Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/301

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Capt. Bartho. Roberts.

it proving to be a French built Ship of 32 Guns, called the Ranger.

Iſaac Sun,
Ralph Baldrick,
Daniel Maclauglin.

When the Evidence had been heard, the Priſoners were called upon to anſwer, how they came on Board this Pyrate Ship; and their Reaſon for ſo audacious a Reſiſtance, as had been made againſt the King’s Ship.

To this, each, in his Reply, owned himſelf to be one of thoſe taken out of the Ranger; that he had ſigned their pyratical Articles, and ſhared in their Plunder, ſome few only accepted, who had been there too ſhort a Time. But that neither in this ſigning, or ſharing, nor in the Reſiſtance had been made againſt his Majeſty’s Ship, had they been Voluntiers, but had acted in theſe ſeveral Parts, from a Terror of Death; which a Law amongſt them, was to be the Portion of thoſe who refuſed. The Court then ask’d, who made thoſe Laws? How thoſe Guns came to be fired? Or why they had not deſerted their Stations, and mutinied, when ſo fair a Proſpect of Redemption offered? They replied ſtill, with the ſame Anſwers, and could extenuate their Crimes, with no other Plea, than being forced Men. Wherefore the Court were of Opinion, that the Indictment, as it charged them with an unlawful Attack and Reſiſtance of the King’s Ship, was ſufficiently proved; but then it being undeniably evident, that many of theſe Priſoners had been forced, and ſome of them of very ſhort ſtanding, they did, on mature Deliberation, come to this merciful Reſolution;

That they would hear further Evidence for, or againſt, each Perſon ſingly, in Relation to thoſe Parts of the Indictment, which declared them Vo-luntiers,