Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/885

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a place of resort, abode, or stay; a mansion, dwelling, abiding, staying; also, a road, or bay for shipping.

Stationnaire: com. That hath a standing, or place of abode, appointed him; also, stationarie, setled, standing.

Stationné: m. ée: f. Set or setled, planted or pitched, in a place, appointed a place to stand in.

Stationner. To set or settle, plant or pitch, in a place; to appoint a standing vnto.

Statuaire: m. A Statuarie, Stone-cutter, Statue-maker.

Statuaire: f. (The art of) Stone-cutting, or Statue-making.

Statuë: f. A Statue; a standing, or massiue Image of mettall, yuorie, or stone.

Statuer. To establish, enact, ordaine; assigne, appoint; pitch, plant, settle, or set fast; purpose, determine, iudge, or thinke assuredly of.

Stature: f. Stature, pitch, height, or proportion of bodie.

Statut. Arrests, ou statuts de querelle. Judgements giuen, and entred in cases of impeached possession.

Statutaire. Amende stat. as Amende coustumiere; (Au stil de Liege.) Steatome: m. An impostume whose mattar is like fat, or tallow.

Steccade: f. A place railed in for a Combat, or Lists.

Stechados. Steckadoe or Stickadoue, Cassidonia or Cast-me-downe, French Lauender, or the sweet flower thereof.

Stellage. Droict de stellage. Toll-corne, and Toll-salt; a dish-full vpon euerie Septier of either sold within Buillon; due to the Duke thereof.

Stellagier: m. A Toll-gatherer for the Duke of Buillon. Stellingues: m. Libertines; for so did the Saxons, vpon libertie of conscience graunted them by Lotharius the Emperor, tearme themselues.

Stellion: m. The spotted, or starrie Lizard Stellio; also, an enuious fellow; or one that cannot indure another should by the better by him; from the Stellio, which hauing (as he doth halfe-yearelie) cast his skin (a soueraign remedie for the falling sickneße) presently deuoures it, to depriue mankind of it.

Stellionat: m. A cousening, a counterfeiting of marchandise; an vniust or deceitfull gaining; a malicious or fraudulent bereauing another of his money, wares, due prouision, or bargaine.

Stentoré: m. ée: f. whence, Voix Stentorée. A huge voice, such a one as the Grecian Stentor had.

Stercorin: m. ine: f. Excrementall, turdie.

Stereometrie: f. The measuring of solide bodies.

Sterile: com. Sterile, barren, fruitlesse.

Sterilité: f. Sterilitie, barrenneße, vnfruitfullnesse.

Sterlin: m. The 24 part of an ounce; or 28 graines, and foure fifts of a graine; a weight among Iewellers.

Sternomantie: f. Diuination by a mans breast.

Sternutatoire: m. A sneezing medicine, or powder.

Sterometrie: f. Looke Stereometrie. Sterpi. as Courtilliere. Sticines: m. Fluters, or Pipers. ¶Rab. Sticonomantie: f. Diuination by words written on the barkes of trees.

Stier: m. as Septier. ¶Bourguignon. Stigmatizé: m. ée: f. Branded, marked, burnt with a hot yron; defamed, infamous.

Stigmatizer. To brand, burne, or marke with a red-hot yron; also, to defame openly, disgrace publikely.

Stil: m. The stile, vse, course, or forme of pleading, or of

proceeding in Law.

Stile: m. Looke Style. Stilé: m. ée: f. Well acquainted with; long trayned, much practised in; enured, or vsed vnto.

Stillatoire: com. Stilling, distilling, dropping.

Stillicide: m. The dropping of a houses eaues.

Stillitique. Vinaigre stil. Wherein the prepared sea-Onyon hath beene steeped.

Stimulateur: m. A pricker forward; a prouoker, egger, vrger, instigator, inciter.

Stimulation: f. A pricking or spurring forward; a prouoking, egging, instigating, vrging.

Stimulatrice: f. A stimulatrix, an instigatrix.

Stimule: m. A goad, pricke; sting; spurre; an vrging, egging, inciting; an instigation, or violent motion vnto.

Stimuler. To pricke, instigate, incite, spurre forward.

Stinc: m. The shinne bone; also, a kind of small fish.

Stince. ¶Rab. as Scinc. Stipal. Fief stipal. Which descends to a direct heire; or still continues in the poßession of those which are of the maine stocke of a familie.

Stipendié: m. A stipendiarie, or hireling.

Stipendié: m. ée: f. Hired, waged, intertained with wages.

Stipendier. To hire, wage, intertaine.

Stipicité: f. Stipicitie, costiueneße, obstruction.

Stipoule: f. The sea-Onyon.

Stippes. Droict de stippes, & nobis; &, Droict de vins, & stippes. Looke vnder Droict. Stiptique. Stipticke, restrictiue; stopping.

Stipulant. Couenanting, requiring.

Stipulateur: m. A stipulator; he that intending to bind another by words, asketh him whether he will giue, or doe, such a thing or no.

Stipulation: f. A stipulation; a couenant, promise, bargaine, agreement; a demaunding of the performance of couenants; a bond for the payment of money, or performance of couenants.

Stipulé: m. ée: f. Required according to law; bargained, contracted, conditioned, couenanted.

Stipuler. To stipulate; to require a thing in ordinarie tearmes of law; also, to couenant, or promise effectually.

Stirage: m. Toll, or custome due to the King, &c, vpon euerie Septier. Stocfiz: m. Stockfish.

Stoechados. French Lauender, Steckadoe, Stickadoue, Cassidonie, Cast-me-downe.

Stole: f. A stole; a long robe, gowne, or garment, reaching to the ankles, or heeles.

Stomacal: m. ale: f. Stomacall, cordiall; of or in the stomacke; hurting, or helping the stomacke. Mot stomacal. Earnest, comming from the heart; also, vttered in choller.

Stomachique: com. Of, or in the stomacke; or sicke at the stomacke. Veine stomachique. Looke Veine. Stomaqué: m. ée: f. Angrie or angred, put into a chafe, moued vnto choller.

Stoques. A borrowing, or taking vp, money vpon interest; whence, Faire stoques. So to borrow.

Storax. The sweet Gumme Storax.
  Storax calamite. The best kind of Storax, brought from Aleppo, and kept in canes, or the leaues of reedes.
  Storax liquide. Liquid Storax; as Myrrhe stacte (vnder Myrrhe.)