Page:A dictionary of the Sunda language of Java.djvu/171

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Holodo, fair, fine weather, dry, not wet, when speaking of the weather.

Honar, assumed importance, unnecessary trouble, a fuss about nothing.

Honjé, a Scitameneous plant, formerly called Geanthus speciosus, but now adays called Elettaria. The fruit grows on a stalk by itself and forms a large round collection of nuts or pulpy seeds. Used by the mountaineers in cooking in place of Tamarind, for the sake of its acidulous properties.

Honjéwat, to seize upon, to grasp.

Ho-oh, yes, truly.

Ho-ok, pity, concern, to have a regard for, to feel affection for, to feel an aversion to do any act. Ho-ok ka banda, to have a concern about one's property.

Horéam, a sensation of fear experienced by looking from a height, as when a man is up a high tree, and feels fear on looking down.

Horéng, as it turns out, after all. Sugan sia lĕumpang, horéng hanto, I thought you went, but now it turns out you did not.

Horénganan, as it turns out, as the event proves.

Horloji, the Dutch horlogie, a watch, a clock, a timekeeper.

Hormat, arabic, honour, reverence, respect. Compliments of ceremony. (حُرْمَةُ)

Horu, name of a fish; it is very scarce, and found only in some mountain streams.

Hos, the idiomatic expression of dying. Hos paih, and dead he went.

Hoya, a division of the fruit of the plantain. Each small separate assemblage of fruit. Every bunch of plantains consists of several Hoyas. Called in Malay Sa Sisir.

Hras, name of a tree called also Laban. Vitex leucoxylon.

Hu, arabic, properly Hua or Huwa, He- he is. Allah hu akbar, God is great. Humah also frequently occurs attached to Allah, as Allah humah which is probably — God who is He. (Hu is هُوَ huwa; Allahumma is one word, O God; ألْلَّهُمَّ)

Huapan, to feed by stuffing into the mouth of another, as a child is fed by its mother. Used figuratively — to stuff a man with anything he wants, to put it into his mouth — to bribe him. (Batav. Suap, Suappin; Cf. Mal. سواب suâb and سواق suâp Marsden.)

Hudang, to get up, arise. Tachan daik hudang, he has not yet got up.

Hudangkĕn, to bause to get up, to rouse up.

Huit, to whisper.

Hujan, rain. In Javanese Udan is rain. Uda, C, 76. water- uda-anudan. The word is aspirated in Sunda and the middle d changed into j.

Hujan-Anginkĕn, to expose to rain and wind; to expose to all weathers, to leave ont in the open air.

Hujan-buwah, Hailstones, literally Rain in fruit. Hailstones occasionally fall in Java.

Hujankĕn, to expose to rain, to put out in the rain.

Hujan-lĕbu, a rain of dust or fine ashes. A shower of volcanic ashes or dust.