Page:A dictionary of heraldry.djvu/89

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XXXlll PLATE 25. A. 1 The Label of His Royal Highness Prince Albert Victor of Wales 2 The Label of His Royal Highness Prince George of Wales 3 The Albert Medal for Saving Life at Sea 4 The Albert Medal for Saving Life on Land 5 Ensign of the Royal Navy 6 Ensign of the Naval Reserve 7 Badge and Riband of the Sun and Lion of Persia 8 Badge and Riband of the Roj-al Portuguese IVIilitary Order of the Tower and Sword 9 Helmet with Contoise, or Quintise, with Wreath and Crest an Eagle with wings elevated and endorsed. Crest of Maher The Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire 10 The Collar, Star, and Badge of The First Class, or Knights Grand Commanders 11 The Riband and Badge, and Star of The Second Class, or Knights Commanders 12 The Badge of The Third Class, or Companions 13 Crown of Prussia 14 Crown of Austria 15 The American Shield and Eagle, The Badge of the United States 16 Naval Medal. Ribbon White with Blue edges. Medal. Obverse : The Head of the Queen wearing a diadem, with the words "Victoria Regina." Reverse. In waves of the sea, a sea-horse with Britannia . seated thereon, holding a trident in her right hand, and an olive branch in her left. A great num- ber of clasps were issued with this medal. Amongst the principal naval engagements for which this medal was issued were ; Algiers, Camperdown, Copenhagen, Na- varino, Battle of the Nile, St. Vincent, etc. 17 Medal for Eg3'-pt. 1S82. Ribbon Blue with two white stripes. Medal, obverse, Oueen's head with diadem and draped. The inscription " Victoria Regina et Imperatrix." Reverse, a sphinx, the word "Egypt" above and the date 1882 underneath. Clasps for Tel-el- Kebir. The same medal with clasp inscribed "Alexandria, nth July" was granted to the Navy. The same medal without the date 1882 on the reverse, with clasps for Suakin 1884., El-Teb., Tamaai., Nile 1884-5., Abu Klea., Kirbekan., Suakin 1885., Tofrek granted to those in possession of the Egypt 1882, or Suakin 18S4 medal. This Medal also granted for services on the Upper Nile in 1885-86. FRENCH 18 Prince ig Due 20 Marquis 21 Comte 22 Viscomte 23 Baron CORONETS. 24 A Bison. Crest of Fitzjaraes