Page:A dictionary of heraldry.djvu/78

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XXX PLATE 23. I A Tower, on the sinister side, avant miir. 2 Castle triple towered 3 breached, or ruined 4 Triangular Castle with three towers 5 Four square Castle in perspective, also blazoned a Castle with four towers placed two in fesse and two in pale 6 Castle with four towers, also termed square Castle, and a Quadran- gular Castle with four towers 7 also termed a Port between two towers 8 A Tower; and a Tower breached, or ruined 9 Tower with scaling-ladder raised against it in bend lo triple-towered II triple-towered chain transverse 12 domed ; and a Tower inflamed, or flammant 13 Castle triple-towered, port displayed of the field 14 Citadel, also blazoned a wall turret- ed with two towers 15 Arch on three degrees with folding doors open 16 Triple-towered gate, double leaved 17 Embattlements farsoned; and the Turrets, or Embattlements of a Tower 18 Arch; and double arch ig Bridge of three Arches, with a fane, the streams transfluent 20 Or on a Bridge of three Arches gu. over as many streams transfluent ppr. a tower of the second, there- on a fane ar. 21 Gu. three pears or, on a chief ar. a demi-lion issuant sa. armed and and langued of the first. The Chief surmounted of another wdth the arms of the order of St. John of Jerusalem viz, gu. a cross ar. The Armorial Bearings of Major Sir Herbert C. Perrott, Bart., Chevalier of Justice of the said order 22 A College 23 Steeple of a Church 24 Church 25 Chapel 26 Antique Temple 27 Ruins of an Old Abbe}^, or Monastery with ivy and standing on a piece of ground 28 Gu. a chief ar. on the lower part a cloud, the rays of the sun issu- ing therefrom ppr. 29 The Sun with clouds, distilling drops of rain 30 Rays issuing from dexter chief point 3 1 TheSun rising, or issuant from clouds. The badge of Prince Napoleon before he v/as Emperor of France; "The Sun rising from clouds with the motto Emergo" 32 Sun 33 Az. The Sun in Splendour or. 34 Sun in Splendour, each ray illumi- nated, or inflamed 35 Sun in Splendour, charged with an eye 36 Increscent circled ; and a Decrescent circled 37 Moon illuminated, or in her compli- ment, and a Moon in her Detri- ment, or Eclipse 38 Crescent ; Increscent ; and a De- crescent 39 Estoile, issuing out of a Crescent 40 Four Crescents fretted 41 Three Crescents interlaced 42 Estoile, or Etoile 43 Star of six-points ; and an Estoile of eight points 44 Star of eight-points ; and an Estoile of sixteen-points 45 Blazing Star; or Comet, between the astronomical symbol of Venus as borne by Thoyts. and Uranus- radiated as in the arms of Her- schel. Mars ^ by Wimble and Stockenstrom