Page:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu/120

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resistance, odpor (root pfiti.

See 5th conj.). direct one's course, táhnouti;

omit nu in past tense, further, dale. also, then, pak. to divide, rozdělili. into, na.

three divisions, tri oddíly. Ob- serve carefully the govern- ment of the numerals.

savagely, ukrutné (root kruť); adj. krutý, steep, precipi- tous.

plunder, plenili.

devastate, or rob, loupiti.

intervening, pomezní.

from thence, odtud.

Domažlice ; used in plural as the names of many Polish towns and villages are. Cf. Macieiowice, the name of the place at which Koscius- zko was taken prisoner. The place is now called Tauss.

meanwhile, mezitím, adv.

again, opět.

military, vojenský.

force, sila, s.f.

horsemen, or cavalry, jezdec (he has previously used jízdný). to meet, vstříc proti; used as

an adverb. In Russia the form of the noun is still preserved in such expres- sions as HaBCTpi^y. Use dat. after adv.

powerful, mocný.

enemy, nepřítel. Observe effect of negative.

hardly, sotva.

to come near, přiblížili se.

had reached (lit. had gone forth), vyjiti.

report, hlas, s.m.

camp, vojslě.

sudden, náhlý.

fear, strach, s.m.

customary, obyhjný (root yl, same as uL Cf. previous remarks).

seize,popadnouli; use past tense- with the omission of the syllable nu.

a crusader, křižák.

immediately, ihned.

disorder, nepořádek.

they took to flight, dali se na útěk (u-těk, see irreg. verbs, téci, to flow).

forest, les, m.

Bavarian, bavorský.

a Bohemian, Čech.

quickly, rychle.

after them, za nimi.

to hurry, chvátati.