Tampon: m. A bung, or stopple. Colin tampon. See Colin. Tan: m. The barke of young Oake, wherewith (being small beaten) leather is tanned; also, as Tahon; also, as Tam; also, furie, enragedneße, frenzie, madnesse. Moulin à tan. A Tanners mill.
Tanaisie: f. The hearbe Tansie. Tanaisie sauvage. Wild Tansie, Siluer hearbe.
Tancer. Looke Tanser. Tanche: f. A Tench (fish.)
Tançon: f. A chiding, checking, rebuking, reprouing.
Tandiment. as Tandis (at Blois.) Tané: m. ée: f. Tanned; also, troubled, molested, irked, wearied, ouertoyled; also, swart, sallow, duskie, or tawnie of hue, as things which haue beene tanned, or people which are ouertoyled.
Tanée: f. The hearbe Feauerfue; or a male kind thereof (held by some, but improperly, a third kind of Mugwort) which expelleth wormes, dissolueth windinesse; and, as an enemie to the stone, prouoketh vrine to come.
Tanelliere: f. The Worme-fretter; a worme which maketh holes in the sides of ships.
Taner. To tanne; also, to die into a tawnie; also, to trouble, irke, molest, harrie, ouertoile.
Tanerie: f. as Tannerie. Tanesie: f. The hearbe Tansie; Looke Tanaisie. Taneur: m. A Tanner.
Taneuse: f. A Tanners wife, or woman which tannes.
Tangible: com. Tangible, touchable.
Tangueurs: m. Looke Tanqueurs. Taniere: f. A denne, caue, burrow; the lurking hole of a wild beast.
Tanné: m. ée: f. Tawnie; also, duskie, swart, sallow. Mastines tannées. Ouglie or ill-coloured bitches, fell and ill-fauoured queanes.
Tannée: f. The hearbe Tansie.
Tanner. Looke Taner. Tannerie: f. Tanning; the Art, or act of Tanning; also, a Tanne-house, or place wherein leather is tanned.
Tanneur: m. A Tanner.
Tanquard: m. A Tankard: ¶Rab. Tanqueurs: m. Such as carrie ashore stuffe, or persons, out of ship-boats.
Tansé: m. ée: f. Chidden, checked, rebuked, reproued.
Tansement: m. A chiding, checking, rebuking, reprouing.
Tanser. To chide, rebuke, checke, taunt, reproue, take vp.
Tanson: m. A chiding, checking, brawling, scoulding with; a taunting, rebuking, reprouing.
Tansonnier: m. ere: f. Chiding, or full of chiding.
Tant. So, as, so great, so much, or so many; as well, as deere, or as worthie; in sort, in such manner.
Tant & si fort. Vntill, so long as, in as much as, so much that.
Tant & plus. Mainly, hugely, mightily, infinitely, as much as may be.
Tant seulement. Onely.
Tant soit peu. How little soeuer; or, neuer so little.
Tant soit peu trop. A thought too much, or (at bowls) too hard.
Tant pour tant. Ratably, proportionably, mutually, one for another.
À tant. Thus, by this, hereupon or thereupon, this or that done; therewithall; at length; immediately after.
Ne tant ne quant. Neuer a iot, nor one nor another, not one whit.
Si tant est. If so be that, or, if it happen that.
Douze escus tant sous. Twelue Crowns odde money; 300 tant d'escus; 300 and odde Crownes.
Tantan: m. The bell that hangs about the necke of a cow, &c.
Tante: f. An aunt; also, a tent; also, a hanging of Tapistrie, &c.
Tantiesme: m. whence; Le tantiesme du mois. Such a day certaine of the moneth.
Tantinet: m. vn tan. A little, small deale, poore quantitie, neuer so little.
Tantost. Anon, forthwith, immediately, presently, incontinently, by and by; also, one while, sometimes, now and then.
Tantouiller. To tumble, to wallow, to welter, in.
Taon. as Tahon. Tapecon: m. The Heauen-gazer; a scalelesse sea-fish (of the bignesse of a foot) hauing a wide mouth, and a great head, on whose top his eyes (wherewith he lookes directly vpward) are placed.
Tape-couë: m. A tail-knocker, belle-bumper, haire-*beater, extreame lecher.
Tapeinois. as Tapinois. Taper. To tap, or strike: ¶Pic. also, to stop.
Taphorée: f. as Taforée. Tapi: m. ie: f. Hidden; lurking, lying close; low crooched, scowked, squatted, dowked or ducked downe.
Tapinaudiere: f. A denne, or lurking hole.
Tapinet: m. The same; or, a secret corner, a starting hole.
Tapineux: m. euse: f. Lurking, secret, couert, hidden, close.
Tapinois. en tap. Crooching, lurking, skowking, lying close and still, ducking for feare of being seene; also, couertly, closely, secretly. Contenu en tapinois. Held low, kept vnder.
Tapir. To hide, conceale, couer, keepe close. Se tapir. To hide, or couer himselfe; to crooch, lurke, squat, or ducke vnder, to lye close, for feare of being seene. Tapir des pieds contre la terre. To make holes in the ground by hard stamping on it.
Tapis: m. Tapistrie, hangings, &c, of Arras. Sourd comme vn tapis. As deafe as an Image in a painted cloth. Il demeura maistre du tapis. He got the spurres; became commaunder of the place; woon the crowne, honour, victorie. Mettre sur le tapis. viz. en deliberation. Reduict au tapis. At an extreame low ebbe of fortune; cleane out of request, imployment, or meanes; and in game, that hath lost all his money, thats brought to the bare boord.
Tapissant. se tap. Hiding, or couering himselfe; crooching, lurking, ducking, squatting.
Tapissement: m. A hiding of himselfe; a lurking, squatting, lying close, a crooching, skowking, or ducking downe; also, a furnishing with Tapistrie.
Tapisser. To hang, or furnish with Tapistrie; also, to work Tapistrie worke; also, as Tapir. Tapisserie: f. Tapistrie.
Tapissier: m. A Tapistrie-maker, or one that worketh in Tapistrie.
Tapon: m. A bung, or stopple.
Taponnus. A made name for a dunce; or in stead of Pontanus: ¶Rab.
Tappecon. as Tapecon.
Tapper. whence; Iouër au tapper. To play at Spanne-*counter.