Page:A dictionary of printers and printing.djvu/998

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Mariner's boke 3S8— aonc at stt ,

Martin Mar Prelate, accoant of the works published under that naqie 40O, 407

Martin Nontente, Ail colleetiont 500

Maryland Oaxetie 039

Mauaehutette Oaxette SB*— Spy 734

Mathematical Magazine 70D

Matrimon]', work npon Hi — notsuited to men of ieaminf( 34&

Matten of Fact uy

Maty'e tiew ReHew 7*0

Maundy ThnrsdaT-, orlsin of 75

Mauritas, act concermng the press at the 933

Medianlcs* institutes, London and Glasgow 880— Mechanics' and ap- prentices library at Lancaster 887

Medalllc engraving introduced a6a

Meddler 671

Medical Magazine 731

Medley 791— in a letter to the Whig Examiner 695 — or Daily Tatter 61 1

Meeeting of the ettatu of Scotland 573

MelTllIe Tiscount, articles of impeach, ment, cost of printing 8a6

Memoir on the Origin of Printing 878

Memoin of Literature S93 — Nev 635

Memairt of the Premfor the lait thirty yeart 66a— of the Society of Orub street S43

Mendicants, or begging fHars, 85

Mercantile Gazette ai7— Merchant 609

Mercalor 604, £09

Merchant)? Magazine 1 or TaHorf Guide 669

Mereure Le Angloia 601

Mercurio Votpone6(iQ

Mercurial Anglicut 4gg, 500,509,518, 531, 523, 563— Aeademicut 504, 508 — Anti-Melancholicua 507 — AntiMercu- Hue 509 — Anti-Pragmaticua 507— Anti-Britannicue 504 — Auiicut 607— AcheroniicuM 495 — AciiuaticiiM 600 — Anlico Mattii iOl—Betoniciu 518,519 -BrUannieue 500, 620, i7t—Bellicut SO7— Cfawicus 551— CuMo/iciu 609— Caledoniut 509, 630— Cn'tinu 508— Censoritte 609— Cambro Britannicua iiO—Cimcut 620, 667— Cir/inu 500— Clerieua; or, N ewe from Syon S07 — Candidm 604 — Candidas, Weekly News 507 — Democritus 521, 627, 595 — — his last wilt and testament 520— or, a nocturyial — Diabolicus 607 Domesticus 607, SK—Hlencticus 508, 613* 6l8 — Eruditorum 574 — Fumi- gosus 501, isg—Fidelicus aog—Galli- cus 509 — Gallo-Belgicus 228, 445,446 — Honestus 50e— Hiiemicus id) , i03 — Heroctilus 520 — Icommatinu 6i9— Infermu iig—Imparlialis iog—In- sanus Insanissimus 509— Jocfwu* 522 Medicos S07—Morlicus i07—Mercu riorum stultisimus 5O7 — Melancholi- cas 608, 609, ill—Militaris 509— Meritrii iiJ—Mercurius iOO—Mas tie 520 — Politicus 518, 521 , 533 — Pu6 licus 609, 660, ag—Poeticus 508,521, i^—Pragmaticus ii7— Phanaticus 529—Nullus ill— Not Veridicus iOO Reformatus i7t—Rusticus 498, 500,

..^07, 641 — Somniosus iOl—Scoticus

■W<09, it»—Vrianicus ioa—Vassulam i(X>,i07—Veridicusi3g—Zeleticusill

Mercury f or, Advertisements concer- ning trade i46

Merry Mercury 582

Merton college, Oxford, bequest of tK)Ok8 to 68

Metropolitan Magazine 930

Microcosm 760

Hiddlehill, private press at 870

Middlesex Journal 724, 878

Military Scribe 600

Miller halfpenny 8l8

Miniature 753

Miracle plays noticed 87

Jfirror 631, 702— (at Edinburgh) 744—

(Limbird's) 886 Miirellany 6tO «l»— (by bishop Home)

Missal, Bedford, description of 93

Missale Romanum, description of 166

Missals and books of devotion curl' onsly decorated 324

Misfs Weekly Journal 609, 633

Mistress parliament, her gossiping 608

Mitre and Crown 677

Mock consUtntlonal association 881

Mock Press 662

Moderate iO»—PiJilisher 620, 621— Intelligencer 603, 563 — Jf efS0a^fr5O3, 604, 507

Moderator 509, 675, 595, 636, 710

Modern Intelligencer 507

Momus Ridens 574

Monasteries, origin of 77— observa- tions upon 85— wealth of at the dis- solution 272, 273 — Luther's opinion of 273 — defended 273— abolished 184

Monitor 71I

Monitor 609, 635

Monitor, or British Freeholder 695

Montevideo taken by the English 839 — printing office at 829

Monthly Account 501 — Advices from Parnassus 638 — Amusement 693 — Catalogue 63S— Chronicle 639— Epi- tome 796— Ezlracts 773— Land Bank 578 — Magazine 992— (at Chelmsford) aOi— Miscellany 755, 686, 731— afnTor 70*— Melody 705— iteirfm 677— Recorder Transactions 593 — Weather Paper 600

Months, poetical description of 337

Months mind, meaning of 413

Montrose, Arbroath, and Brechin Re- view 897

Morning Chronicle 719, 815, 838, 928— Herald 7M, 748, 835— PMf 790— 828 916 — Journal 910

