Page:A fool in spots (IA foolinspots00riveiala).pdf/91

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"And don't you think your prayer has been answered?" asked the listener, interrupting.

The other dropped his voice:

"I am not discussing that question," and he kept on with his recital.

"Later in the day, Darwin came to me, his face aglow, his eyes bright with eager delight, and in great excitement.

"'I am just two miles from home; if I can get a permit I am going there to-night.'

"I exclaimed: 'You are mad, man, they are so close to us that the sentinels almost touch each other, we will have a skirmish inside of an hour!"

"'I am going when the fight is done, if I am spared.'

"I knew him, and he meant it, but I was almost certain he would be killed. My prediction proved true, we did have a fight; and for a time they had the advantage, and no one knew how the day would have gone had not a gallant soldier, too impulsive to obey orders, charged with his men too close to our cannon. Poor fellow! he died bravely, but his rash act gave us the victory; they retreated in good order and molested us no further. Darwin arranged for a leave of an hour's absence and went home, but his unthinking haste nearly cost him his life. He barely made into the mountainway when