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this, in savage spite they took the copies of the Scriptures and hurled them into the flames and burned them also. To add to the refinement of their cruelty they dragged Amulek and his friend from prison, and compelled them to witness the torture of the martyrs who had received the gospel through their instrumentality. Among that throng of cruelly suffering men, women and children we have no record that one flinched or denied the Savior, in whose cause they passed away to a glorious resurrection.

Amulek was exceedingly pained at the horrors of this awful scene and pleaded with Alma that they should exercise the power of God that was in them and save the innocent from their tortures. But Alma would not permit it, saying that the Spirit constrained him, for the Lord received those martyrs to himself in glory.

Now it came to pass that while Alma and Amulek were thus bound, the chief judge came and smote them on the face, and jeered at them for not having delivered the martyrs from the flames; when he had finished he again consigned the prophets to prison. These indignities were repeated day after day, not only by the chief judge but by many others; added to which they treated the prisoners with great cruelty; they kept them without food and water that they might hunger and thirst, and stripped them of their clothes and bound them naked in their prison. This continued for some time, until one day the chief judge with many others came and smote the brethren as before, with mocking and ridicule. Then the power of God came upon Alma and Amulek and they rose to their feet and broke the bands that bound them, and cried mightily to the Lord, while their persecutors were stricken with terror. These latter, frantic with fear, attempted to flee from the presence of the prophets, and in their haste fell one upon another and blocked up the way of escape.