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(hmtUutpfUlentun^niiatrtltieA g64 Cumat hUOHgoietr 6M, SM>. M>* Cylinder cud iffiotlnc machine 8M

DKmonolof^e defended by Jamea I.

43«  Dance of Death, S17 Danes invade England,3S— greatdilnk enS3

Daay Caurani se6, 603, OOg, 633 — Baitf'aotor 611— Pott 6il— 633— Pac- ket i or, the New Lotidon DaUy Pott fM—Jaurnal 687, tsa—Oaxetteeriri* — Inietligencer 500 — Proetedingt of iheAtmiet, by tea and land 621 — Pro- eeedittgt inparliamait 528

DaTy, ler. William, singolar instance of lypugia pliical laboor 808

Daxoh^t Newt Letter 879

Deaf and Dumb School at Sleswlck, plintmg canied on at B70

D^rth, a great one in Encland 353

Death, manner of pressing to 6ig

IMaiet of the houte of commont 563

Decalogue, curious Teiaion of

Decameron of BocacdOt inhibition of the 461

Declaration of the naUIUf, gentrg, and eommonal^, at the Reniemotu, at Nottingham 571

Deelaratton of the rebelt 467

Dedications, price of at the time of Dryden 581 — sinKular one 457

Defender of the Faith, origin of 229

Delpbis, oracle of 218

Dtmoctitut BUent 562

Deriy Pottmon; or, BriHth Spy 638— Berald 773 — Mercury 6iH — Reporter 961 — Dertythire Courier tOS — North Cknntcle 946

Detector 749

De Tmogrtphim BxeettenUa Carmen 6IS

Derices of early printers, obserratians 00 205,206,209

Devil and Dr. Fanstns, origin of 123

Dialogue between two friend* 67S

Diary, by whom kept 317

Diary ilg, 76*. B\6— of the Proceedingt of the treaty S67 — of both houtei of parliament 504

Dtetionary of the SngUik language (JohnMD's) 694, 695

Director 624 833

iMf course of four paget 473

Diurnal of occurrencet 496 — </ eeery day*t proceedingt in partianunt 369 — and particulart 498 — an etaet 601

Diutinut BrUannicut 604

Dieert remarkable proceedingt 557


Dolet Stephen, printer, burnt 2gs

Domettlc Intelligence 557, 662, 66s — publithed grata 557— or newt from the city and country 557 — Protettant IntelUgtnet 559 — True Intelligence 559

Dom Boci or Doomtdof Book 51, 62, 715

Dominicans, or Black Frian 59, 86

Dooatus, early school book 1 18, 345

Doneufer Oazette 893

Dorchetter Journal 869

Douay, books printed at, forbidden to be read in England 370

Dowsing, origin of the term 499

Drmier't Lettert 629— noble trait of of Mr. Harding, the printer of 630

Dreams 663 — Dreamer 694

Druids, brief account of 29, 30

Drury Lane Journal 693

DuiUn Keening MaU 857 — Pott 863— Tamlkner't Journal 640 — Freeman't Journal 71 1 — Qaxette 9ti—Intelli gencer 574 — lAierary Journal 6S2 — Morning Pott 901 — Monitor 964— Bemew 946 — Saundert't Newt Letter 711 792 — FWimteer Evening Pott 746, 747— i'MTs Oecurreneei 582

Dublin nnlveratty foondcd 412

Duel between Mr. Boott and Mr. Christie 879

DumfiiaTimetVtl—Jowmat 68«9<4 Dymetad, jrasented to Qeorn IL 640 Dunstable priory, slave sokTat 63 Dnnt, or Don, name of the hangman

of London 529 Dunton't Ohoit 609 ,

Durham County Adfertiter 762, 858,

878— CAnmiele 813, S79 Dutch mail, curious anecdote of 771 Dutch Intelligencer 520 — Prophet 581

—Spy 495, 519 Dwarft, fondness of the Bomans for 420

Baton Chroniele 1 or, the Salt Boa, 76s

Echo .humorous poem of 499

Edict of Nants 499

Edinburgh, extract from the records of the town council 346— advocates' library established, 698- drcolatiog library establiidied 814— number of prtaiting-offlces in I77B, 744— first prinUng In Scotland at 210— easy club at 697

Sdinhu^h Adi>ertiter,9li—BeaconfiS6 CaledonianMercury 6u—Oaxette6l I Evening Courant, 6\7— Flying Pott 593, 922— HeroM, 777, 91*— Literary Ottxette, 922 — Magazine and Review, 731, (Blackwood's) 865— (Sibbald's) 764— (Talt's) 927 Medical and Sur- gical Journal 820 Philoiophical 869 New dUto 904 Review 696, 057 Weekly Chronicle, 922— /ownoi, 822, 882, 921 — Maga*ine atg—Scottmnn ttth-Hittorical Begitter 774 — Cham beitf Journal 920

