depoſed, and why, 124. Maroon’d on the Iſland Mauritius, ib. Some Account of that Iſland, ib. The Adventures of the Company continued, 124 to 126. Angria, an Indian Pyrate, 127. his Strength by Land and Sea, ib. The Eaſt-India Company’s Wars with him, 127, 128. The Pyrates go to the Iſland of Melinda, 129. Their barbarous Behaviour there, ib. Hear of Captain Mackra’s Deſigns againſt them, ib. Their Reflections thereupon, 130. Sail for Cochin, a Dutch Settlement, ib. The Pyrates and the Dutch very good Friends, 131. Mutual Preſents made betwixt the Pyrates and the Governor, ib. The Pyrates in a Fright, 133. Almoſt ſtarv’d, ib. Take a Prize of an immenſe Value, 134. Take an Oſtend Eaſt-India Man, ib. A ſhort Deſcription of Madagaſcar, 135, 136. A prodigious Dividend made by the Pyrates, 136. A Fellow’s Way of increaſing his Diamonds, ib. Some of the Pyrates quit, and join the Remains of Avery, ib. The Proceedings of the Men of War in thoſe Parts, 137, 138. Some Dutch Men petition to be among the Pyrates, 138. The Pyrates divided in their Meaſures, 139. Break up, ib. What became of them, 139, 140.
Vane’s Behaviour at Providence, 141. The Names of Prizes taken by him, 141, 142. Is deſerted by his Conſort Yates, 143. Yates ſurrenders at Charles-Town, ib. A Stratagem of Vane’s, 144. Black-beard and Vane meet, 145. They ſalute after the Pyrates Manner, ib. Vane depoſed from his Command, and why, 146. 15 Hands degraded, and turned out with him, ib. A Sloop given them, 147. They ſail in Queſt of Adventures, and take Prizes, ib. Vane caſt away upon an uninhabited Iſland, ib. Meets with an old Acquaintance, 148. Vane ſeiz’d with a Qualm of Honour, ib. Ships himſelf on Board a Veſſel, paſſing for another Man, ib. Is diſcover’d, with the Manner how, 149. Carried to Jamaica, and hang’d, ib.