Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/306

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Capt. Bartho. Roberts.

Enſign and Pendant flying, (being this Royal Fortune,) who on Sight of them, had their Boats paſſing and repaſſing, from the other two, which they ſuppoſed to be with Men: The Wind not favouring the aforeſaid King’s Ship, ſhe was obliged to make two Trips to gain nigh enough the Wind, to fetch in with the Pyrates; and being at length little more than random Shot from them, they found ſhe ſlipped her Cable, and got under Sail.

At Eleven, the Pyrate was within Piſtol-Shot, a Breaſt of them, with a black Flag, and Pendant hoiſted at their Main-topmaſt Head. The Deponents ſay, they then ſtruck the French Enſign that had continued hoiſted at their Staff all the Morning till then; and diſplay’d the King’s Colours, giving her, at the ſame Time, their Broadſide, which was immediately returned.

The Pyrate’s Mizen-topmaſt fell, and ſome of her Rigging was torn, yet ſhe ſtill out ſailed the Man of War, and ſlid half Gun-Shot from them, while they continued to fire without Intermiſſion, and the other to return ſuch Guns as could be brought to bear, till by favour of the Winds, they were advanced very nigh again; and after exchanging a few more Shot, about half an Hour paſt one, his Main-Maſt came down, having received a Shot a little below the Parrel.

At Two ſhe ſtruck her Colours, and called for Quarters, proving to be a Ship, formerly call’d the Onſlow, but by them, the Royal Fortune; and the Priſoners from her, aſſured them, that the ſmalleſt Ship of the two, then remaining in the Road, belong’d to them, by the Name of the Little Ranger, which they had deſerted on this Occaſion.

Iſaac Sun,
Ralph Baldrick,
Daniel Maclaughlin.