Mother to her Infant, poem of 415

Muscovite 609

Mutes Gazette 624

Muses Mercury; or, Monthly Miscel- lany 693

Museum I or literary and historieal Register 674

Museum Tyiwgimphlcnm 749

Museum Worsleyanum, cost of print- ing, &c. gi3

Musical Magazine 705

Music, copyright in 738

Musical notes expressed by letters of the alphabet 60 — used by Merbeche 3 1 1 —Musical types first printed 782

My Pocket Book, trial about 833

Mysteries and moralities, first in Eng- land 64— in the reign of Mary 329 — Chester 364 — origin of in Prance 317 — spirit of the age proved by 274 — Coventry 92— Newcastle 93— and other Latin poems 35S

Name-banners of the Egyptians 16

Narrative of the late barbarous cruel ties 662

Naturalist's Pocket Magazine 77I

Nautical BflMrs, first printed book rela- tive to 369

Necromancy, accusation for 95

New Custom, an interlude, to promote the reformation 362

New and Strange News 494

New Annual _Register 748

Newark Herald 78O

Newcastle-upon-Tyoe, typogiaplilcal society at 867

Newcastle Advertiser 762, 858 — Chroni- c/e 7 1 1 —Cotirant 600, 906— Freemnn'j Magazine 7 17— Intelligencer 696— Journal 664, g^—Northem Libera- tor Oii— North Courant Journal 7 n Northumberland Advertiser 920— Press 927, 930— Pro<«»/aii/ Packet 747—Slandard 0*0—Tyne Mercury 813, 834

New Dialogue between [somebody and nobody 603 -^^

New England CounuU ta6—Jonmal 63e—Magaxine 734

New Heraclilus Ridens 575

New News 472

New Newsbooks 663. 663

New Ohservator 690

New Obtervotor on the present Tinet 586

News 867, 379

News from the deadSlo—Neweastleno Brussels i30— France im— Puddle Docke 551 — iTCTufn^foA 551 — Shore- diteh iil— Brest 400— /(o/jr 400, 47s —Flanders 400, i3i— Lancaster iSO —the North i7t— Spain and Holland i7i—Oravesendt7»—Lough.Foylet7a — Spain *7»— Florence AT*— Parnas- sus 66s— (Ae fanif of Chivalry 562— Ireland i63—Susse* Ua—St. John's- street at— Buckinghamshire 554— Gulnick and Cleve 47S— PsnriM 47«  Poland 473 — all parts of Germang 473— 2Vrv England *73— Ipswich isa —Hull SOi—Hell 40i— the North 497 —our notiir not at sea 4t»— Germany 498 — the narrow seas iOS-Pannier. alley i:o— the Pope to the Devil 947 —Sally 498— Me king's bath 504— Smith, the Oxford tailor 504— oM parts of Christendom 504 — Campania iB7— the West i07 '-Scotland 507— Pembroke and Montgomery 609 — Pawles 570— (Ae New Exchange 618 — Maidstone ii6—Wicklow 556— Halliday WeUs 556— Sf. Bartholo- mew Fair 556

News Journal, in English and French 629

News Letter 8l4

News of the present week 571

News, origin and meaniogof 471,47!) desire of the Roman people for 400

Newsonlof Germany i7%~out of divert countries i7t— out of Hell 47s— /ross the pope to the devil 747

Newspapers, early history of 398 — stamp duty commenced 601 — duty advanced 709, 73ti, 764, 796, 869. . duty reduced 946— list of in various years 806 — number sent through the general post ofilce 806, 916, 954 — ob- servations on 726— first in the Hun- garian language 741— at Constanti- nople 795 — state of in France 801 — carrying one to the enemy 779 — Dr. Johnson's opinion of 679 — amount of circulation and duty 946— readers of how divided 947— progress in Ame- rica 876 -act to regulate the franking and postage 812— act to repeal the size of 896— editors of fined 833 — retumsof 1836aDd 1837 957— list of 959 — sent and received fieo by members of parliament 7I1 — agency of, commenced 763- number of in 169 1 674— firsts unday 744— first daily evening 763— postage act 693, 6«8

New Spectator 753

New State of Europe 586

News writers, sums paid to 636

New Testament, first edition of, in the Basque tongue 423— English 235- Finnish 230 — Danish 310 — Greek 223, 234— French 26»— Slavonic 338 —Polish 363— VandaUc 364— Romish Enj:lish version 370— Talmnllc 738— Bengalee 804— Clngalee 660— Arabic 714— Alexandrian Greek 774— Tin- dall'B, pirated by the Dutch 236— re. printed by Bagster 237 946— declara- ■ tion of the Scotch clergy against 237 —proclamation against 252, 253— list of person persecuted for selling 353— second edition 257— belonging to Anno Boleyn 257— first concord- ance to 259— English and Latin printed at Paris 267— Latin and Eng. lish s68— printed by William Tilly 304— printed at Oeneva327— numeri- cal fignres first appeared in 327— in Greek 349— on silk 70— Wlclif 's 76— first separate edition in Latin 158— for the use of the Indians 638— in the Turkish languagne 543— in the Irish character s6(>— printed in gcdd giC— printed at Edinbnrgh prohibited US translated by Miles Coverdale aCg