Transgloutir les morceaux. Greedily to swallow downe his meat halfe chawed.
Transgresseur: m. A transgressor, trespasser, sinner, offendor.
Transgression: f. A transgression, trespasse, misdeed, offence; also, a digression.
Transi: m. ie: f. Fallen into a traunce, or sowne; whose heart, sence, or vitall spirits faile him; astonied, amazed, appalled; halfe dead. Transi de froid. Benummed, or stunnied with cold.
Transiger. To accord, agree, come to a point, fall to an end, or attonement.
Transissement: m. A sowning, a falling into a traunce or sowne.
Transitoire: com. Transitorie, momentarie, fraile, fading, flitting, soone passing away.
Translaté: m. ée: f. Translated.
Translater. To translate; to turne out of one language into another; also, to reduce, or remoue from one place vnto another.
Translateur: m. A translator.
Translatice: com. Translaticious, translatiue; transposed, transferred; also, transitiue, or flitting.
Translation: f. A translation; also, a remoue, or a remouall; whence; La translation S. Martin. The Translation of Saint Martin; a holy-day (kept in some places) the fourth of Julie.
Transluire. To be transparent, to shine, or bee bright, through.
Transmarché: m. ée: f. Transported, or sent packing into farre, and forreine countreyes; also, paßed, or shifted out of one countrey into another.
Transmarchement: m. A transporting; a sending into farre, or forreine countreyes; also, a passing, remouing, or shifting out of one countrey into another.
Transmarcher. To transport, or packe away into farre and forreine parts; also, to passe, remoue, or shift out of one countrey into another.
Transmettre. To transmit, or passe ouer vnto another; to send from one place to another; to giue, or let a thing from himselfe to others.
Transmigration: f. A transmigration; a flitting, a shifting of aboad, a changing of place.
Transmigrer. To flit, shift aboad, change place, depart further off, goe from one dwelling vnto another.
Transmis: m. ise: f. Transmitted, sent away; passed, giuen, let goe, posted ouer to another.
Transmissible: com. Transmittable.
Transmontain: m. aine: f. Forreine; or, dwelling beyond the mountaines (whereby, most commonly, th' Alps are vnderstood.)
Transmontane. as Tramontane. Transmuër. To change, or alter ouer.
Transmutation: f. A transmutation, alteration, change.
Transompt: m. as Transumpt. Transon: m. A truncheon, or peece of.
Transparent: m. ente: f. Transparent, through-shining, or which may be seene through.
Transpasser. To passe, or goe through; also, to passe ouer.
Transpercer. To pierce, thrust, or strike through.
Transpirable: com. Transpirable, easie to breath out or through.
Transpiration: f. A transpiration, euaporation, breathing through.
Transplacer. To transplace, remoue, place or put ouer.
Transplantation: f. A transplantation; a remouing, or setting in another place.
Transplanté: m. ée: f. Transplanted.
Transplantement: m. A transplanting.
Transplanter. To transplant; remoue, plant, or set in another place.
Transplanteur: m. A transplanter.
Transpontin: m. A ship-ladder; also, a little bridge ouer a ditch.
Transpontin: m. ine: f. Outlandsh, ouer-sea.
Transport: m. A transport, or transportation; a remouall, a carrying ouer, or out of one place into another. Droict par transport. A right, or title by assignement, or meane conueyance.
Transporté: m. ée: f. Transported; carried or conueyed ouer; also, remoued out of one place into another; also, distraught, rauished, beside himselfe; whence; Tu as l'esprit transporté; Thy wits runne a wooll-gathering.
Transportement: m. A transporting.
Transporter. To transport; carrie or conuey ouer, remoue from one place to another; also, to transferre, and to flit, or shift places. Se transporter. To flit, or shift his place; to remoue, wend, goe. Se transporter quelque chose. To attribute or draw vnto himselfe, to take or applie to his owne vse, any thing.
Transporteur: m. A transporter.
Transposé: m. ée: f. Transposed.
Transposer. To transpose; translate, remoue.
Transposition: f. A transposition; translation, remouall out of one place into another.
Transvasation: f. A turning, powring, shifting, remouing out of one vessell into another.
Transvasé: m. ée: f. Turned, powred, shifted out of one vessell into another.
Transvasement: m. as Transvasation. Transvaser. To turne, powre, shift, remoue out of one vessell into another.
Transubstantiation: f. Transubstantiation, alteration or change of substance.
Transubstantier. To transubstantiate, to alter the substance of.
Transversaire: com. Trauers, crossing, or crosse-wise, ouerthwart. Muscle transversaire. A certain muskle which draws the head aside.
Transversal, & Transversel. as Transversaire. Transumpt: m. A transumpt, or exemplification; the copie of a Record.
Trantaner. as Trantraner. Trantin: m. A peece of coyne worth a French penie, or better.
Trantrac: m. The lowd resounding, or sound, of a Hunters horne.
Trantran. The same.
Trantraner. To wind a horne verie lowd, to make it rattle.
Trape: f. A trap, or trap doore; (also, a boord; ¶Champenois.)
La trape des cieux. The windowes of heauen.
La trape d'embas. A Pitfall, or trap made like a Pitfall; also, a trap-doore in a lower roome, or which opens into a dungeon, or deepe hole; also, a womans &c.
Trape de feu. A fire-panne, or panne for coles.