Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/798

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Reconforter. To comfort, or solace much; to ease, or cheere vp, exceedingly. Promettre sans donner est fol reconforter: Prov. To promise onely does a foole much good; or the foole is fully satisfied with bare promises.

Reconfronter. To reconfront, reaccoast, compare once more together.

Reconfuter. To reconfute, or confute againe.

Recongreger. To reassemble, to rally.

Reconjuré: m. ée: f. Reconiured.

Reconjurer. To reconiure, to coniure againe.

Reconnoissable: com. Acknowledgable.

Reconquerir. To resubdue, reconquer, conquer againe, to recouer.

Reconquerre. as Reconquerir. Reconqueste: f. A reconquest; a recouerie by conquest.

Reconquester. To reconquer, to recouer by conquest; to winne, get, or purchase againe.

Reconquister. as Reconquerir. Reconsé: m. ée: f. Hidden, concealed, withdrawne.

Reconsement: m. A concealing, hiding, withdrawing.

Reconser. To conceale, hide, withdraw.

Reconsiderer. To consider, or thinke, better of the matter.

Reconsigner. To reconsigne, reassigne, reappoint; reexhibit, vnto.

Reconsoler. To recomfort.

Reconsolidé: m. ée: f. Reconsolidated, closed vp againe.

Reconstruire. To build vp againe.

Reconsulter. To reconsult of, take new aduise on.

Recontemplé: m. ée: f. Recontemplated, reuiewed.

Recontempler. To recontemplate, reuiew.

Recontester. To recontest; make new protestation of, or complaint vnto.

Recontracté: m. ée: f. Recontracted.

Recontracter. To recontract, or passe a new contract.

Recontraindre. To reconstraine, to compell againe.

Reconvaincre. To reconuince.

Reconvenir. To reassemble, reunite; agree anew; also, to fit, or suit passing well; also, to recommence a Suit in Law.

Reconvention: f. A new agreement; also, the reuiuing of a Law-suit.

Reconvertir. To reconuert.

Reconvié: m. ée: f. Reinuited.

Reconvier. To reinuite.

Reconvoquer. To reassemble, or call together againe.

Reconvoy: m. A reconuoy, or attendance backe.

Reconvoyé: m. ée: f. Reconuoyed, reconducted.

Reconvoyer. To reconuoy, reconduct; bring, or lead, a returner onward on the way.

Reconvoyeur: m. A reconuoyer, a reconductor.

Recopier. To copie out againe.

Recoquillé: m. ée: f. as Recroquillé; also, lustie, cranke, peart, in comparison of that he was.

Recoquiller. To wrigle, wrythe, turne inward, or into it selfe, like a worme when tis touched, or a gold or siluer thread when tis broken; also, to wind shell-wise; also, to reuiue, wax lustie, grow peart, take heart againe. Recoquiller vn livre. To rumple, or turne vp, the leaues thereof.

Recoquilleure: f. A curling, wrything, crooking, turning, or bending inwards; also, a reuiuing, a growing peart, lustie, cranke, a taking heart at grasse.

Recoquiner. To fall a begging, to returne to beggerie.

Record: m. A Record; a witnesse (that remembers well the thing he witnesses;) also, a testification; also, a repetition, recitall, relation (in Court) of things done. Records. Two persons whom a Sergeant vsed, heretofore, to haue with him (or call vnto him) when he arrested, or serued a Writ on, a man: Jn the first case, clapping them on the shoulders, he willed them to beare witnesse what he had done; in the second, they signed, together with him, the returne of the Writ; or, if they could not write, he signified in it their names, and presence: These Records were to be sufficient, and well-*knowne inhabitants of that place; and neither kinsmen, allyes, nor of the household, of the partie that imployed the Sergeant.

Recordation: f. A recordation, a remembrance.

Recordé: m. ée: f. New-strung; also, testified; also, repeated, recited, related (as a thing thats well remembred;) also, reported, notified, certified. Exploict recordé. Executed by a Sergeant in the presence of Records, or two witneßes.

Recordeler. To string anew; also, to twyne againe an vntwisted cord, or string.

Recorder. To put a new string vnto (or, as Recordeler;) also, to testifie; also, to repeat, recite, relate, rehearse; to report, certifie, notifie, make a returne (as a Sergeant of the Writs deliuered vnto him.) Se recorder. To remember, or call to mind.

Recordeur: m. A witnesse; one that was present at the deed doing, and remembers it well.

Recorrigé: m. ée: f. Recorrected, redreßed.

Recorriger. To recorrect, reuiew, redreße.

Recors: m. A Witnesse, a Record.

Recors. Remembring, mindfull of, hauing in mind.

Recouché. Layen downe, or layed downe, againe.

Recoucher. To lye downe, or get to bed, againe.

Recouldre. To sow ouer againe.

Recouler. To runne, glide, or slide, backe.

Recoulourer. To giue new colour, to add a new dye, vnto.

Recoupe. La rec. See Recoupes. Recouper. To cut againe; also, to reply quickly and sharpely vnto a peremptorie demaund, or quip; to returne taunt for taunt, nip for nip, gird for gird; also, to vrge, or lay hard vnto with quipping words, or questions.

Recoupes: f. Shreds, clippings, parings, chippings; also, a middle sort of Branne.

Recoupler. To couple againe.

Recourbant. Bending, or bowing backward.

Recourbé: m. ée: f. Bent, or bowed backward.

Recourbement: m. A bowing, crooking, bending backward, or againe.

Recourber. To bow, crooke, bend backe, or againe.

Recourir. To runne hastily ouer; also, to rescue. Recourir à. To runne, recourse, or haue recourse, vnto.

Recouronner. To crowne againe.

Recourquebillé. as Recocquebillé. Recourroucer. To anger againe.

Recours: m. A recourse, refuge, retreat, a returning vnto; (also, an Outcry for goods, or a letting of lands by Outcry; ¶Wallon;) also, a redreße, remedie, helpe.
  Recours de garantie. A vouching; a calling of a donor, or seller to warrant, and make good, the graunt or bargaine which he passed.
  Recours reservé. A reseruation of libertie for one that is condemned, or cast in Law, to seeke his redresse where he thinkes best.
  Monnoye de bon recours. That paßes very currantly.