Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/112

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the Tryal of the Pyrates taken in a Sloop formerly called the Revenge, but afterwards the Royal James, before Nicholas Trot, Eſq; Judge of the Vice-Admiralty, and Chief Juſtice of the ſaid Province of South-Carolina, and other Aſſiſtant Judges.

The King’s Commiſſion to Judge Trot was read, and a Grand Jury ſworn, for the finding of the ſeveral Bills, and a learned Charge given them by the ſaid Judge, wherein he 1ſt ſhewed, That the Sea was given by God, for the Uſe of Men, and is Subject to Dominion and Property, as well as the Land.

2dly, He particularly remark’d to them, the Sovereignty of the King of England over the Britiſh Seas.

3dly, He obſerved, that as Commerce and Navigation could not be carried on without Laws; ſo there have been always particular Laws, for the better ordering and regulating marine Affairs; with an hiſtorical Account or thoſe Laws, and Origine.

4thly, He proceeded to ſhew, that there have been particular Courts and Judges appointed; to whoſe Juriſdiction maritime Cauſes do belong, and that in Matters both Civil and Criminal.

And then 5thly, He particularly ſhewed them, the Conſtitution and Juriſdiction of that Court of Admiralty Seſſions.

And laſtly, the Crimes cognizable therein; and particularly enlarged upon the Crime of Pyracy, which was then brought before them.

The Indictments being found, a petit Jury was ſworn, and the following Perſons arraigned and tried.

  • Stede Bonnet, alias Edwards, alias Thomas, late of Barbadoes, Mariner.
  • Robert Tucker, late of the Iſland of Jamaica, Mariner.
