Attente d'un edifice. Th' inchoation, or vnperfeect beginning of a building, giuen ouer before it be finished. Laissons celuy la en attente. Let vs leaue him alone (to his hopes; or, to picke strawes, or pull daysies.) Sans autre attente. Incontinently; without more tarrying, delay, or ado. Attentes d'une muraille, &c. Denting parts, or peeces of a wall &c. Table d'attente. A plate of copper, &c, whereon some notable inscription, or other thing, is engrauen; also, a flat peece of marble, &c, charged with the like stuffe, and set (as the other, most commonly) on the outside of a roome, or building.
Attenté: m. ée: f. Attempted, enterprised; essayed, proued, put vnto triall.
Attenter. To attempt, enterprise; essay, proue, begin, put into triall; also, a plaintife, or defeendant to conuert vnto his vse or benefit part of the thing in suit, notwithstanding a former sequestration thereof made by the Court. Attenter au prejudice l'appel. To goe on with his suit notwithstanding the Appeale of the aduerse partie.
Attentif: m. iue: f. Attentiue, listening, heedfull carefull, diligent; vigilant; earnestly bent vnto, exceedingly set vpon.
Attentiuement. Attentiuely, carefully, heedfully, wistly.
Attenu: m. uë: f. Bound, or beholden to.
Attenuation: f. An attenuation, or extenuation; a lessening, impairing, diminishment; a making thinne, slender, weake. Respondre par attenuation. Looke Respondre. Attenué: m. ée: f. Diminished, lessened, impaired, wasted, extenuated; made thinner, smaller, slenderer; weaker.
Attenuer. To lessen, diminish, impaire, appaire, wast; extenuate; to make thinner, slenderer; weaker.
Attenuri: m. ie: f. Made thinne, slender, small; or as Attenué. Attenurir: To make thinne, slender, or small; to minish, extenuate, lessen, impaire.
Atterissement: m. An ouerthrowing to the earth; a couering with earth; a surrounding, or ouerwhelming by the earth.
Attermoyé: m. ée: f. That hath a terme, or time granted for the paiment of a debt; also, put off from terme to terme, from time to time.
Atterrasseur: m. An ouerthrower (to the earth;) a ruiner, vndoer, oppressor.
Atterré: m. ée: f. Couered with, ouerwhelmed, ouerthrowne to, the earth; ruined; oppressed.
Atterre-espi. Corne-burying, eare-ouerwhelming.
Atterrer. To couer, or ouerwhelme with earth; to ouerthrow vnto the earth; or, as Aterrer. s'Atterrir. To rot vnto earth; or, by lying on the earth, or by rotting on the earth; to become as earth; also, to fall vnto the earth.
Atterrissement. as Atterissement. Attestation: f. An attestation; affirmation, calling to witnesse; a iustification by witnesses.
Attesté: m. ée: f. Attested; protested, auouched, affirmed; testified, witnessed, iustified by witnesse.
Attester. To attest; auouch, affirme, protest, call to witnesse; also, to testifie, witnesse, confirme by witnesse.
Atteyner vn chien sur. To set a dog at, or turne a dog vpon.
Attiedi: m. ie: f. Warmed, made luke-warme.
Attiedir: To warme; to make luke-warme.
Attiffé: m. ée: f. Decked, pranked, tricked, trimmed.
Attiffement: m. A pranking, decking, tricking, trimming of.
Attiffer. To decke, pranke, tricke, trim, adorne.
Attiffets: m. Attires, or tires, dressings, trickings, attirals.
Attiler. as Attiffer. Attiltré: m. ée: f. Suborned, appoasted; instructed beforehand, taught the matter he hath to say.
Attiltrer: To suborne, or appoast, instruct, or teach before hand; to informe, or forewarne of, the matter he is to deliuer.
Attiné: m. ée: f. Prouoked, vrged, irritated, incensed; also, fleshed, or fastened on.
Attiner. To prouoke, vrge, irritate, incense against; also, to flesh, or fasten on.
Attinté: m. ée: f. Decked, tricked, trimmed, pranked; also, fine, spruce, compt, neat; also, fitted, set right; or (as an arrow on the bow-string) nocked.
Attinter. To decke, pranke, tricke, trimme; also, to fit well, set right, place iust.
Attiquets: m. Little notes, or tickets.
Attirail: m. A great mans retinue, traine, attendants, followers.
Attirantons: m. An Artificers tooles, or instruments.
Attiraux: m. Plough-geeres; the tooles, or instruments belonging to a plough.
Attiré: m. ée: f. Drawne to; tolled on; inuited, inticed, allured vnto.
Attirement: m. A drawing to; a tolling on; an inuiting, inticing, alluring vnto.
Attirer. To draw, or bring to; to toll, or lead on; also, to inuite, intice, allure vnto.
Attisé: m. ée: f. Kindled, or stirred, as fire.
Attise-feu: m. A fire-kindler, or fire-stirrer; and (metaphorically) a stirrer vp of strife, a firebrand of contention, a raiser of sedition.
Attise-querelle: m. A brabling make-hate; a renewer, a reuiuer of old, and ouer-worne quarels.
Attiser. To kindle (a fire;) to stirre the fire; to lay one cole, or brand neere vnto another. Attiser le feu avec l'espée. To prouoke an angry person extreamely.
Attisonné: m. ée: f. Scorched, or halfe burnt; blackish, or duskie-coloured, as a firebrand, &c.
Attisonner. as Attiser. Attorné: m. ée: f. Dressed, attired, trimmed, decked, adorned.
Attorner. To attire, dresse, decke, adorne, trimme, trick, pranke, set out.
Attouche: f. A gentle touch; also, a glaunce at, or short mention of.
Attouché: m. ée: f. Gently touched, handled, or felt softly; lightly, or slightly mentioned.
Attouchement: m. A gentle touching, light handling, soft feeling of; also, as Attouche. Attoucher. To handle gently, touch lightly, feele softly; also, to mention briefely, glaunce at sleightly; meddle, or deale with but a little, anyway.
Attour: m. A French-hood; also, any kind of tire, or attire, for a womans head. Damoiselle d'attour. The waiting woman that vses to dresse, or attire, her mistresse.
Attouré: m. ée: f. Tired, dressed, attired, decked, trimmed, adorned.