Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/255

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St. Chriſtophers, and bound to Philadelphia, the Mate of which ſigned the Pyrate’s Articles, and was afterwards Captain of the Ranger, Conſort to the Royal Fortune.

Out of the Ship and Brigantine, the Pyrates got a good ſupply of Proviſions and Liquor, ſo that they gave over the deſigned Cruiſe, and watered at Tobago, and hearing of the two Sloops that had been fitted out and ſent after them at Corvocoo, they ſailed to the Iſland of Martinico, to make the Governor ſome ſort of an Equivalent, for the Care and Expedition he had ſhewn in that Affair.

It is the Cuſtom at Martinico, for the Dutch Interlopers that have a Mind to Trade with the People of the Iſland, to hoiſt their Jacks when they come before the Town: Roberts knew the Signal, and being an utter Enemy to them, he bent his Thoughts upon Miſchief; and accordingly came in with his Jack flying, which, as he expected, they miſtook for a good Market, and thought themſelves happieſt that could ſooneſt diſpatch off their Sloops and Veſſels for Trade. When Roberts had got them within his Power, (one after another,) he told them, he would not have it ſaid that they came off for nothing, and therefore ordered them to leave their Money behind, for that they were a Parcel of Rogues, and hoped they would always meet with ſuch a Dutch Trade as this was; he reſerved one Veſſel to ſet the Paſſengers on Shore again, and fired the reſt, to the Number of twenty.

Roberts was ſo enraged at the Attempts that had been made for taking of him, by the Governors of Barbados and Martinico, that he ordered a new Jack to be made, which they ever after hoiſted, with his own Figure pourtray’d, ſtanding upon two Skulls, and under them the Letters A B H and A M H,

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