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RAB 107 REB It R. A text X^ is borne in several coats. See Letters. Rabbit, or Coney. P. 29, f. ig. Raccourcy, or Recourcie. The same as Coupee, or Couped, Rack-Pole-Beacon. P. 37, f. 2. Radiant, or Rayonne. Any ordinary edged with beams Hke those of the sun. See Fesse-radiant. P. 3, f. 25. A Pale-radiant. P. 14, f. 18. Radiated, Rayonated, or Rayonee. The same as Rayonee, Radiant, Rayonnant, and Rayoonne. Terms all used to express the same thing, viz., Rays, or shining beams issuing from an ordinary or charge. P. 7, f. 17 ; P. 12, f. 12. Radiated Crown. The Eastern Crown. P. 24, f. 32. Ragged. Same as Raguly. Ragged-staff. P. 41, f. 57. The bear and ragged staff Badge of the Earls of Warwick. P. 29, f. 42. Ragulee. Same as Raguly. Raguly, or Raguled. P. i. P. 3. f. 18. Is when the bearing is uneven or ragged, like the trunk or limb of a tree lopt of its branches. P. 17, f. 27. A Cross Raguly. P. 7, f. 6. Raguly-staff, or Staff Raguly. P. 29, f. 42 ; P. 41, f. 57. _ Rainbov/. A semicircle of various colours, arising from clouds. P. 16, f. 21 ; P. 39, f. 6. Raioxee. Same as Radiant. Rake, or Tillage-rake. Depicted as P. 39, f. II. _ Rake-head, and Thatch-rake. i.d. f. 12. Ram. a male sheep. P. 28, f. 56. Ram's head erased, i.d. f. 57. Ram's head affrontee^ or Cabossed. i.d. f. 58. Rame. a term for branched, or attired. Rampande. Same as Rampant. Rampant. A term to express the Lion, Tiger, etc., when in an upright po- sition standing on the near hind leg. P. 26, f. I, etc. Rampant, guardant, and regardant, etc. P. 26. Rampee, Ramped, or Rompu. Broken. P. 16, f. I. Ramping. The same as Rampant. Rangant. An old term for the bull etc., enraged, or furiosant. Range. A term signifying many. IIullets, or other charges, placed in bend fesse, cross, etc. Rapier. A narrow sword. Rapin, or Raping. Applied to ravenous animals when feeding, or devouring their prey. Rased, or Razed. The same as erased, Rasee. Erased. Rasie. Having rays, or being rayed. Rasyd. Same as erased. Rat. a fierce and voracious animal, borne by several families. P. 30, f. 12. Ratch-hound, or Beagle. A small species of hound. P. 29, f. 26. Raven. Also termed a Corbet, and Corbie. A bird. P. 33, f. 52. The emblem of Divine Providence. Ravissant. a term to express the posture of a wolf, etc., half raised, and just springing forward upon his prey. It is also applied to all ravenous animals when devouring their prey. Rayonnant. Sending forth rays. See Radiant and Radiated. P. 14, f. 18. Also termed Rayed and Rasie. Rayon. A ray. See Rayonne. Rayonne, or Raj-onee. Same as Radiant Rays. Beams of light. Rays issuing from a cloud. P. 23, f. 28. Rays issuing from dexter chief point, i.d. f. 30. Rays Illuminated, or Inflamed, i.d. f. 34. Razed. Same as erased. Razor-bill, or Eligugs. A web-footed bird. P. 33, f- 59- Reaping-hook, or Sickle. P. 39, f. 13, No. 2, Rear-mouse. See Rere-mouse. Rearing. Applied to a horse v.-hen standing, upon the hind legs. P. 27, f. 26. Rebated. When a part is cut off, as a cross rebated. P. 9, f. 32. Rebatement. The same as /Abate- ment. Rebending. The same as Bowed- embowed. Rebent. Bowed-embowed, or reflexed. Reboundant, or Rebounding. Applied to the tail of a lion when turned up, with the end inwards. P. 26, f. 37. Rebus. In Heraldry, " Non verbis rebus loquimur," a device alluding to the name of the bearer, as the devidfe of Arblaster. Erm. a cross bow (arblast) in pale gu. Fletcher, az. a chev. betw, three arrows or, Martell. gu. three (mavtels) hammers or. Svkos. ar. a ehev. betvs-. three sykes i>iJi: Yate. ar. three yates sa.