the Plantations, 32. Captain Woods Rogers made Governor of Providence, ib. The King’s Proclamation for ſuppreſſing Pyrates, 33, 34. How the Pyrates uſed the Proclamation, 34. Great Diviſions amongſt them, 35. How made quiet, ib. Several of the Pyrates ſurrender to the Governor of Bermudas, ib. The Fate of the reſt, ib. Woods Rogers his Arrival at Providence, ib. Vane’s Behavtour, 36. Woods Rogers employs the pardon’d Pyrates, ib. Their Conduct, ib. Some of them hang’d for new Pyracies, 37. Their ſtrange Behaviour at the Place of Execution, ib. Some Proceedings betwixt the Engliſh and Spaniards, 38. The Spaniards ſurprize the Greyhound Man of War, and how, ib. Quit her, 39 The Crew of a Spaniſh Guarda del Coſta hang’d at Jamaica, and why, ib. Sir Nicholas Laws his Letter to the Alcaldes of Trinidado, 39, 40. Mr. Joſeph Laws, Lieutenant of the Happy Snow his Letter to the Alcaldes of Trinidado, 41. The Alcaldes Anſwer to the Lieutenant’s Letter, 41, 42. The Lieutenant’s Reply to the Alcaldes Anſwer, 42, 43. The Alcaldes Anſwer again, 43. Some Account of Richard Holland, ib. Prizes taken by him, 44.
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Romantick Reports of his Greatneſs, 45, 46. His Birth, 46. Is Mate of a Briſtol Man, 47, For what Voyage deſign’d, ib. Tampers with the Seamen, ib. Forms a Plot for carrying off the Ship, 47, 48. Executes it, and how, ib. The Pyrates take a rich Ship belonging to the Great Mogul, 50. The Great Mogul threaten the Engliſh Settlements, 51. The Pyrates ſteer their Courſe back for Madagaſcar, 52. Call a Council. Put all the Treaſure on Board of Avery’s Ship, ib. Avery and his Crew treacherouſly leaves his Confederates; go to the Iſle of Providence in the Weſt-Indies, 53. Sell the Ship, go to North-America in a Sloop, 54. They diſperſe, Avery goes to New-England, ib. From thence to Ireland, ib. Avery afraid to expoſe his Diamonds to ſale. Goes over to England, ib. Puts his Wealth into Merchants Hands, of Briſtol, 55. Changes his Name. Lives at Biddiford, ib. The Merchants ſend him no Supplies, ib. Importunes them. Goes privately to Briſtol, they threaten to diſcover him, ib. Goes over to Ireland, ſollicites them from thence, 56. Is very poor, works his Paſſage over to Plymouth, walks to Biddiford. Dies a Beggar, ib. An Account of Avery’s Confederates, ib. Their Settlement at Madagaſcar, 57. They meet other Pyrates; an Account of them, ib. The