Page:A dictionary of heraldry.djvu/13

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Anstis, Register of the Order of the Garter, 1724.

Ashmole, The Institution, Laws and Ceremonies of the Order of the Garter, 1672.

Baker, A Chronicle of the Kings of England, 1670.


Berry's Heraldry.

Bloom's Heraldry, 1684.

Bossewell, Works of Armorie, 1572.

Burnet, The Regal Armoire.

Burke, Sir Bernard, Works.

Boyer, The Great Theatre of Honour and Nobility, 1729.

Cambridge, Camden Society.

Camden, Remains of a greater work concerning Britaine, 1623.

Carter, An Analysis of Honour and Armory, 1655.

Chalmers, Caledonia, 1807.

Clarke's Heraldry, 1829.

Coat's Heraldry, 1739.

Collections of Coats of Arms.

Cotman, Sepulchral Brasses in Norfolk, 18 19.

County Histories.

Dallaway's Heraldry, 1793.

Edmondson's Heraldry, 1780.

Edward's, The Great Seal of England, 1837.

Elven's Heraldry, 1816 and 1829

Favine, Theatre of Honour and Knighthood, 1623.

Fenn, Original Letters Written in the Reign of Henry VI, Edward IV, and Richard III.

Froissart Chronicles.

Gibbon, Introductio ad Latinam Blasoniam, 1682.

Glossary of Architecture.

Gough, Sepulchral Monuments.

Grants of Arms.

Guillim's Heraldry, 1632.

Haines' Monumental Brasses.

Hampson's Origines Patriciae.

Hearne's Works, 1720.

Heraldic M.S.S.

Heylin, a Help to English History, 1709.

Holme, (Randle), The Academy of Armorie, 1688.

Johnson, (Andr.), Notitia Anglicana, 1724.

Kent, Grammar of Heraldry, 1724.

Leigh, (Gerard), The Accedence of Armorie, 1562.

Long's Royal Descents, 1845.

Lower, Curiosities of Heraldry, 1845.

Mackenzie, Sir George, The Science of Heraldry, 1680.

Meyrick's Ancient Armour.

Milles, The Catalogue of Honor, 1610.

Montague, Guide to the Study of Heraldry.

Morgan (Sylvanus), The Sphere of Gentry, 1661.

Moule, Bibliotheca Heraldica Magnae Britanniæ.

Moule, Heraldry of Fish, 1842.

Nichols, J. G., The Herald and Genealogist.

Nicholas, Sir Harris, The Chronology of History.

Nisbet's Heraldry 1722.

Noble, History of the College of Arms

Prestwich, Sir J., Respublica, 1787.

Rolls of Arms.


Porney's Heraldry, 1771.

Sandford's Genealogical History of the Kings of England, 1707.

Selden, Titles of Honour, 1672.

Shaw, Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages.

Stodart, R. R., Scottish Arms.

Stothard, C. A., Monumental Effigies of Great Britain.

Tanner, Notitia Monastica, 1787.

Upton, De Studio Militari libri quarti, etc. cum notis Ed. Bissæi, 1654, fol.

Walker & Richardson's Armorial Bearings of the Incorporated Companies of Newcastle upon Tyne.

Waller, J. G. and L. A. B., Monumental Brasses.

Wallis, The Arms, Crests, etc., of the Companies of the City of London, 1677, fol.

Weever, Ancient Funeral Monuments, 1681.

Willement's Regal Heraldry.

Wyrley, W., The True use of Armorie, 1592.

York, The Union of Honour, 1640.