Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/776

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at foure streets meet a head. Par tous les quarrefours de. Throughout all the foure Quarters, corners, or streets of.

Quarrelé. m. ée: f. Paued, floored, or laid with square tiles, or stones; also, soled, or cobled, as a shooe.

Quarreler. To paue, lay, or floore, with square tiles, or stones; also, to sole, or coble, a shooe.

Quarrelet: m. as Quarlet; or as Carrelet. Quarreleur: m. A soler, or cobler of shooes.

Quarreleure: f. A pauing, flooring, or laying with square tiles, &c; also, a soling, or cobling of shooes.

Quarrellage: m. A pauement of, or pauing with, square tiles, or stones; also, big timber to be sawed into quarters.

Quarrellé: m. ée: f. as Quarrelé. Quarrément. Squarely.

Quarrer. To square, to make square. Se quarrer. To strout, or square it, looke big on't, carrie his armes a kemboll braggadochio-like. Il y quarre le cercle. as vnder Cercle; or, he is therin cleane out of his element; at th' vtmost end of his cunning; he can doe nothing in it hauing puzzled, and grauelled farre greater schollers then himselfe.

Quarreure: f. A square; also, a squaring, a making square or broad; also, squarenesse, or breadth.

Quarrier. as Quarrieur. Quarriere: f. A highway; a quarrey of stone; a carreere, or course on horsebacke; See Carriere. Quarrieur: m. A Quarrier, or Quarrey-man; a hewer of stones in quarreyes; a plucker of stones out of quarreyes.

Quarril: m. The fourth part of a Spanish Real; a small coyne worth our three-halfe-pence.

Quarroy: m. A great, and broad, highway. Le grand quarroy. The Kings highway.

Quart: m. A fourth; a quarter; a fourth part; and particularly, a French pecke, or the fourth part of a Boisseau; as also, the fourth part of the value of retailed marchandise, due (sometimes, and in some cases) as a custome vnto the King.

Quart de Chopine. The quarter, or fourth part, of a Chopine; Looke Chopine. Quart d'escu. A Teston, or Quardecue; a siluer peece of coyne worth 18 d. sterl. Quart des Sentences. A part of the Popish Decretalls.

Quart: m. quarte: f. The fourth. Quart denier. The fourth pennie, or part of the value of an inheritance Cottier, due vnto the Landlord, vpon any sale, grant, or alienation, thereof.

Quartage: m. A fourth; or the custome specified in the word Quart. Quartagé: m. ée: f. A fourth part of the price whereof is paied, as a custome, vnto the King.

Quartaire: m. The quarter of a pound; also, (as the Roman Quartarius) a measure containing about twelue spoonefulls of liquid, and weighing some fiue ounces in drie, things.

Quartault: m. The Quarter, or fourth part, of a measure.

Quarte: f. A French Quarre (almost our pottle;) also, a fourth, in Musicke. Quarte d'arpent. The fourth part of the Quarteron; or the 64 part of th' Arpent. Quartellée: f. A certaine quantitie of, or measure for, ground, in Bourbonnois. Quartement. Fourthly.

Quartenier: m. Th' Alderman of a Ward in a Towne;

or particularly, such an Officer in Paris, as th' Alderman is in London; also, in the countrey, an Officer of some resemblance, in his authoritie, with our High Constable; also, the Quarter Maister of a ship.

Quarteranche: f. The eighth part of a Bichot; a measure for corne.

Quarterée: f. as Boisseau in some parts of Bourbonnois. Qarternier de gensdarmes. An Officer which hath the charge, or commaund of foure Gensdarmes. Quarteron: m. A quarter of a pound; also, a quarterne (or the fourth part) of an hundreth; also, a Pinte, or little Quart; also, the halfe of an Emine; also, a Quarter of the Moone. (En Languedoc le Quarteron, commun & pour le bled, & pour la terre qui le produit, contient 4 Civadiers, dits aussi boisseaux, divisez par demiz.) Vn quarteron d'arpent. Is a quarter of the quarter; or the 16 part of th' Arpent. Reduict de livres en quarterons. Extreamely diminished, whereof at the least three parts be spent.

Quartier: m. A quarter, coast, part, Region; also, a Quarter, or Ward, in a Towne; also, the quarter of a yeare, of a yard; a Quarter of the Moone; of mutton, &c; the fourth part of any thing thats commonly diuided by quarters; also, a trencher; also, Quarter, or faire war, wherein souldiers are taken prisoners, and ransomed at a certaine rate. Quartier de bois. A Quarter, or square peece of timber. Bois de quartier. Quarters; or timber to make Quarters of. Eschalas de quartier. A square Oaken prop, or supporter, for a vine. Avoir vn quartier de la Lune en la teste. To be giddie, humorous, fantasticall, halfe franticke. Entrer en quartier. To beginne his waiting moneth, &c; also, to get into credit, step into imployment, creep into fauour, come into request, by the disgrace, or discharge, of another; (The like is;) Estre en quartier. To wait, or serue his quarter, moneth, yeare; to be in waiting; and hence, to bee in credit, estimation, good doings. Faire quartier neuf, ou faux quartier. A horses hoofe to riue, or cleaue, from the top to the bottome. Faire quartier à part. To retire aside, or make a partie by himselfe. Vn quartier fait l'autre vendre: Prov. One quarter makes th' other to be sold.

Quartier. (Aduerbially) apart, aside.

Quasi. Almost, welnigh, welneere, in a manner.

Quasimodo. Low Sunday; the next Sunday after Easter.

Quassation: f. A shaking, or brandishing; also, a cassation, cassing; breaking, squashing; abrogating, annulling.

Quassé: m. ée: f. as Cassé. Quasser. See Casser. Quassette: f. A small casket, box, coffin; frying-panne; trough for birds meat.

Quasseur: m. A squasher, breaker; casser, canceller.

Quassure. as Casseure. Quaternaire. Iours quaternaires. Euerie fourth day; or euerie foure dayes.

Quati, & Quatir. See Cati, & Catir. Quatorze. Fourteene.

Quatrain: m. A staffe, or stanzo of foure verses.

Quatre. Foure.