Page:A dictionary of heraldry.djvu/256

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PEE lOO PHE Peer. A Nobleman who has a seat and vote in the House of Lords ; and, although the Peers differ in order of precedence, yet as Peers of the Realm they are equal in all political privi- leges. Peer's Robe. See Robe. Peg, or Wedge. As borne by the name of Peg. P. 41, f. 42. Peg. As borne in the badge of Law- rence. P. 43, f. 15. Peg-top. P. 42, f. 29. Pegasus. A winged-horse. P. 27, f. 41. The Emblem of Fame. Pelican. P. 33, f. 37. The Heraldic Pelican is represented with her wings endorsed, if not mentioned to the contrary, her neck embowed, pecking her breast, from whence issue drops of blood; and in blazon is termed vulned, or vulning. When depicted in her nest is termed in her piety, f. 38. The Emblem of Charity. Pellet, or Ogresse. Roundle-sable. P. I. Also termed Gunstones. Pellettee, Pelletty, or Pelletye. Strewed with Pellets, also termed Semee of Pellets. Pen. a quill pen, borne by Aldridge. P. 36, f. 29. Pencel, Pencell, or Pensell. A small streamer or pennon. Pendal, Pandall, or Spindle Cross. P. ii,f. 43. Pendant. A term applied to anything hanging down, as the badge of any order pendant to the collar or ribbon. P. 24, f. 7, 18, 28, etc. Pendant. A small Standard. Penguin. A web-footed marine bird. P. 34, i- 35- Pennant. A long narrow banner with the Cross of St. George in the head. P. 46, f. 17. The Broad Pennant is a swallow-tailed flag. Penned. See Quilled. PeNner and Ink-Horn. A case for holding pens and ink. P. 41, f. 17 and 18. Penon, or Pennon. A Lance Flag, ending in one or more sharp points. P. 46, f. 12, 14, 17, and 22. Pennoncles, Pennoncelle, or Pencils. Small streamers or flags. P. 46, f. 15. Penny-yard-pence. A small coin, stamped with a cross ir.oline betw. twelve balls. P. 42, f. 29. Pens. Such as are used to write with. P. 36, f. 29. Pensile. See Pennoncles. PENTAGON, also termed the Mystic Pentagon. A star of five points composed of five A's interlaced with the word Salus inscribed at its angles. P. 42, f. 30. The Pentagon the symbol of health. Pepingoe. See Popingay. Per Close. A Demi Garter. P. 42, f. 18. Per. Denotes a partition of the field or charge, as Per-Bend,Per-Chevron, Per-Fesse, Per-Pale, etc. P. 2, f. i to 10 and 49 and 50. Percee. Same as Cleeche. Perch, or rest for Falcon, P. 43, f. 18. Perch. A fish. P. 32, f. 31. Perched, or Perching, said of a bird when in a sitting position upon a branch, or other thing. P. 33, f. ig- Perclose, or Per-Close. A Demi Garter. P. 42, f. 18. Perculaced. The same as latticed. Percussant, or Percussed. A term applied to the tail of an animal when lying on the back or side. P. 28, f. 32. Perflewed, Purfled, or Purflewed. See Purfled. Perforated. The same as pierced. P. 16, f. 16. Peri, or Pery. Perished. Term used to denote that the thing to which it is applied is deficient in some of its parts. Periwinkles, or Welks (shells). P. 32, f- 54- Perpendiculum. An angle and plumb- line. P. 41, f. 40. Perspective. Used to express division lines as barry-paly in prospect or perspective. P. 22. f. 39. Persia. Badges of the Lion and Sun. P. 25a, f. 7. Pertransient. Passing through. Peruke. P. 40, f. 47. Pestle and Mortar. P. 41, f. 50. Petasus, or Mercurys cap. P. 38, f.4. Petronel. An ancient name for a pistol. P. 37, f. 9. Pewit. A bird. P. 33, f. 55. Pheon. The barbed head of a dart, or an arrow, frequently borne in Coats of Arms, depicted in various ways, but if not differently described is al- ways represented as P. 37, f. 15. A Pheon engrailed on outer edges, f. IG. A Pheon mounted on a staff, and feathered als), blazoned an arrow Pheoned. f. 14. A Pheon per pale. P. 14, f. 40. Phcenix. An imaginary bird, always represented issuing from flames.