Educational Magaaine, 943

Egypt, a descriptive poem, printed at Alexandria 891

Egyptians,hlerof;lyphics attributed to 7

Eikon BatiUke published 508

Elgin marUes, sum voted fbrby parlia- ment 686

Elizabeth, coronation of 330, 331— ln< ventory of her Jewels, ttc, 349

EUiot, Ebenezer, ode to Caxton by 142 — lines on the press by 807

Eluddirtor, Wdsh translation from Ig

Enchantments, act at parliament against 418

Eneomion Chaleogra/Mae, poem in praise of printing 281

EncydoiMedla, or Cyclopiedia. when first commenced 469— meaning of 469— Chambers' 665— Britmnnlca 727 Edinburgh 834— Ediensls 864— Lon- dinensts 807, 837— London 908 — Lou. don, on gardening 886 — Methodical 887— MetropolitanaadS— Hethodiqne 801 Rees'a 876

England, state of the nads in 1684, 384— laid under an interdict 60— state of learning in 1218, 60 — Jews expelled from 6a

England t an unlucky toil for popery 572

£fv/aad*<ileraem&raiicer, 504 — memo- tial aecidentt, 498

English bishopuappose the iutroduc

tidn of the Bible song separately

fsrinteil earliest specimen 89— Athel- stan first khog of ute-oomedy first in prose 363— their fickleness for dress 301— inlmer first reprinted 287 — books, sects, ttc. edict against 270— clergy, privileges of 257 — statutes, printed abridgments of 248, 289, 290

Englith ChronicU 77i— Courant 571 — Currant 557 — Examiner 611 — Oa- tette 558, 560 — Ouman 565— 7iite^ Hgence 54 6, 557 — jrercwy 399— Post 397— Review 781

Englithman, 609,611, 6.'<3,7I0, 746, 883 ^Cseqnel to the Guardian) 604

EngUih Primer first reprinted 287

Engraving on wood 64, 85, 66, 1 15

Engraving upon ctqiper, invention of 1*2— introduced into England 276

Enquirer, 79s

Entertainer, 616, 674, 691

^rigrams 960, 604, 640, 643, 662, 663, 806, 440, 488— two centuries of 121

Epttaphs, 119, 129, IM, a*l, SM, MI, 358, 989, 4«9, 416, 4*1, 43*, 4W, 469, 470, 6I9, 529, 668, 661, 563, 69*, >98, 61)8, 616, 623, <*i, 669, 668, 660. MA, 667, 690, 7»«, 7«9, 71* 7». 73*. 795, 744,746, 750,751, 762, 734, 7*0, 7*7. Te* 772, 773, 7IKI, 794. 796, »*•, 802, 814, 822, 8*7, 880, 900, 908, 927. 999, 946

Epitome, of the Weekly Newt, S68, 563

Errata, first notice of i6l

Stiay OK Woman, by Wilke* 7I«. 71 >

Bttayt on the meet important tmifectt of naturat and revealed religion^ 727

Essays, title, from whom derived 42*

£snqr< on the vicet and folUu •/ the Timet, 6^

Ettayt, moral and literary 738

£<se« Oaaettt, 719

Etching, to whom ascribed M4

Sagenian, 793

European Magazine, 749

Evening Entertainment, 638 O ene r af Po»<, 6li— Journal, ti»— Pott, S»4— 633— Pacquel, 615

£nim<ner; or, remarkt upat papert and occurrencet, 595— (poUishcd at Edinburgh) 695— (vol. III. No. I) 611— (by Swift) 609— (by Hunt) 898, 866, 182. ago— and Political Econo- mist, 888

Exceeding welcome newt from Irelamd, 498

Exchange Evening Pott^ 636

Eteter Flying Pott, 811, 863

Excommunication, origin of 289

Faery Queen poem, published 4M

Fairy Taller 627

FatOfful Scout, 619, 628— JfercMfSr t«S,

557— CoKecMoM 611 fame, 829 Farmer't Magazine 7*8, •**— JTsHsatas

777 Farrago 77^

Farringdon Hogh, abbot, hanged 279 FartMng Pott M5 FathionaUe World 916 Father Hubbard's talea,extract 447 Faust and Gutenberg, trial between

119 Feast of the Dead 200 Feathetstone, a Catholic priest exe- cuted 265 Felton, John, executed 9*7 Female Mentor Tai—MagoBbu 7*4 —

Spectator 671— Tatltr *94 Fiddlers, cnrions prosccntian at t4S Fife Bermld 930

FUmer Henry, tailor, executed 911 Fire of London, notice of 048 Five mile act passed 64* Fleta Minor 663 Flying Eagle Pott 601, 520, 578, flO0.

099^-;^«m Paris fo ilauferifana 578^

or Weekly Medley 641 Foft Weekly Journal 641 Fdlo, derln^n of 21 ^00(674

Fools, feast of 59, lis, II6 Foolscap paper, why so called 272 Foreign Posf with DomesMc Newotn —

MMical Review 740 Foreign Review and Continentat Mia-

eeUmn 904 Forget me Not first English annual il39 Form of the pi octedingt at thi Coritm-

(ion586 Fountains abbey, wealth of at the <lla-

solution 273 Four Aget (Exeter) 797 France laid under an Interdict 281 —

royal library of sent to England 91 Frandscansorderofmonkslonnded *9 Ftankfott Fair, catalogue at boolLa

printed by permission 446 Ftanklin, origin of the word 7M —

Franklin, Dr. tedmical letter of 7*0 Frassr's Literary Chroniele »43 Free Briton, 6*8 Freeholder 728— (by Addbon) Ols—

KrtraoriiiiMrir 671