Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/123

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Capt. Edward England,
And his Crew.

Edward England went Mate of a Sloop that ſail’d out of Jamaica, and was taken by Captain Winter, a Pyrate, juſt before their Settlement at Providence; from whence England had the Command of a Sloop in the ſame laudable Employment: It is ſurprizing that Men of good Underſtanding ſhould engage in a Courſe of Life, that ſo much debaſes humane Nature, and ſets them upon a Level with the wild Beaſts of the Foreſt, who live and prey upon their weaker Fellow Creatures: A Crime ſo enormouſ! That it includes almoſt all others, as Murder, Rapine, Theft, Ingratitude, &c. and tho’ they make theſe Vices familiar to them by their daily Practice, yet theſe Men are ſo inconſiſtent with themſelves, that a Reflection made upon their Honour, their Juſtice, or their Courage, is look’d upon as an Offence that ought to be puniſhed with the Life of him that commits it: England was one of theſe Men, who ſeem’d to have ſuch a Share of Reaſon, as ſhould have taught him better Things. He had a great deal of good Nature, and did not want for Cou-
