Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/268

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Capt. Bartho. Roberts.

They took at Calabar, Captain Loane, and two or three Briſtol Ships, the Particulars of all which would be an unneceſſary Prolixity, therefore I come now to give an Account of the Uſage they received from the Natives of this Place. The Calabar Negroes did not prove ſo civil as they expected, for they refuſed to have any Commerce or Trade with them, when they underſtood they were Pyrates: An Indication that theſe poor Creatures, in the narrow Circumſtances they were in, and without the Light of the Goſpel, or the Advantage of an Education, have, notwithſtanding, ſuch a moral innate Honeſty, as would upbraid and ſhame the moſt knowing Chriſtian: But this did but exaſperate theſe lawleſs Fellows, and ſo a Party of 40 Men were detach’d to force a Correſpondence, or drive the Negroes to Extremities; and they accordingly landed under the Fire of their own Cannon. The Negroes drew up in a Body of 2000 Men, as if they intended to diſpute the Matter with them, and ſtaid till the Pyrates advanced within Piſtol-ſhot; but finding the Loſs of two or three, made no Impreſſion on the reſt, the Negroes thought fit to retreat, which they did, with ſome Loſs: The Pyrates ſet Fire to the Town, and then return’d to their Ships. This terrified the Natives, and put an entire ſtop to all the Intercourſe between them; ſo that they could get no Supplies, which obliged them, as ſoon as they had finiſhed the cleaning and triming of their Ships, to loſe no Time, but went for Cape Lopez, and watered, and at Anna-Bona took aboard a Stock of freſh Proviſions, and then ſailed for the Coaſt again.

This was their laſt and fatal Expedition, which we ſhall be more particular in, becauſe, it cannot be imagined that they could have had Aſſurance to have undertaken it, but upon a Preſumption, that the Men of War, (whom they knew were
