Page:A dictionary of heraldry.djvu/215

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FES 59 FES Angled, or rect-angled, P. P. P. 4. 3> Fesse f. 28 Fesse, Arched, Archy, or Bowed f. 30. Archy coronettee on the top. f. 27. Arondy, Nuee goared. P. 4, f. 6. Battled embattled, or grady em- battled. P. 4, f. 23. Between. As a Fesse between two Greyhounds, P. 4, f. 29. Between two bars gemelle. Same as Double Cottised. Between two barrulets, same as cottised. P. 5, f. g. Between two chevrons. P. 16, f. 20. Beviled. p. 4, f. 27. Beviled double. P. 4, f. ig. Billettee counter-billettee. f.41. Bordered, or Bordured. P. BoTTONY. P. 4, f. 14. P. 4,f- Bretessed. p. 3, f. 10. or o P. 4. f. 27, 9- P-5, P. 5, P. 3, f. 45. 3.f- 34>35. f. 2^. Bretessed embattled parted, double parted. P. 4, f. 20. AND Canton conjoined. P. 4, f. 40 Champaine, or urdee. P. 4, f. 22. Chapourne. Same as Arched. - CHARGED with fivc music bars. P f. 12. Chequy. p. 4, f. 44. - COMPONY. P. 4, f. 42. CoMPONY counter compony. P. 4, f- 43- OF Chevrons conjoined. Conjoined in Fesse. P 37, 40, and 41. CoppEE, or coupe. Coronated. P. 3, Cottised. P. 5, f, Cottised double. P. 5, f. 10. Cottised treble. P. 5, f. 11. Cottised dancettee. P. 5, f. 18. Cottised flory, or a Fesse between two barrulets flory. Flory means only the top of the fleur-de-lis. Flory counter flory is the top and bottom of the fleur-de-lis placed alternately as P. 5, f. 14. See Fesse Flory and Fess Flory counter- flory. P. 3, f. 19 and 20. Cottised potent. P. 5, f. 15. Cottised potent, counter-potent. P. 5, f. 16. COUNTERCHANGED. P. 2, f. 50. - CouPED, or Humettee. xA.lso termed a Fesse Carnelle, and a humet, or a hawned Fesse. P. 4, f. i. Crenellee. p. 3, f. 8. Fesse Cuppa. P. 22, f. 40. Dancettee. P. 3, f. 14. The indents of the dancettee may be en- grailed, invecked, wavy, etc. Dancette-fleury- COUNTER - fleury on the points. P. 3, f. 15. Dancettee gobony. P. 3, f. 17. Dancettee of two pieces couped in the form of a Roman W. P. 3, f. 16. Debruised, fracted, removed, or double downsett. P. 4, f. 15. Dancettee of two-pieces couped, blazoned by Feme, a Fesse emaun- chee couped. P. 3, f. 16. Demi. P. 4, f. 24. OF Demi Belt, or a demi belt fixed in fesse buckled, edged and garnished. It is the waist-belt from which the fesse originated. P. 4, f. 18. DOUBLE-BEVILED. P. 4, f. ig. Double cottised. P. 5, f. 10. Double downsett, Rompu, or fracted. P. 4, f- 25. Double parted. P. 4, f. 20. Dovetail. P. 3, f. 5. Edged. Has a rim along the top and bottom. P. 4, f. 3. Emaunchee. The same as dancettee of two pieces. P. 3, f. 16. Embattled. The same as Crenellee. P. 3, f. 8. Embattled counter-embattled. P. 3, f.9. Embattled, with one embattlemcnt on the top ; Counter. embattled, with tvv'o in the bottom. P. 3, f. 12. Embattled grady. P. 4, f. 23. Embattled masoned. P. 3, f. 11. Engrailed. P. 3, f. 2. Enhanced. P. 3, f. 6. Eradicated. P. 4, f. 7. Escartelee, or Escloppe. P. 4, f. 8. Escartelee grady. P. Esclatte. p. 4, f. 7. Feuille de scie. P. 3, Fimbriated. P. 4, f. 5. Flamant. p. 3, f. 24. - Flory, or Fleury. P. 3, Flory counter-floiy. P. Fretty. p. 3, f. 43. FusiLY. P. 3, f. 36. Observe that a Fesse Fusily preserves the outward shape of the fesse, the surface bein;^ divided into fusils of alternate colours. Gobony. P. 4, f. 42. Goared. P. 4, f. 6. Grady embattled. P. 4, f. 23. Griece, or Grady of three. P. 4, f.g. 4, f. 23. f. 23. f. 19. f. 20.