Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/114

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Of Major Stede Bonnet.
  • *Rowland Sharp, of Bath-Town, Mariner.
  • *Jonathan Clarke, late of Charles-Town, South Carolina, Mariner.
  • *Thomas Gerrard, late of Antegoa, Mariner.

And all, except the three laſt, and Thomas Nicholas, were found Guilty, and received Sentence of Death.

They were moſt of them try’d upon two Indictments, as follows.

The Jurors for our Sovereign Lord the King, do upon their Oath preſent, that Stede Bonnet, late of Barbadoes, Mariner, Robert Tucker, &c. &c. The 2d Day of Auguſt, in the fifth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George, &c. By Force of Arms upon the High-Sea, in a certain Place called Cape James, &c. did pyratically, and fellonionſly ſet upon, break, board, and enter, a certain Merchant Sloop, called the Frances, Peter Manwaring Commander, by Force, &c. upon the High-Sea, in a certain Place, called Cape James, alias Cape Inlopen, about two Miles diſtant from the Shore, in the Lattitude of 39, or thereabouts; and within the Juriſdiction of the Court of Vice-Admiralty, of South-Carolina, being a Sloop of certain Perſons, (to the Jurors, unknown) and then, and there, pyratically, and felloniouſly did make an Aſſault, in, and upon the ſaid Peter Manwaring, and others his Mariners, (whoſe Names to the Jurors aforeſaid, are unknown,) in the ſame Sloop, againſt the Peace of God, and of our ſaid now Sovereign Lord the King, then, and there being, pyratically and felloniouſly, did put the aforeſaid Peter Manwaring, and others, his Mariners, of the ſame Sloop, in the Sloop aforeſaid, then being, in corporal Fear of their Lives, then and there, in the Sloop aforeſaid, upon the High-Sea, in the Place aforeſaid, called Cape James, alias Cape Inlopen, about two Miles from the Shore, in the Lattitude of 39, or thereabouts, as aforeſaid, and within the Juriſdiction aforeſaid; pyratically, and felloniouſly, did ſteal,
