyne. Spindle-tree, Prick-wood, Prick-timber.

Py: m. as Pis; the breast &c; (an old word.)

Pyafer, & Pyapher. Looke Piaffer. Pye-pou. The round-rooted, or Onyon-rooted Crowfoot.

Pygmé: m. ée: f. Dwarfie, short, low, little, of a small stature.

Pylore. The maw-gut, or stomacke-gut.

Pyment. Looke Piment. Pynthe. as Pinte. ¶Rab. Pylaride: f. A fire-fly, or worme bred in the fire, from which if it be kept any while, or remoued any distance, it dies.

Pyramide. as Piramide. Pyrate: m. A Pyrate, Rouer, sea-robber.

Pyraterie: f. Pyracie, rouing, sea-robbing.

Pyratique: com. Pyraticall; of, or belonging to, a Pyrate.

Pyrethre: m. The hearbe called Bartram, or Pellitorie; or, the right Pellitorie of Spaine. Pyrethre sauvage. Wild Bartram, wild Pellitorie; also, the hearbe Sneesewort.

Pyrolle: f. Pirola, (hearbe) Winter-greene.

Pyronomie: f. The art of gouerning, or ordering Alchimisticall fires.

Pyrope. A kind of fierie-red Carbuncle (stone.)

Pyrothecnie: f. The making of fire-workes.

Pyrothique: com. Causticke, and corrosiue.

Pyrouët: m. A Shittlecocke.

Pyrouëtte. See Pirouëtte. Pyrrique. A souldierlie forme of dauncing in Armour; inuented by Pyrrhus King of Macedonia.

Pyvoine: f. Pionie, Peonie, Kings bloome, Rose of the mount.


Quadragenaire: com. Of fortie yeares.

Quadragesimal: m. ale: f. Lenten; of, or belonging to, Lent.

Quadrain: m. A Stanzo, or Staffe of foure verses.

Quadran: m. A Sunne-dyall.

Quadrangle: m. A Quadrangle; a square Plot, or figure hauing foure angles, and foure sides.

Quadrangulaire: com. Quadrangular, foure-cornered, foure-square.