Page:A dictionary of the Sunda language of Java.djvu/423

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which have been collected together for any particular purpose, as the materials for making a house or the like.

Rěmpug, of one accord, by common consent, unanimous. Kudu rěmpug sa lumbur kabéh, the whole village ought to be unanimous.

Rěmuk, smashed to atoms, broken to pieces, squashed. Jélěma na ragrag ti na kayu, rěmuk sakali hulu na, the man fell from a tree and smashed his head. Pingping na kagiling kréta, rěmuk, a carriage wheel passed over his thigh, and smashed it.

Rěnang-rěnung, indicates springing or sprouting as plants, and running along the ground as creepers. The Malay word for to swim; appears to be derived from the first word of this expression, and becomes bě-rěnang, literally to run out like a creeper plant, that is to project itself forward.

Rénda, lace.

Rěndah, humble, modest, lowly.

Rěndang, the rainy season, say from November to March.

Réndé, dwarf, small. Applied to some plants. Pinang réndé, a dwarf betlenut tree.

Réng, a lath of a house roof; slips of bambu or wood fastened on the rafters of a roof, to which to fix the tiles or ataps.

Rěngarěng, running along the ground, as a creeping plant; throwing out long and creeping shoots.

Rěng'ik, crying with a low voice; snivelling, whining.

Rěngkung, a noisy sort of instrument. A Pananggung or carrying stick, which is so constructed that in makes a screeching noise when used.

Réngsé, in order; work accomplished; cleared up; satisfactorily terminated; used up. Pagawéan kula gěus réngsé, my my work is in order, is accomplished, Kéjo na gěus réngsé, the boiled rice is all cleaned up (eaten up and done). Sia to bisa bogah réngsé, can't you manage to terminate matters satisfactorily?

Rěniyah, cracked, split.

Rénjéh, worsted in battle; thrashed and driven away. Defeated.

Rénténg, an enclosure made with a fence of rough branches or logs, laid horizontally and supported only here and there by uprights. Kandang rénténg, a cattle pen or fold, made with an enclosure constructed in the rénténg fashion, often used temporarily, or as a place to turn the buffaloes into, early in the morning, before they are set free to graze.

Rěntul, in numbers. In a flock.

Rěnung, springing up, as herbs, weeds etc. etc., spouting out.

Rěnyung, a variety of small tree with red bark and hard wood; where it grows is generally bad land. Tagal rěnyung, a space of land where the rěnyung grows.

Réos, champing in eating, munching.

Rep, the idiomatic expression of quiescence; of a noise being hushed in silence; of a light having gone out.