Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/889

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*ming vnder; the smoake which is, from vnder a stoole, receiued into the bodie, for the diseases of the guts, fundament, or matrix.

Suffusion: f. A suffusion, or powring vpon; a spreading abroad. Suffusion des yeux. A pinne, or web in the eyes.

Suggerer. To suggest, prompt, or put in mind of; also, to minister, giue, yeeld, find, furnish, or allow, vnto.

Suggestion: f. A suggestion, prompting, telling, inducement, putting in mind of.

Suggillation, & Suggiller. as Sugillation, &c. Sugillation: f. A blacke and blue marke or spot on the face, &c, by a blow; also, the bloudshot of an eye; also, reproach, deprauation, slaunder; detractation.

Sugillé: m. ée: f. Marked with blacke, and blue spots; also, nipped, taunted, galled, reproued; blemished, reproached, depraued.

Sugiller. To make blacke and blue with strokes; also, to nip, taunt, gall, reproue maliciously, reproach, blemish, depraue.

Suject, ou Sujet. Looke Subject. Suiection. Looke Subiection. Suïer: m. The Elder tree.

Suif: m. Tallow, suet, substantiall fat. Visage de suif. A tallow face; bleake visage, pale countenance.

Suiffe. The Deale tree, a kind of Firre; (also, the Dace fish; or as Vandoise. ¶Lionnois.)

Suil: m. The threshold of a doore.

Suïlle: com. Hoggish.

Suin: m. The Elder tree.

Suin de laine. The filth, greasineße, or oylinesse of sheepes wooll before it be washed. Suin de verre. Sandeuer; the fattie substance floating on glaße when it is red-hot in the furnace, and which being cold is as hard as stone, yet brittle, and easily broken.

Suineux: m. euse: f. Greasie, oylie, or filthie, as the vnwashed wooll of sheepe.

Suinter. To giue, yeeld, or sweat, as stones against moist weather.

Suite: f. A suit, or pursuit, &c; as Suitte. Suites. The cods of a wild Bore.

Suitte: f. A chase, pursuit, prosecution of, suit against; also, a sequele, ißue, consequent, or consequence; also, a succession, continuance, or vnintermitted course of things; also, the trayne, attendants, or followers of a (great) person; the companie he drawes along with him.
  Suitte en acquisition, ou saisie; est, quand le creancier, ores que l'hypotheque luy manque, ne laisse de suyvre la chose saisie sur son debteur, soit contre celuy qui l'achetée par apres, ou contre celuy qui l'a saisie.
  Suitte par hypotheque; c'est quand vn creancier suit son hypotheque ou contre l'acquereur, ou contre le creancier posterieur. ¶L'Oiseau.
  Droict de suitte de bestes; de disme; & de gens, ou de personnes serves. Looke vnder Droict.
  Serfs de suitte. Such as (like our villeins regardant to a Mannor) must not depart out of their Lords dominion or Territorie; or if they doe, he may pursue them whethersoeuer, and compell them to returne.
  Bourse n'a suitte. When a tenant workes in the tythe-*grounds of a forreine Lord with hired cattell; or when he himselfe is hired to worke in them for mony, his Lord can haue no aduantage against him by his priuiledge of Suitte de disme; (for which looke vnder Droict.)
  Meuble n'a point de suitte par hypotheque; viz.

l'acquereur du meuble hypothequé n'en peut estre inquieté: Et, la suitte, & ordre d'hypotheque n'a lieu aux meubles entre plusieurs creanciers ausquels ils sont hypothequez. ¶L'Oiseau.

Suittes. Looke Suites. Suivamment. Consequently, afterwards.

Suivant: m. A follower. Les suivants. The Maisters of Requests, tearmed so in old time. Le plus proche suivant du degré. The next full kinsman, or the next heire.

Suivre. Looke Suyvre. Sul: m. An Elder tree.

Sulphureitez: f. Sulphurie things.

Sulphureux: m. euse: f. Sulphurous, full of sulphure.

Suphurin: m. ine: f. Sulphurie, of sulphure.

Suls: m. An Elder tree. Vn Canon de suls. A kex; or, a hollow stick, or branch of Elder; or, a Pot-gunne made thereof.

Sultan: m. A Sultan, or Souldan; a King, Prince, or Soueraigne; also, a Turkish coyne of gold worth about vj s vj d sterling.

Sultane: f. as Soutane; also, a Sultannesse; or soueraigne Princesse.

Sultanin. A Turkish coyne of gold worth about vij s vj d sterling.

Sumach. Sumacke, Curriers Sumacke, leather Sumack; (a shrub.) Sumach de cuisine. The berrie, or fruit of that shrub, vsed heretofore in stead of salt, especially in sawces; whence, as it seemes, we call it, meat Sumacke, and sawce Sumacke.

Sumelle. Looke Semelle. Sumerger. To sinke, submerge, ouerwhelme, drowne.

Sumettre. Looke Soubmettre. Sumis: m. ise: f. Submitted, humbled, subiected, or yeelded vnto.

Sumptüaire. Looke Somptüaire. Sumptuosité: f. Sumptuousnesse, great costlinesse, wastfullneße, excessiue expence.

Superabondance: f. Superabundance, superfluitie, excesse, ouermuch.

Superabonder. To superabound, exceed, be excessiue, tend to superfluitie.

Superbe: com. Prowd, high-minded, arrogant, surlie, disdainefull; haughtie, loftie, statelie, sumptuous; magnificent, maiesticall.

Supercedé: m. ée: f. Surceassed, left off, giuen ouer. Articles supercedez. Parts of an accompt neither allowed, nor vtterly reiected, vpō the accomptants humble suit for a further day to bring in some principall acquittances, or peeces of importance; which day if he slip, he falls into arrerage, and an Execution is presently awarded against him.

Superceder. To surceasse, leaue off, giue ouer.

Supercession. Looke Supersession. Supercherie: f. Supercherie; foule play; an iniurie, wrong, affront, brauado, assault, on a suddaine, or vpon great aduantage; (vn mauvais tour à l'impourveu;) also, a superfluitie, ouerplus, or ouercharge.

Supereminence: f. Supereminence, prerogatiue, excellencie aboue others.

Superengendrez. Children begot at seuerall times by superfetation.

Superer. To vanquish, ouercome, surmount, passe, exceed, excell.

Supereroguer. To superarogate, giue ouerplus, doe more then needs, or is required.