Page:A dictionary of the Sunda language of Java.djvu/206

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Kādu, the great and celebrated fruit of the Asiatic Archipelago called in Malay Durian, Durio Zibethinus of the natural family of Bombaceae.
Kadudukan, an employment, an office, a post of honour; rank. Kadudukan adipati, the rank of an Adipati. Tachan bogah kadudukan, he has not yet got employment or a situation.
Kaduga, to undertake, to take in hand; to reckon to be able. To kaduga, I cannot venture to undertake it See Duga.
Kaduhung, vexed, sorry for any act; inwardly regretting.
Kadut, a bag, bagging made of shreds of Palm leaves, especially of the Gěbang Palm, and much used for the sails of small native craft.
Ka-éntét, joined together, tacked or tied together. Adhering to each other.
Kagěduk - see Kakěduk.
Kagét, startled, put in trepidation. The more usual word is Rowas. It is also used in the construction of sentences as a word of apposition or contrast, what then, how if, suppose that, but if, but then. Kagét to di béré, but suppose he does not give to me. Kagét datang , but then he came.[1]
Kagol, any thing which is out of place, out of season, not opportune. Unseasonable, occurring at a wrong time. Put out of your routine. Something being in the way which prevents your acting. Jadi kagol ku batur, I become disappointed on account of my neighbours. (Is known at Batavia).
Kagugu, tickled with an idea; having a mixture of surprise and indignation about any matter.
Kagung'an, Highness- derived from Agung, principal, chief, with the pre- and suffix Ka and an. Kagung'an Raden Adipati, His Highness the Raden Adipati. Kuda kagung'an, your honour's horse.

    Scr. ghota. But even this derivation is no more than a conjecture. The name self dragon's tail is not an auspicions one, why should it have been given to such a fine, celebrated country? Kaduwa might be Khadga, on Java however such an alteration seems not to be admissible. We might find perhaps the Etymon of the word in any of the Polynesian languages. The writing كدو (Kĕdu) in Marsdens Malay dictionary leaves it uncertain if the e be long or short. In the first case we expect a ي after the ك; the latter case is very improbable, when the word is to be derived from Kêtu. After all I know from inscriptions a name Iwarahu, which must have been a place of notice in the northeastern part of Java- and it means like Rahu who is the upper part of the dragon, and always desirous to devour the sun or the moon. Fr.

  1. In Kawi it is kagiat; Jav. and Batavian kagêt; on a golden ring from Java kajêt; Malay kějut and another Javanese form is kějût. Fr.