Page:A dictionary of heraldry.djvu/17

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Lines. All the Ordinaries and Subordinates are subject to the accidental forms of Lines e.g., P. 3, 6, 12, 13, 14, etc.

Points op the Escutcheon. Parts of the Shield denoting' the position of the Charges.

Colours. Are divided into three classes, viz.: Metals, Colours, and Furs. See Tinctures.


Or. Represented in engraving by Dots

Argent. Left quite plain


Gules. Represented in engraving by perpendicular lines

Azure. Represented in engraving by horizontal lines

Vert. Represented in engraving by diagonal lines from dexter to sinister

Purpure. Represented in engraving by diagonal lines from sinister to dexter

Sable. Represented in engraving by horizontal and perpendicular lines crossing each other

Tenne. Represented in engraving by diagonal lines from sinister to dexter crossed by horizontal lines

Sanguine. Represented in engraving by diagonal lines from dexter to sinister crossing each other

The following paradigm will explain how some authors blazon Arms of Sovereigns by Planets, of Peers by Precious Stones, etc.

It was the adoption of such pedantries as this by the old writers that tended to make Heraldry repulsive and unintelligible to the modern apprehension.

The only recognised way now is to blazon all by the terms given under Metals, Colours, and Furs.

Or Gold Yellow Sol Leo Topaz
Argent Silver White Luna Cancer Pearl
Gules Iron Red Mars Aries Ruby
Azure Tin Blue Jupiter Taurus Sapphire
Vert Copper Green Venus Gemini Emerald
Purpure Quick Silver Purple Mercury Sagittarius Amethyst
Sable Lead Black Saturn Capricorn Diamond
Tenne Orange Dragon's Head Jacynth &
Sanguine Murry Dragon's Tail Sardonix


Ermine. a white field with black spots

Erminois. a gold field with black spots

Ermines, black field with white spots

Pean. black field with gold spots

Vair. white and blue, represented by figures of small escutcheons ranged in lines so that the base argent is opposite to the base azure

Confer Vair. the same as Vair only the figures are placed base against base and point against point

Vair in Point, the figures standing exactly one upon another flat upon flat

Vaire. when the figures forming the Vair are of more than two tinctures

Vaire Ancient, represented by lines nebulée separated by straight lines

Potent. resembles the head of crutches placed head to head

Potent counter potent, also termed Varry cuppa, and Cuppa, same as the last placed foot to head


a drop (gutta)

Gutte d' or Drops of Gold.

Gutte d' eau{{{1}}}{{{1}}}Water.

Gutte de poix{{{1}}}{{{1}}}Pitch

Gutte de sang Drops of Blood.

Gutte de larmes{{{1}}}{{{1}}}Tears.

Gutte d' olive{{{1}}}{{{1}}}of Oil


Roundle or. is termed a Bezant

{{{1}}}ar.{{{1}}}a Plate

{{{1}}}gu.{{{1}}}a Torteaux

{{{1}}}az.{{{1}}}a Hurt

{{{1}}}sa.{{{1}}}a Pellet

Roundle vert. is termed a Pome or Pomme

{{{1}}}sanguine{{{1}}}a Guze

{{{1}}}tenne{{{1}}}an Orange

{{{1}}}purpure{{{1}}}a Golpe

{{{1}}}barry wavy ar. az a Fountain