Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/906

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  Tenir court. To restraine, curb, keepe short.
  Tenir de court. To presse, vrge, lay hard, or follow close, vnto.
  Tenir vn enfant sur le fons. To Christen a child.
  Tenir l'Eschiquier. To sit, or keepe a Court, in th' Exchequer.
  Tenir son estat à. To giue maintenance vnto.
  Tenir à fable. To esteeme, or account of, as a fable.
  Tenir fief. To possesse a feodall inheritance.
  Tenir en fief. Looke vnder Fief.
  Tenir de la Lune. To be inconstant, variable, or changeable, as the Moone; also, to bee a little franticke.
  Tenir le livre. Il veut tousiours tenir le livre. Hee talks continually, or so much as no bodie else can speak for him.
  Tenir le main à: &, Tenir la main pour. Looke vnder Main.
  Tenir le marché faict. To stand to his bargaine.
  Tenir le menton à. To support, vphold, beare vp; whence the Prouerbe; Celuy peut hardiment nager à qui l'on tient le menton.
  Tenir à la mer. To worke or sayle against the tide, or current of the sea.
  Tenir la mule à. Il luy fit tenir la mule. He ouerruled, ouerswayed, or ouer-maistered him; also, he made him tarrie his leasure, or daunce attendance on him.
  Tenir la plaidoirie. To keepe, or hold, a Court.
  Tenir pied à. Ie ne leur tins beaucoup de pied. I gaue them not much consent, assistance, or countenance; also, I stayed not long with them; I held them not tack, or play, any while.
  Tenir pied à boule. To applie his businesse throughly, to hold hard or stand close vnto it.
  Tenir pied en soulier. Looke vnder Soulier.
  Tenir la queuë de la paelle. To rule, sway, or dispose of a busineße; to haue the chiefest dealings, or most authoritie in it; and hence the Prouerb; Qui tient la queuë de la paelle il la tourne là ou il veut.
  Tenir sur les rangs. To deride, mocke, flowt, ieast at, make himselfe merrie with.
  Tenir serre. To keep in, to hold himselfe close, to restraine himselfe.
  Tenir table. Looke vnder Table.
  Tenir teste. To stand vnto it.
  Tenir tort. whence; Il sçait bien le tort qu'il nous tient; He knowes well ynough the wrong he does vs.
  Tenir au vent. To sayle verie neere a wind.
  se Tenir. To beare, or carrie himselfe; also, to abide, continue, remaine; se Tenir de; To forbeare.
  se Tenir à vn denier. To sticke at, or dodge about, a penie.
  se Tenir debout. To stand, or stand vpright.
  se Tenir fort. To presume, relie, or build vpon; to trust vnto, haue confidence in.
  se Tenir sur le bon bout; &, sur le haut bout. Looke vnder Bout.
  Faire tenir quelque chose à. To conuey, or send a thing vnto.
  Se faire tenir. To be lustie, play the gallant, &c, as vnder Faire.
  À cela ne tienne. For that not a pin matter, let that be no hinderance, let it not sticke vpon that.
  Il tient à luy que. Tis long of him, or hee is the onely cause, that.
  Il tient tant de moy. He presumes, relies, depends so much vpō me; he hath that trust or cōfidence in, that hold or assurance of, me.

  Il ne tient qu'à cela. There needs, or wants but that; that done will serue the turne; that done our taske is done. Il se tint sort par le nez de ce refus. He forbore all he could to seeme sencible of this refusall; also, as vnder Nez. Ie n'en voudrois pas tenir dix escus. (Vsed vpon an accident, or occurrence that pleaseth) I wold not for 10 Crownes it were otherwise; or, I am as glad as if one had giuen me tenne Crownes; (but vpon any other occasion) I would not take ten Crownes for it; and thence also; Ils n'en eussent pas voulu tenir vn denier moins. They would not haue taken a penie lesse for it; also, they made themselues as sure of it as if they had held it. Ie sçay bien à qui m'en tenir. I know well ynough whom to thanke, or whom I am beholden to, for that. Ou vont ils tenir? Whither goe they to keepe, dwell, soiourne, remaine, abide? Ou ils n'ont que tenir. Where they haue nothing to take hold of, where there is nothing that makes for them. Sans cela ils n'auroient que tenir. Without that they knew not what shift to make, what course to take; they knew not how to earne their bread, or what in the earth to doe. Tout ce que ie vous dis ie le tiens de luy. I haue all that I tell you from him, I heard all that I tell you of him. Vous ne m'y tenez pas. You haue me not there as yet, you haue not got so much from, or out of, me. Qui tient se tienne: Prov. He that holds let him hold still; or, let him that hath a hold keeepe it. Mieux vaut vn tenez que deux vous l'aurez: Pro. Better one bird in the hand then two in the bush.

Tenon: m. A tenon; the end of a rafter, &c, put into a morteise, &c. Tenons. The vice nayles wherewhith the barrell of a peece is fastened vnto the stocke; also, the (leatherne) handles of a Targuet.

Tenre. as Tendre: Pic. Tenser. To chide; Looke Tanser. Tensif: m. iue: f. Bending, or stiffe-bent.

Tentation: f. A temptation, tempting, proofe, essay, prouing, assaying.

Tentative: f. The posing (for the passing) of Graduates; a probation, or examination of such as are to take a degree.

Tentatoire: f. A proofe, essay, offer, attempt.

Tente: f. A tent, or pauilion; also, an open booth for a Pedler, &c; also, a tent for a wound.

Tenté: m. ée: f. Tempted; essayed, tried, proued, sounded, tasted; also, prouoked, or moued (vnto euill.)

Tentement: m. A tempting; an essaying, trying, prouing, sounding, tasting, attempting; also, a suggesting, prouoking, or mouing (vnto euill.)

Tenter. To tempt; to proue, trie, sound, essay, tast, attempt; also, to suggest, prouoke, or moue (vnto euill.)

Tenteresse: f. A temptereße, a woman that tempts.

Tenteur: m. A tempter, prouoker; attempter, essayer.

Tenthredon. A kind of flie.

Tentier: m. A tent-keeper; or one that liues in a tent.

Tentissement: m. A ringing, resounding, tinkling, tingling.

Tenture: f. A tending; bending, reaching; stretching, spreading, extending, displaying; pitching.
  La tenture d'une chambre. The hanging of, or a suit of hangings for, a chamber.