Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/363

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Capt. George Lowther.

However, an Accident that happened on Board the Ship, did not a little contribute to this Miſfortune, which was a Pique that the Captain of her took againſt his ſecond Mate, George Lowther, the Man who is the Subject of this ſhort Hiſtory; and who loſing his Favour, found Means to ingratiate himſelf into the good liking of the common Sailors, inſomuch that when Captain Ruſſel ordered him to be puniſh’d, the Men took up Handſpikes, and threat’ned to knock that Man down, that offered to lay hold of the Mate. This ſerved but to widen the Differences between him and the Captain, and more firmly attach’d Lowther to the Ship’s Company, the greateſt Part of which, he found ripe for any Miſchief in the World.

Captain Maſſey was no wit the better reconciled to the Place, by a longer Continuance, nor to the Uſage he met with there, and having often Opportunities of converſing with Lowther, with whom he had contracted an Intimacy in the Voyage; they aggravated one another’s Grievances to ſuch a height, that they reſolved upon Meaſures to curb the Power that controul’d them, and to provide for themſelves after another Manner.

When the Governor recover’d of his Fever, he went aſhore to the Iſland, but took no Notice of Maſſey’s Behaviour, tho’ it was ſuch as might give Suſpicion of what he deſigned; and Lowther, and the common Sailors, who were in the Secret of Affairs, grew inſolent and bold, even refuſing to obey when commanded to their Duty by Captain Ruſſel and the chief Mate. The Captain ſeeing how Things were carried, goes aſhore early one Morning to the Governor and Factory, in order to hold a Council, which Lowther apprehending, was in order to prevent his Deſign, ſent a Letter in the ſame Boat to Maſſey, intimating it to him, and that he ſhould repairon