Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/193

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Of Capt. Howel Davis.

employ’d in that Trade, was acquainted with the Coaſt: He told them, that there was a great deal of Money always kept in Gambia Caſtle, and that it would be worth their while to make an Attempt upon it. They ask’d him how it was poſſible, ſince it was garriſoned? He deſired they would leave the Management of it to him, and he would undertake to make them Maſters of it. They began now to conceive ſo high an Opinion of his Conduct, as well as Courage, that they thought nothing impoſſible to him, therefore they agreed to obey him, without enquiring further into his Deſign.

Having come within Sight of the Place, he ordered all his Men under Deck, except as many as were abſolutely neceſſary for working the Ship, that thoſe from the Fort ſeeing a Ship with ſo few Hands, might have no Suſpicion of her being any other than a trading Veſſel; then he ran cloſe under the Fort, and there caſt Anchor; and having ordered out the Boat, he commanded ſix Men in her, in old ordinary Jackets, while he himſelf, with the Maſter and Doctor, dreſſed themſelves like Gentlemen; his Deſign being, that the Men ſhould look like common Sailors, and they like Merchants. In rowing aſhore he gave his Men Inſtructions what to ſay in Caſe any Queſtions ſhould be asked them.

Being come to the landing Place, he was received by a File of Muſqueteers, and conducted into the Fort, where the Governor accoſting them civilly, ask’d them who they were, and whence they came? They anſwered they were of Liverpool, bound for the River of Sinnegal, to trade for Gum and Elephants Teeth, but that they were chaced on that Coaſt by two French Men of War, and narrowly eſcaped being taken, having a little the Heels of them; but now they were reſolved to make the beſt of a bad Market, and would Trade

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