Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/399

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Of Capt. Edward Low.

vices; and that the Seal of the ſaid Freedom be encloſed in a Gold Box; that Mr. Recorder and Mr. Bickley do draw the Draught of the ſaid Freedom, ſignifying therein, the grateful Senſe of this Corporation, for ſo ſignal a Service to the Publick, and Benefit and Advantage of Mankind. That Alderman Kip, and Alderman Cruger, do prepare the ſaid Box; that the Arms of the Corporation be engraved on one Side thereof, and a Repreſentation of the Engagement on the other, with this Motto, (viz.) [Queſitos Humani Generos Hoſtes Debellare ſuperbum, 10 Junii, 1723.] That the Town-Clerk cauſe the ſame Freedom to be handſomly engroſſed on Parchment, and that the whole Corporation do wait upon him, to preſent the ſame.

By Order of the Common-Council.

William Sharpas, Clerk.

The Preamble of Captain Peter Solgard’s Copy of his Freedom.

Robert Walter, Eſq; Mayor, and the Aldermen of the City of New-York.

City of New-York, ſſ.

To all whom theſe Perſents ſhall come, ſend Greeting. Whereas, Captain Peter Solgard, Commander of his Majeſty’s Ship the Greyhound, (the preſent Station Ship of this Province,) in his Cruize, having Intelligence of two Pyrate Sloops of conſiderable Force in Conſortſhip, under the Command of one Low, a notorious Pyrate, that had for upward of two Years, committed many Depredations, Murders and Barbarities, upon many of his Majeſty’s Subjects and Allies, lately come upon this Coaſt, hath, with great Diligence, and utmoſt Application, purſued, overtaken, and after a ſtubborn Reſiſtance, vanquiſhed and overcome both of them, taking one, and driving the other from our Coaſt; which Action, as it is glorious in it ſelf, ſo it is glorious in the publick Benefits and Advantages that flow from it, (to wit) The Safety and Freedom of our own Trade and Com-
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