Page:A dictionary of the language of Mota.djvu/250

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ilo aka, the sea dashes with | heavy noise into the vessel.

Tokos, to feed, nourish, bring up supplying food.

Toktokmemea, a bird, the Norfolk I. robin.

Tol, 1. same as tolu, the numeral three ; often with ni 2., nitol, and other v. p. me tol, te tol, ta tol; nitoltol, three at a time ; vatoliu, third ; see tolu ; ratol, pultol. 2. before v. imperative 2d person, addressed to three or a few persons ; tol van at ; tolpea.

Tol, 3. constr. toliu, egg.

Tole, adj. long, tall ; toletole v. to grow long, lengthen, neut. tolevag, lengthen with ; separ- able vag. tolevtag, to lengthen and leave behind, vitag ; get too long for, grow out of.

Tolgan, 1. the egg of the ant, gan ; 2. met. from the shape, a long oval, said of a young wotaga fruit ; see tol-piiaso.

Tolig, a single fruit ; tolig moa, the first single fruit on a tree ; tolig tagir, a single fruit at the end of the season, we uwa tugttig tuwatuwale.

Toliu, (k) constr. tol ; egg ; tol manu, bird's egg ; tol rupe, cocoon, and chrysalis, of moth or butterfly; tolman, testicle. Mai. tulor; Gil. toli; Malag. tody, toly; Fl. tolu.

Tolo, to make a noise in the throat, belch ; o natmera ti tolo halo o sinaga, a child who cannot swallow will throw its food up with noises in the throat. Bis. tolon, Tagal. ti- Un; Malag. telina. tolov, tr. to gulp at with open mouth and noise, go at as if to bite, as an angry pig.

tolovag, 1. tr. determ. to gulp, swallow with noise and diffi- culty, ti tolovag o sinaga, is swallowing food with choking noise. tolovag, 2. separable vag; is choking with food, i. e. swal- lowing with noise and open mouth.

Toloqloq, [ton 2. loqu] growing lush ; vide toloqloq, the spring month when things grow again after the summer heat.

Tolpea, [tol 2.] neg. imper. ad- dressed to three, or a few, persons, don't ; pea 1.

Tolpuaso, [tol 3.] 1. egg of the lizard puaso ; 2. met. from the shape, oval, not so long as tolgan; the ivovwtaga as it grows larger and shorter, amoa o tolgan, pa ti tolpuaso.

Tolrupe, [tol 3.] a chrysalis, or cocoon.

Tolu, numeral, three, same as tol. Pol. toru, toln, tou ; Mel. tola, dolu, tel, tal, sul, 'olu, ^oru; Jav. talu; Cel. toro; Ceram. tolo, tol ; Matabello tolu ; Malag. telo.

Tomag-o, a yam with prickly vine. tomagolava, tomagomotmot, to- Tnagoqauga, varieties.

Tomava, to pay for work with food.

Tomo, to press down lot of nai almonds with qat-gelot.

Tomule, [tou 2.] yams left to grow for next year.

To?ia, in recent use a foreign country ; tanun ta Tona, foreigner, vava ta Tona, foreign speech.

Topa, to fall from a tree, as a ripe fruit, or windfall, as a leaf. Sam. topala. topai, a fallen fruit.

Topetope, the ends of the floor