Page:A dictionary of heraldry.djvu/124

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xlvi PLATE 36 (Continued.) 2g A cubit arm erect habited az. charged with a bezant, cuff indented ar. in the hand a pen ppr. Aldridge 30 A Nun's head, face and neck ppr. with a white fall and dress. Daveney 31 A Demi Friar, or Hermit in profile, vested and having a cowl or hood 32 A Dead man's head, or Skeleton's head couped ppr. holding in his mouth a candle or, flammant at both ends ppr. Bolney 33 Minervas Head ppr. Leighton 34 A Man's head affrontee ppr. Frost 35 A Man's head affrontee erased at the neck 36 A Man's Bust, or a man's head affrontee couped below the should- ers 37 A Man's head in profile couped below shoulders, or a Bust in profile wreathed 38 A Man's head in profile couped at the neck 39 A Man's head affrontee couped below the shoulders and ducally crowned 40 Janus's head 41 Three heads conjoined in the neck one looking to the dexter one to the sinister and one upwards. Morrison 42 Moor's or Negroes Head in profile couped at the neck 43 A Negresses head affrontee couped below the shoulders, with pendants at ears all ppr. Amo 44 Three mens' heads conjoined in one neck, one looking to the dexter, one affrontee, and one looking to the sinister 45 A Man's head in profile couped at the Shoulders ppr. on his head an Infular cap barry ar. and sa. Everard 46 A Whittals Head 47 Man's head in profile with Ass's ears couped at the neck also termed Satyrs head and Midas head 48 Man's head in profile with dragons wings couped at the neck, called Satans or Fiend's head 49 A Child's head enwrapped round the neck with a Snake. Vaughan 50 Savages head couped at the neck in profile distilling blood ppr. Eding- ton 51 A Spear in pale enfiled with a savage's head couped at the neck ppr. Cotton 52 A Cherub, or. Overand 53 A Cherubim 54 1 55 ^See Angel in Dictionary 56 J ^^ Seraph, or Seraphim ppr. Carruthers